The Ministry of the Word, Vol. 26, No. 09

Book Description

This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains Messages 25 through 32 given during the spring 2022 term of the full-time training in Anaheim, California, as the continuation of the general subject "Chapters Five through Eight of Romans--the Kernel of the Bible." The sixteen messages in this term emphasize Romans 7 and especially chapter 8. The deep divine thought in Romans is that God became man so that, in God's complete salvation, sinners may be redeemed, regenerated, sanctified, renewed, transformed, conformed, and glorified to become the sons of God, who are the same as God in life and nature, to be the members of the Body of Christ. God sent His Son in the likeness of the flesh of sin and condemned sin in the flesh so that the sinners--serpentine beings, children of the devil--could be reconciled to God and justified by Him in order to receive eternal life and thus become children of God (8:3, 16). Jesus Christ our Lord, who came out of the seed of David according to the flesh, was designated the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness out of the resurrection of the dead (1:3-4). The firstborn Son of God, the first God-man, is the prototype for the production of the many sons, the many God-men, who, as members of the Body of Christ, are exactly the same as the firstborn Son in life, nature, and expression (8:14, 29). The prototype, the firstborn Son of God, is in our spirit as the law of the Spirit of life (v. 2). His main function as the law of the Spirit of life is to shape us, to conform us, into His image as the firstborn Son of God so that we may become His corporate expression. The law of life also functions to constitute us the members of the Body of Christ with all kinds of functions. The purpose of God's salvation is to have Christ reproduced in millions of believers so that they may become the members of His Body (12:4-5). Through God's organic salvation carried out by the divine dispensing of the Triune God as life to the tripartite man, the children of God are growing in life to become sons of God led by the Spirit. The sons of God, the many brothers of Christ as the firstborn Son of God, are the members of the Body of Christ. In order to live in the law of the Spirit of life, we need to activate this law within us. Loving the Lord with the first love is the first requirement for the law of the Spirit of life to be activated within us. We need to love the Lord with the first love, the best love, which is to give the Lord the preeminence, the first place, in all things, being constrained by His love to regard and take Him as everything in our life. To love the Lord with the first love is to have a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with the Lord. When we contact this lovely and loving person, He will infuse us with Himself as love, and He will produce in us the love with which we can love Him. Love is the most excellent way for us to be anything or do anything for the building up of the church as the organic Body of Christ. Taking heed to the inner sense of the spirit is the second requirement for the law of the Spirit of life to be activated within us. The secret of our Christian life that we all must learn is found in Romans 8:6, which is the most important verse in the Bible related to our spiritual experience of Christ as the law of the Spirit of life--"the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace." To set the mind on the flesh means to take sides with the flesh, to cooperate with the flesh, and to stand with the flesh; to set the mind on the spirit is to take heed to the spirit, to take sides with the spirit, to cooperate with the spirit, and to stand with the spirit, that is, to pay attention to our spirit. We need to heed this inner sense of life and peace in the spirit. The Announcements section at the end of this issue contains a list of upcoming conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry and a website link for information related to similar events in Europe.

The Ministry of the Word, Vol. 22, No. 09

Book Description

This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the first eight messages given during the spring 2018 term of the full-time training in Anaheim, California. The general subject of this series of messages is "Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ." The goal of God's economy and of our enjoyment of the riches of Christ is the organic building up of the church as the Body of Christ. This goal is God's purpose, God's will, and His good pleasure. The building up of the church as the Body of Christ is simultaneously the maturing of the one new man and the preparation of the bride.

The Ministry of the Word, Vol. 23, No. 09

Book Description

This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the first eight messages given during the spring 2019 term of the full-time training in Anaheim, California. The general subject of this series of messages is "The Wonderful Christ in the Canon of the New Testament." Christ is wonderful, glorious, excellent, supereminent, all-inclusive, invaluable, incomprehensible, and inexhaustible! The desire of God's heart is that the reality in Jesus, the God-man living of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels, would be duplicated in the many members of Christ's Body by the Spirit of reality to become the reality of the Body of Christ, the highest peak in God's economy. In the four Gospels we see that Jesus lived a life in which He did everything in God, with God, for God, through God, and by God. God was in His living, and He was one with God. The Lord wants the actual condition of His life to be duplicated in us, repeated in us, and wrought into us so that the actual condition of His life in the four Gospels becomes the actual condition of our life. In the Gospel of Matthew we see the wonderful Christ as the great light; as the One who has authority because He lived absolutely under the ruling of the divine life of the Father; as the King of the heavenly kingdom who ministered as the Physician; as the Bridegroom; as the unfulled cloth made into a new garment to cover us as our righteousness before God; and as our new wine, as the inward exciting life, put into fresh wineskins, the church life. We need to live in the reality of the Body of Christ according to the bird's-eye view of the reality in Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, which unveils a full picture of the Slave-Savior serving fallen sinners as a collective person with Himself as their all-inclusive salvation. The Gospel of Luke is a revelation of the God-man who lived a human life filled with the divine life as its content, thereby expressing God in humanity. In the Gospel of John we see that in the Godhead Christ is the Word; that is, He is God defined, explained, and expressed. In redemption Christ is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the human race and who satisfies the requirements of God's righteousness, holiness, and glory; and in resurrection Christ as the consummated Spirit is the breath as everything to us in living the Christian life and in being an overcomer. The intrinsic focus of Romans is on the wonderful person--Christ-- who, as the Spirit living within the believers, is higher and more subjective than the Christ presented in the Gospels. As the life-giving Spirit, the pneumatic Christ now indwells His believers as their subjective Savior. This wonderful One fully saturated Paul and permeated everything he spoke and wrote in this book, which presents the gospel of God. The deep thought in Romans is that God became man so that, in God's complete salvation, sinners may be redeemed, regenerated, sanctified, renewed, transformed, conformed, and glorified to become the sons of God, who are the same as God in life and nature, to be the members of the Body of Christ expressed as local churches. The Announcements section at the end of this issue contains a list of upcoming conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry and a website link for information related to similar events in Europe.

