The Minister's Life of Obedience

Book Description

Written from the heart and in easy to understand language "The Minister's Life of Obedience," will inspire you and challenge you to greater obedience in your daily walk with God.

A Life of Obedience

Book Description

Andrew Murray traces obedience through the Bible, from Genesis to the ?nal chapter of Revelation, in a warm, inspirational devotional study. It looks at the issue of obedience in the lives of Bible characters and focuses the reader's attention on the obedience of Christ. Practical as well as inspiring, A Life of Obedience speaks to today's reader as clearly as it did to his audience a century ago.

School of Obedience

Book Description

"If our study in the school of obedience is to be of any profit, rest not till you have written this down: Daily obedience to all that God wills of me is possible, is possible to me." Is such total obedience possible? We seem always to be failing! In The School of Obedience, Andrew Murray reveals not only what God demands, but also how obedience to those demands is possible through Christ's perfect example. Basic, practical steps toward a life in line with the will of God.

The Life of Obedience

Book Description

The teachings contained in this book will help believers understand that obedience is a lifestyle which opens the door to God's best in their lives.

A Call to Obedience

Book Description

Although there are many crossroads that lead to defining moments, none is greater than deciding to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The second most important crossroad is whether to live in obedience to God and His commandments or to ignore God's perfect plan, be disobedient and go your own way. A Call to Obedience leads you to face these crucial crossroads and asks you to examine your personal relationship with Jesus Christ and your obedience to God's Word. As you read this book, you will be prompted to answer questions that will reveal your obedience to God. Do you have a relationship with Jesus or do you have religion? Do you love God enough to obey Him without reservation? Are you obeying God in your marriage? What career choice is best for you? What is your role in church? What is your ministry? Are you a good steward? Are you honoring your parents? Are you walking obediently in the Holy Spirit? Are you raising your children with God's Word as your manual? When you get a call to obedience what are you going to do with it? Are you going to reject the leading of the Holy Spirit or are you going to yield and obey? Obedience is an expression of absolute love for God. If you desire to love God with all your heart, mind and soul, you need to commit to be obedient to God's Word. If you want to know what the Word of God says about obedience in the crucial areas of life, this book is for you.

A Life of Obedience

Book Description

It is my prayer that the spiritual truths in this book will be used of God to inspire you to live a life of obedience (Glenn McHatton). The Apostle Paul said, He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell (2 Cor. 12:4a). In keeping with this, Glenn also kept quiet about sharing his most intimate spiritual experiences. While praying, God surprised him with Glenn, I want you to reveal some of the forty years of secrets now! Being obedient, Glenn wrote A Life of Obedience. This book reveals the different ways that God has led through the yearsreading the Word, visions, dreams, and special revelations. These authentic leadings have been fully vindicated by the marvelous results that followed. A Life of Obedience includes biblical teachings on the following subjects: Salvation, sanctification, and Spirit-led living How to pray for the sick How to deal with temptation How to live in the realm of the miraculous

The Heart of Obedience

Book Description

The Hallmark of living in the kingdom of God is obedience to God's instructions. This means we must have a heart that is ready to obey God: Heart of Obedience. Jesus was the son of God and heir of the kingdom of God, but then He still had to obey God's instruction for Him to inherited His inheritance. All you and I need in the kingdom of God will be ours only when we obey God's voice. In this book,Apostle Sharon Spikner laid down what it takes to obey God and how obedience in the life of her grandmother and mother had laid the foundation of blessing for her in life and ministry. We can all get into the center of God's will for our lives when we obey every instruction God gives us. Apostle Sharon's pray is that through this book and its companion journal every believer will develop the heart of obedience. Apostle Sharon Spikner

Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome

Book Description

Every year thousands of God's servants leave the ministry convinced they are failures. Years ago, in the midst of a crisis of faith, Kent Hughes almost became one of them. But instead he and his wife Barbara turned to God's Word, determined to learn what God had to say about success and to evaluate their ministry from a biblical point of view. This book describes their journey and their liberation from the "success syndrome"-the misguided belief that success in ministry means increased numbers. In today's world it is easy to be seduced by the secular thinking that places a number on everything. But the authors teach that true success in ministry lies not in numbers but in several key areas: faithfulness, serving, loving, believing, prayer, holiness, and a Christlike attitude. Their thoughts will encourage readers who grapple with feelings of failure and lead them to a deeper, fuller understanding of success in Christian ministry. This book was originally published by Tyndale in 1987 and includes a new preface.

Stumbling Toward Obedience

Book Description

Jesus demonstrated complete submission to the Father's will to the point of His confident assertion, "I always do those things that please My Father" (John 8:29). He gave Himself in humility at Calvary to satisfy God's wrath against all sin, as well as all sinners, and declared from the cross, "It is finished." He then experienced death but rose in victory over death, thus proving His claims to divinity and giving to all His spiritual descendants resurrection power for daily living. So what is to be our response to all Christ Jesus is and all that He has suffered and accomplished on our behalf? What should be our life's focus, our objective, our agenda, and our passion? Obedience to the things our Lord and Savior has commanded. Obedience is our duty, to be sure, but it is more than that. It is the way we express our thanksgiving for what Christ has done for us. It is gratefulness lived out on a daily basis. This kind of living involves a consistent orientation toward laying aside personal or selfish desires and agendas that bring us temporal gratification. Instead, we embrace what Jesus Christ tells us to do: to proclaim the gospel of hope to those who know it not. This is the highest expression of gratefulness from a life made new by the living Lord. Your culture, your communities, your friends, your co-workers, and your family members need to hear a word from God. You and I are the delivery persons for God's message. We are the spokespersons for the gospel of Jesus Christ! We are the ones to whom God has said, "Arise, go to Nineveh." Our Nineveh, dear people of God, is the lost people around us.

Living As Jesus Lived

Book Description