The Mizo Discovery of the British Raj

Book Description

"High in the eastern Himalayan foothills, people had a unique vantage point on the British Empire. The Mizo Discovery of the British Raj presents history of Mizoram in Northeast India told from historical Indigenous perspectives of encounters with empire from the 1890s to the 1920s. Based on a wide range of research and enriched by sources newly digitised by the author through the British Library's Endangered Archives Programme, Kyle Jackson sheds new light on the complex and violent processes of how and why diverse populations of highland clans in the Indo-Burmese borderlands came to redefine themselves as Christian Mizos. By using historical Indigenous concepts and logics to approach early twentieth-century imperial encounters, Jackson guides readers into a decolonial history of Northeast India, demonstrating the value of thinking not just about the histories of colonized peoples and concepts but also with them"--

The Mizo Discovery of the British Raj

Book Description

High in the eastern Himalayan foothills, people had a unique vantage point on the British Empire. The Mizo Discovery of the British Raj presents a history of Mizoram in Northeast India told from historical Indigenous perspectives of encounters with empire from the 1890s to the 1920s. Based on a wide range of research and enriched by sources newly digitised by the author through the British Library's Endangered Archives Programme, Kyle Jackson sheds new light on the complex and violent processes of how and why diverse populations of highland clans in the Indo-Burmese borderlands came to redefine themselves as Christian Mizos. By using historical Indigenous concepts and logics to approach early twentieth-century imperial encounters, Jackson guides readers into a decolonial history of Northeast India, demonstrating the value of thinking not just about the histories of colonized peoples and concepts but also with them.

The Mizo Discovery of the British Raj

Book Description

A history of Mizoram in Northeast India from the Indigenous perspectives of encounters with the British Empire from the 1890s to the 1920s.

The British Raj

Book Description

*Includes pictures *Includes contemporary accounts written about the Raj by British and Indians *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading "A significant fact which stands out is that those parts of India which have been longest under British rule are the poorest today. Indeed some kind of chart might be drawn up to indicate the close connection between length of British rule and progressive growth of poverty." - Jawaharlal Nehru, The Discovery of India The British East India Company served as one of the key players in the formation of the British Empire. From its origins as a trading company struggling to keep up with its superior Dutch, Portuguese, and Spanish competitors to its tenure as the ruling authority of the Indian subcontinent to its eventual hubristic downfall, the East India Company serves as a lens through which to explore the much larger economic and social forces that shaped the formation of a global British Empire. As a private company that became a non-state global power in its own right, the East India Company also serves as a cautionary tale all too relevant to the modern world's current political and economic situation. On its most basic level, the East India Company played an essential part in the development of long-distance trade between Britain and Asia. The trade in textiles, ceramics, tea, and other goods brought a huge influx of capital into the British economy. This not only fueled the Industrial Revolution, but also created a demand for luxury items amongst the middle classes. The economic growth provided by the East India Company was one factor in Britain's ascendancy from a middling regional power to the most powerful nation on the planet. The profits generated by the East India Company also created incentive for other European powers to follow its lead, which led to three centuries of competition for colonies around the world. This process went well beyond Asia to affect most of the planet, including Africa and the Middle East.. Beyond its obvious influence in areas like trade and commerce, the East India Company also served as a point of cultural contact between Western Europeans, South Asians, and East Asians. Quintessentially British practices such as tea drinking were made possible by East India Company trade. The products and cultural practices traveling back and forth on East India Company ships from one continent to another also reconfigured the way societies around the globe viewed sexuality, gender, class, and labor. On a much darker level, the East India Company fueled white supremacy and European concepts of Orientalism. Ultimately, the company's activity across the Indian subcontinent led to further British involvement there, and the British Raj, a period of British dominance and rule over India that formally began in 1857 and lasted until 1947, remains a highly debated topic amongst historians, political scientists, the British people, and the people of modern India. It's necessary to seek an understanding of the people, forces, and events shaping the history of British India to arrive at valid conclusions about the British-Indian experience and to understand the continued divide over its legacy. Perhaps then it's possible to answer Lewis's question: "Is it possible that British rule was both destructive and creative at the same time?" The British Raj: The History and Legacy of Great Britain's Imperialism in India and the Indian Subcontinent looks at the importance of British colonialism in the region, and how it has affected the course of history to this day. Along with pictures and a bibliography, you will learn about the British Raj like never before.

The British Raj

Book Description

India in British Raj

Book Description

The first chapter contains a sketch of the past history of India, showing the perpetual state of warfare and the oppression which existed up to the time of the Mughal empire, and how little good government was enjoyed by the people during the latter period which that as represented by agitators as the Golden Age. The consolidation of the British Empire is hardly noticed since that is the most familiar period of Indian history, but a glimpse is given of the anarchy and misery which followed upon the break-up of the Mughal Empire and the predatory predominance of the Marathas. A brief account is then given of the land system of the British Government, showing how much more favorable to the landowner and cultivator, it is than that of its predecessors in the title, whose system, nevertheless, it closely follows. The constitution of the Government of India isexplained, its financial system, the policy pursued towardsthe native states and on the frontier, the causes and characterof the present unrest, and the connection therewithof the Hindu Congress, the character of the reforms suggestedby Mr. Morley and Lord Minto, and now underthe consideration of the local administration and of thegeneral public, are all fully set forth. A chapter follows on social reform, and the incidentally some account is given of the domestic life of the Indians, a fascinating subject, and a mirror, in many respects, of life in the pantheistic and polytheistic times, with which those are familiar, who read the classics in school. Athe final chapter deals with the economic conditions of thecountry, and the economic policy of the Government ofIndia.The work is avowedly and frankly written fromThe British point of view and this should be borne in mindwhile reading the author's most instructive account ofthe attitude of the English official mind towards the greatand important questions with which the English Governmenthas to deal in administering the affairs of the enormousagglomeration of different races, for the peace andsafety of which it is responsible. One of the greatest problems that have ever confrontedthe British Government is that with which it is now calledupon to deal in India. The spirit of unrest, the desirefor greater personal liberty, the desire to take part inthe Government has arisen in India and will not down. The assassin has already begun his work in an attemptto protest against conditions which are resented by manyof the natives. Only recently in London item, an English-Indian official was assassinated by a native "student."How this "new spirit" has been awakened and fosteredin India, and the attitude of England toward it, are dealtwithin this volume among many other matters. This is a question of vital interest, for the teeming millions of Indian may one day be threatening the peace of the whole world.

The Lion and the Tiger

Book Description

An authoritative and lively account of the long and controversial history of the British in India, from the foundation of the East India Company in 1600; to Ghandi's innovative leadership of the increasingly militant Indian Nationalist movement: and finally to Lord Mountbatten's 'swift surgeryof partition', leaving behind the Independent states of India and Pakistan.Against this epic backdrop, Judd explores the consequences of British control for both Indians and the British in India.What was the effect on their daily lives, and on the lives they were effectively controlling? Were the British intent on development or exploitation? Were they a 'civilizing'force? Easy answers are avoided, and difficult questions provoked in this fascinating book.

Ideologies of the Raj

Book Description

Thomas Metcalf's fascinating study examines the ways the British sought to legitimate their rule over India. He demonstrates that the principles the British devised incorporated contradictory visions of India, yet together they made the authority of the Raj lawful. Students of modern India and the British Empire will find this book relevant and accessible.

The British Raj in India

Book Description

A valuable and extremely detailed account of the British Raj in India, and a valuable reference book for scholars.

History of British Raj

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