The Mindfulness Bell 91: Mindfulness & Public Health, 2023

Book Description

This issue focuses on the path of practice with Buddhist psychology and neuroscience for individual and collective health. In "Rebuilding Health," Thích Nhất Hạnh teaches us to stop running and find healing. Dharma teacher Jo-ann Rosen and the EMBRACE Sangha offer insights on seeing the practice through a neuroscientific and trauma-sensitive lens. "Neuroscience Infused Body-scan," a Dharma talk by Brother Pháp Linh. Practitioners share about healing trauma and mindfulness in public health research. Sharings from Happy Farm, Wake Up, Wake Up Schools, the Earth Holder Community, and the Thích Nhất Hạnh Foundation.

The Mindfulness Bell 91: Mindfulness & Public Health, 2023

Book Description

This issue focuses on the path of practice with Buddhist psychology and neuroscience for individual and collective health. In "Rebuilding Health," Thích Nhất Hạnh teaches us to stop running and find healing. Dharma teacher Jo-ann Rosen and the EMBRACE Sangha offer insights on seeing the practice through a neuroscientific and trauma-sensitive lens. "Neuroscience Infused Body-scan," a Dharma talk by Brother Pháp Linh. Practitioners share about healing trauma and mindfulness in public health research. Sharings from Happy Farm, Wake Up, Wake Up Schools, the Earth Holder Community, and the Thích Nhất Hạnh Foundation.

The Mindfulness Bell: No Birth, No Death, Only Continuation, Issue 90, 2022

Book Description

A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh - Issue 90 This issue features teachings from Thich Nhat Hanh, Dr Larry Ward, and Sister Boi Nghiem: Thich Nhat Hanh on the intimate connection between suffering and happiness Dr Larry Ward on caring for our traumatic experiences Brother Peace on losing both his parents to depression and suicide Dharma teacher Valerie Brown on inspiring hope in a world in need Sister Bội Nghiêm on understanding relationships and suffering in the LGBTQIA+ community Updates from ARISE Sangha, the Earth Holder Community, Happy Farm, Wake Up International, Wake Up Schools, and the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation. Practitioners share about spirituality and racial equity, being on the front lines of climate action, practicing online, and much more

The Mindfulness Bell: Thich Nhat Hanh Memorial Issue 89, 2022

Book Description

A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. The Mindfulness Bell would like to honor Thầy’s transformation by offering this curated collection of highlights from the week of memorial ceremonies; teachings from Thích Nhất Hạnh on death, impermanence, and interbeing; and reflections and recollections of Thầy from elder monastics, lay Dharma teachers, and friends. Whats inside? -Letter from the Editor By Brother Phap Luu -What Can I Say About My Beloved Teacher? By Dr. Larry Ward -Discourse on Taking Refuge in the Island of Oneself

The Mindfulness Bell 92: Climate Change, 2023

Book Description

In this issue we give homage to Thầy’s vision of deep ecology, as we share our experience with climate change: in “A Love Letter to the Planet” Thích Nhất Hạnh shares intimate conversations with Mother Earth; Brother Pháp Lưu offers a continuation of the Earth Peace Treaty—a new series of earth-touchings and an updated commitment sheet; Dharma teacher Jem offers insights from his deep Earth holding practice, surviving cancer, and disrobing after eighteen years as a monk; a Dharma talk by Brother Pháp Dung from the Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet online course; practitioners share about living gently on the Earth and connecting with nature; sharings from Happy Farm, Wake Up, Wake Up Schools, the Earth Holder Community, and the Thích Nhất Hạnh Foundation; poetry, a recipe from the monasteries, and much more. We hope the visions shared in this issue will encourage each of us to engage with our world and each other mindfully and lovingly.

Radical Mindfulness

Book Description

Radical Mindfulness examines the root causes of injustice, asking why inequalities along the lines of race, class, gender, and species continue to exist. Specifically, James K. Rowe examines fear of death as a root cause of systemic inequalities and proposes a more embodied approach to social change as a solution. Collecting insights from powerful thinkers across multiple traditions—including Black radicals, Indigenous resurgence theorists, terror management theorists, and Buddhist feminists— Rowe argues for the political importance of seemingly apolitical practices such as meditation and ritual. On their own, these strategies are not enough, but integrated into social movements that are combating structural injustices, mind–body practices can begin transforming the embodied fears that feed endless fuel to supremacist ideologies and yet are not targeted by most political actors. Radical Mindfulness is for academics, activists, and individuals who want to overcome supremacy of all kinds but are struggling to understand and develop methods for attacking it at the roots.

Personal Health: A Public Health Perspective

Book Description

Written to guide students developing healthy lifestyles while helping them better understand the policy decisions that encourage health, Personal Health: A Public Health Perspective uniquely provides information about individual health topics – including those of great interest and relevance to college-aged students – while presenting them in the context of community and global health. Thoroughly updated to reflect current statistics, research, treatments, and more, the Second Edition also includes coverage of COVID-19, including its impact on mental health; expanded coverage of the social determinants of health and health inequities; new material on violence prevention including sexual assault and gun control; different ways to approach healthy eating and helpful tips on incorporating exercise; and much more. Filled with examples from social media, websites, and the popular press as well as peer-reviewed publications, the Second Edition also is enlivened with numerous features.

Moving the Needle on Children’s Physical Activity – How to Best Promote More Movement?

Book Description

Globally, physical inactivity is on the rise in most countries, and according to the WHO, it is considered one of the leading major public health risks. As children’s physical activity behaviors are conveyed into adulthood, many interventions focus on establishing healthy physical activity habits in children to prevent the potential negative health outcomes associated with low physical activity over the life course. The school environment provides an opportunity to reach the majority of children, however, physical activity promotion in schools can often be a challenge. Barriers to the success of physical activity interventions include the physical, social and economic environment, competencies, and workload of teachers, as well as the perception that physical activity may interfere with the primary task of schools, which is education. Moreover, the evaluation of physical activity interventions for children is challenging, raising a discussion on how to best evaluate these interventions.