The Millionaires' Death Club

Book Description

The Millionaires' Death Club is the most secret club on earth. It provides exclusive access to the greatest pleasure mankind has ever known. There's just one problem. Membership is fatal. When two terminally bored Hollywood superstars hear an urban legend that some English students have discovered the secret of ultimate pleasure, they come to London to discover if the rumours are true. They employ young socialite Sophie York to help them. Sophie is a forgotten Reality TV contestant and a self-styled entertainment consultant. She thinks she's landed the job of her dreams but when she and her famous clients collide head on with Oxford University's richest, smartest and most sinister students, it soon becomes a nightmare. The Millionaires' Death Club is a chick lit thriller...with the wickedest of twists.

The Millionaires' Death Club

Book Description

The Millionaires' Death Club is the most secret club on earth. It provides exclusive access to the greatest pleasure mankind has ever known. There's just one problem. Membership is fatal. When two terminally bored Hollywood superstars hear an urban legend that some English students have discovered the secret of ultimate pleasure, they come to London to discover if the rumours are true. They employ young socialite Sophie York to help them. Sophie is a forgotten Reality TV contestant and a self-styled entertainment consultant. She thinks she's landed the job of her dreams but when she and her famous clients collide head on with Oxford University's richest, smartest and most sinister students, it soon becomes a nightmare. The Millionaires' Death Club is the darkest of thrillers ... with the wickedest of twists.

Prohibition A

Book Description

She's their best agent. Now they've given her a new mission. Sarah Harris must kill presidential candidate Robert Montcrieff on his wedding day in St Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan. There's just one problem: Sarah is Montcrieff's bride. She has one week to persuade them they've made a terrible mistake. Her frantic search for answers will bring her face to face with Sin for Salvation, an ancient cult with murderous rituals. Its members aspire to commit an ultimate sin known as Prohibition A. The cult preaches a shocking, hypersexual creed that has seduced Wall Street's highest flyers. They enlist recruits in the world's most exclusive nightclub, revolving around a sado-masochistic fantasy journey through Dante's nine circles of hell. But when its wealthy clientele leave the club, it's neither lust nor lucre they have on their minds. It's murder.

The Source of Dreams: When Human Imagination Died

Book Description

What is the Source of Dreams? Where is it? In ancient times, humanity had the most enchanting ideas about dreams. That enchantment is gone. The human imagination is dying. It's time to revive it. Come with us to the magic lands where you can once again revel in the sheer power of imagination and creativity.

The Old World Order

Book Description

What is the Old World Order? What is its sinister agenda? What is its connection to Zionism, Freemasonry and liberal capitalist democracy? What is "The Treasury"? Is it possible to get past the gatekeepers who control access to the top table? Are you on the side of merit or privilege? Do you support Wall Street or Main Street? John Maynard Keynes said, "Capitalism is the astounding belief that the wickedest of men will do the wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone." Notorious mobster Al Capone said: 1) "Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class." 2) "You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone." 3) "I have built my organization upon fear." These are identical to the sentiments of the OWO. We are the Pythagorean Illuminati, the world's most ancient and controversial secret society.

The Story of Your Life

Book Description

And so the time has come for you to tell the story of your life. How will you do it? A straightforward, linear narrative? Perhaps you will adopt an experimental approach. Do you aim to produce something of great artistic merit? Will you tell the story simply, or do you want to convey something complex and beguiling? Will you be scrupulously truthful, or do you intend to embroider the facts and events? Perhaps you want to present a fantasy version of your life rather than the real thing. Perhaps you want others to admire you and respect you, so you will censor all the unsavory and disreputable things you did. You definitely won't be presenting a "warts and all" account. Or maybe you want people to know exactly who you are, so you will tell it exactly as it is. You will show the world your true self and they can take it or leave it. What kind of audience do you want? Do you seek people of refinement and the highest taste, or are you eager for the masses to crowd in to hear your tale? Are you an elitist or a populist? Do you want to have as large an audience as possible or as select an audience as you can find? Is quality better than quantity? Will you produce a crowd-pleasing thriller, or a high-minded meditation? Perhaps a horror story captures the essence of your life, or a sci-fi, or a western, or a rom-com. It is more tragedy than comedy, or did the laughs and fun times flow thick and fast? There are so many factors to consider. A life is not an easy thing, and its telling is even harder. Come inside and learn how to tell the story of your life.

The Illuminati Phalanx

Book Description

What is the social unit by which the Power Elite enforce their policy of divide and rule to ensure that the people never rise up and overthrow them? What is the mechanism for the transmission of harmful, irrational and dangerous religious beliefs? The answer is the same in every case - THE FAMILY. The family is the ultimate sacred cow. Yet what is the archetypal "nuclear" family other than two mediocre parents and a spoiled, consumerist pair of children? How can this express humanity's yearning to reach for the stars, to create a bridge to heaven and form a Community of Gods? This book, by the Pythagorean Illuminati, explores the ideas of the radical 19th century French thinkers Henri de Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier. Did these utopian visionaries, advocates of a much more communitarian approach to life, offer the solution to humanity's ills? Should Fourier's concept of the "phalanx" - the perfect community - be the new basis of society?

The Last Bling King

Book Description

Can fame be switched off? A group of revolutionaries called the League for the Liberation of Nobodies have concocted an ingenious plan and they've targeted the year's most glittering celebrity occasion: Oscar Night. The Last Bling King is the story of how ordinary men and women rose up against celebrities and the super rich, became the people they wanted to be, and changed the world forever. This is the 21st Century antidote to "Atlas Shrugged", Ayn Rand's best selling paean to wealth.

The Movement: The Revolution Will Be Televised

Book Description

Throughout history, the Illuminati have resisted the Old World Order: the network of elite families that have directed the course of human history since the dawn of civilization. The aim of the Power Elite has always been the same – to maintain themselves in power and privilege in perpetuity, at the expense of everyone else. In the past, they used brute force to subjugate the servile masses. Now they use something far more subtle: psychological manipulation. They know what buttons to push. They know what makes ordinary people tick, what they want and what they fear. Can they be stopped? The Movement is committed to their overthrow. The Movement seeks to bring true power to the people, to smash the networks of nepotism and cronyism that strangle the opportunities of ordinary people. Discover the philosophy, aims, strategy and tactics of the Movement. The Revolution WILL be televised. Will you feature in the historic pictures being beamed around the globe? Or will you watch from home in your comfy seat?

Sin for Salvation

Book Description

Warning: this book contains strong adult content. The ancient Gnostics proclaimed a message of "Sin for Salvation". How can sinning save your soul? Why is Gnosticism much psychologically healthier than the evil religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam? This book by the Pythagorean Illuminati, the most ancient secret society in the world, shows how humanity took a disastrous wrong turning when it embraced the doctrines of Abrahamism. Find out about the phenomena of the incubus, the succubus, St Vitus' Dance, St Anthony's Fire, the Flagellants and Witches' covens. Discover the ancient Greek religion of Orphism. Learn about the Greek gods Apollo and Dionysus and the Roman god Janus. How do they define the human soul? Is the Biblical Jezebel a heroine rather than villain? Read about Aleister Crowley and the Hell-Fire Club. The world of sin is not what you think. Sin opens the gateway to paradise, and if you are ignorant of sin you will never discover what lies beyond the gates of eternity.