The Miracles of Prophet Abraham PBUH

Book Description

All the miracles were extraordinary, and God gifted to Ibrahim and Yousuf. It was the special integrity that they succeeded by such tremendous miracles. If we think for a while, it was not easy for Abraham to jump into the fire, but it needs tremendous devotion. God examines Abraham and Joseph in numerous ways. They became successful every moment. The Lord said to Abraham: “I will make you the leader of the people.” God’s aim in demonstrating miracles to human beings is to explore truth and reality. Even after recognizing all these miracles, if one does not believe, he will be at a great loss. The lesson for us in all mentioned miracles is that we should learn from them and submit to the commands of Allah the Almighty. In this book, you will find complete circumstances and facts about miracles. Abraham and Joseph were honored by such enormous miracles that the human mind became shocked.

The Miracles of Prophet Moses PBUH

Book Description

The Miracles of Prophet Moses (P.B.U.H) All praises are only for the only Master of this world, Allah Almighty. This antique book beautifully presents various attractive and unique miracles bestowed on Prophet Moses. The core values of drafting this book," the miracles of Prophet Moses (P.B.U.H)," are to provide a base to come and take benefits from the miracles of Moses and his teachings as he was a beneficiary for the whole of humankind. Unlike other books, this is written in simple diction to explain every word in the most straightforward language for the betterment of men irrespective of creed, caste, and language. This book is not the last manuscript by Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed Shams, but there is a series connected back-to-back sophisticated styles, and ways of telling the truth about all Holy men of Allah sent on earth to show the right path to strayed people.

The Miracles of Prophet David PBUH

Book Description

No matter what your religion is, knowledge helps you understand the world. The world ceases wonder under its belly, and religion helps you to reveal the hidden truths. Prophets are part of this revelation. Allah bestowed them with such astounding miracles that no ordinary man would ever believe, but those with knowledge and trust will understand that the world is a miracle. The book "Miracles of prophet Dawud" reveals the powers of the prophet, bestowed by our creator to his special humans, to help us live a simple and peaceful life. A man filled with the love of Allah, a faithful and lawful king, a loving father, and a pious man. How come all these qualities are gathered in one man? How come to a small child killed a giant enemy with his slingshot? How can a man mold iron with his bare hands? Allah bestows miracles on his favorite people when he wants something to happen. Prophet Dawud is one of those Prophets; Allah granted kingship and prophecy together for the first time in human history and the prophet’s history. Let's read and understand the meaning behind it.

The Miracles of Prophet Muhammed PBUH

Book Description

The Miracles of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed Shams Praise Allah the Exalted, Lord of the Universe and Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), His family, companions, and those who follow his footprints and rightly guided ways until Doomsday. The main aim of compiling this book, “The Miracles of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)” by Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed Shams, urges Muslims to adopt an Islamic mentality by looking at things from an Islamic perspective. Like all his other books, this is written in simple language for ordinary people and explains the number of miracles performed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) over the twenty-three years of prophecy. This book is one of many on the subject. But it is undoubtedly the most comprehensive and systematic of all. May Allah accept his noble efforts, grant the book due popularity, and make it beneficial to all who read.

The Miracles of the Prophet (saw)

Book Description

The miracles of the Prophet (saw) is an outstanding book of Al-Muhaddith Ibn Katheer which deals with the miracles performed by the Prophet Muhammad (saw) over the twenty three years of his Prophethood. About the Author Al Hafidh Ibn Katheer was born in Busra located in Modern day Syria, in the year 701 AH, 1303 CE. After the death of his father, Ibn Katheer travelled together with his brother to Syria during the year 707 AH to seek knowledge. He was known to have a strong memory and a fine understanding. Ibn Hajr (ra) said: "He was the representative of the science of Hadith among the scholars of jurisprudence and during his lifetime, he authored books which benefited people even after his death. He rose to be among the most prominent scholars specializing in the science of hadith, history and exegesis (Tafsir). He died in the month of Sha'ban in the year 774 AH - 1373 CE in Damascus and was buried at the cemetery of Al-Sufiyah besides Ibn Taymiyyah (ra).

Islamic Articles

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The Miracles of Prophet Jesus PBUH

Book Description

The Miracles of Prophet Jesus is an insightful book written to help people seeking a divergent view of an iconic personality crucial to the Christian and Islamic faith. It presents the miracles in both holy books to help believers discover the outstanding miracles God wreaked through this great prophet. It is a must-read for anyone who desires a cross-faith book written about the exceptional miracles of Jesus.


Book Description

Do you know the number of the prophets of God that lived between the time of Prophet Adam (PBUH) and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? What qualifies them to be called the Prophet of the Almighty God? What lesson is there for you in the lives and miracles of these prophets? In this book, you will find out how God chooses his 25 Prophets’ from the time of the first man Adam to the time of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). You will also see the amazing miracles these prophets performed and the important lessons from their lives.