The Ministry of the Word, Vol. 27, No. 09: The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul’s Epistles—Romans

Book Description

This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains contains the last eight of the sixteen messages given during the spring 2023 term of the full-time training in Anaheim, California. The general subject of this series of messages is "The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul's Epistles-Romans."

The Ministry of the Word, Vol. 12, No. 09

Book Description

This issue of The Ministry of the Word includes the first nine messages of the 2007 spring term of the full-time training in Anaheim, California. The general subject of this series of messages is "The Believers." Collectively, the believers are one of the seven persons in the eternal economy of God. The first three persons in God's economy are the three of the Divine Trinity--the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. The fourth person, composed of the believers as a collective entity, is in the middle of this sequence of seven persons. The believers then become a corporate person--the church, the kingdom, and the New Jerusalem, which are the remaining three persons. The believers constitute a certain class or category of people who have received mercy from God to believe into the Son of God and in His redemptive work, particularly in His resurrection. First Peter 1:8 says, "Whom having not seen, you love; into whom though not seeing Him at present, yet believing, you exult with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory." In many ways, this verse is the theme for this line of ministry on the believers. We are those who exult with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory, and the Lord, as the Author and Perfecter of our faith, will take us on from one degree of enjoyment to the next until we reach the highest enjoyment of the Lord. The believers are the happiest and most joyful people on the earth because God is pleased with them (Heb. 11:6). Last of all, we include a report of the 2008 Chinese-speaking Perfecting Training in Plano, Texas and a follow-up conference in Irving, Texas.

The Ministry of the Word, Vol. 21, No. 02

Book Description

This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the nine messages given during the International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones in Gold Coast, Australia, on October 6 through 8, 2016. The general subject of this series of messages is "Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church." We urgently need to come back to the orthodoxy of the apostolic church. The orthodoxy of the church is the church according to the teaching and practice of the apostles. What is orthodox is the New Testament apostles' vision, revelation, teaching, practice, direction, and ministry. In the mid 1940s Watchman Nee gave the messages published in The Orthodoxy of the Church. In the preface to the English edition, Witness Lee writes, "What we urgently need today is to come back to the orthodoxy of the beginning and stand firmly on the ground of locality" (The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. 47, p. 6). In The Orthodoxy of the Church Watchman Nee is one with the Lord to identify what is not normal and what is degradation; he also identifies what is the orthodoxy of the church--the apostolic church as revealed in the New Testament. In this issue we will see from Revelation 2 and 3 that only the church in Philadelphia returned to the orthodoxy of the church. We may already have some knowledge about this subject. However, we need to be in fear and trembling lest we would have confidence in our knowledge and understanding and think that there is nothing new to see, gain, or experience. To have such an attitude is to have the spirit of the Laodiceans, who boasted and said, "I am wealthy and have become rich and have need of nothing" (Rev. 3:17). In principle, the elders and responsible brothers are the messengers representing the church, are responsible for the church, have a heart to care for the church, and recognize that they are under the Lord's direct authority concerning the church. The Spirit speaks to the churches; the Son of Man, however, speaks to the messengers. The entire book of Revelation is the revelation of the person of Jesus Christ and not the revelation of locusts, beasts, or so many other things. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ, and concerning Jesus Christ. If we [4] are to return to the orthodoxy of the church, we cannot merely return to teachings and practices; we must return by way of the person, Jesus Christ, the One who knows the situation of every local church and of every messenger of every local church. If we have an increasing vision of what is most on God's heart for His eternal satisfaction--the bride, the wife, the New Jerusalem--we will be beside ourselves in the Spirit. In the first three chapters of Revelation we can see how the Lord cares for the churches. Even in His awesome majesty, He must judge them in order to gain them. In the final two chapters the Lord Jesus sent His angel for the particular purpose that all His dear churches would see the final vision (cf. 22:16). From the beginning to the end, the Lord cares for the churches. This word should at least give us a heart to see what John saw and to treasure and care for it. The Reports and Announcements section at the end of this issue contains the winter 2016 mass distribution update, a list of upcoming conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry, and a website link for information related to similar events in Europe.

The Ministry of the Word, Vol. 21, No. 08

Book Description

This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the six messages from the Memorial Day weekend conference held in White Plains, New York, May 26-29, 2017. The subject of this series of messages is "Knowing Life and the Church." The banners in the following section embody the crucial truths and the main burden of the conference. The Reports and Announcements section at the end of this issue contains the "Summer 2017 Mass Distribution Update" as well as information concerning upcoming conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry and a website link for information related to similar events in Europe.