The Paramyxoviruses

Book Description

What justifies the size of this compendium of reviews on the paramyxoviruses? As intracellular parasites that reproduce with almost complete indifference to nuclear activities, paramyxoviruses have not been providing insights about genes that regulate cellular activities and development, topics that account for much of the excitement in modem biology. For contributions of virus research to those topics, we must look to the retroviruses, which have the propensity to steal developmentally important genes and subvert them to malignant pur poses, and to the nuclear DNA viruses, whose gene expression depends heavily upon cellular transcription machinery, making them exceptionally useful tools for identifying and characterizing components of that machinery. From this perspective, it may appear that purely lytic viruses like the paramyxoviruses are sitting on the sidelines of contemporary biology. But there is plenty of action on the sidelines. Paramyxoviruses remain unconquered, devastating agents of disease. Human deaths attributable to paramyxoviruses worldwide, especially in children, are numbered in the mil lions annually. There are many pathogenic paramyxoviruses and too few effec tive vaccines, and those vaccines (against measles and mumps) are affordable only by relatively affluent nations. Moreover, the paramyxoviruses are intrin sically interesting organisms, presenting the challenge of understanding the self-replication of RNA and many other challenges peculiar to the structures and functions of their proteins, not only as individual entities, but also as they act in concert during virus reproduction and interact with vital functions of the cells they infect and often (but not always) destroy.

The Biology of Paramyxoviruses

Book Description

Paramyxoviruses are a diverse family of non-segmented negative strand RNA viruses that include many important human, animal, and zoonotic pathogens. Despite their enormous importance, the nature of the viral genome had proved an obstacle to research, with the result that paramyxoviral research had lagged behind that of other viruses. The advent of reverse genetics in recent years has changed this, enabling great strides to be made in our understanding of the genomics, molecular biology and viral pathogenesis. This book provides a timely and comprehensive review of current knowledge of all paramyxoviruses and is written by renowned scientists who have made seminal contributions in their respective paramyxovirus fields of expertise. Topics include: mumps virus, simian virus 5, parainfluenza viruses, Newcastle disease and related avian paramyxoviruses, Sendai virus, Hendra virus, Nipah virus, measles virus, canine distemper virus, rinderpest virus, peste des petits ruminants virus, human respiratory syncytial virus, metapneumoviruses, and new and emerging paramyxoviruses. Each chapter covers our current knowledge on history, genome organization, viral proteins, reverse genetics, epidemiology, pathogenesis, immunity, diagnosis, prevention and control and future challenges. This book is an invaluable reference source of timely information for virologists, microbiologists, immunologists, physicians, veterinarians and scientists working on paramyxoviruses. It is also strongly recommended for all medical and veterinary school libraries.

Fenner and White's Medical Virology

Book Description

Fenner and White's Medical Virology, Fifth Edition provides an integrated view of related sciences, from cell biology, to medical epidemiology and human social behavior. The perspective represented by this book, that of medical virology as an infectious disease science, is meant to provide a starting point, an anchor, for those who must relate the subject to clinical practice, public health practice, scholarly research, and other endeavors. The book presents detailed exposition on the properties of viruses, how viruses replicate, and how viruses cause disease. These chapters are then followed by an overview of the principles of diagnosis, epidemiology, and how virus infections can be controlled. The first section concludes with a discussion on emergence and attempts to predict the next major public health challenges. These form a guide for delving into the specific diseases of interest to the reader as described in Part II. This lucid and concise, yet comprehensive, text is admirably suited to the needs of not only advanced students of science and medicine, but also postgraduate students, teachers, and research workers in all areas of virology. Features updated and expanded coverage of pathogenesis and immunity Contains the latest laboratory diagnostic methods Provides insights into clinical features of human viral disease, vaccines, chemotherapy, epidemiology, and control

Principles and Practice of Clinical Virology

Book Description

The knowledge and practice of clinical virology continues to expand. This new fifth edition has thirty-six comprehensive chapters, each of which has been extensively revised or rewritten, with the addition of new colour plates. This updated version takes into account knowledge accumulated in molecular biology with its applications for laboratory diagnosis, immunisation and antiviral chemotherapy. Each chapter highlights the clinical features and epidemiological patterns of infection. Similarly, in response to the global concern of the threat posed by new viruses, a new chapter on Emerging Infections is included. There is also new material on Hospital Acquired Infections, including some advice relating to SARS, that will be of benefit to those dealing with the day-to-day management of patients in hospital.

The Molecular Biology of Poliovirus

Book Description

Years ago when we were asked to write a book on the present-day knowledge of the molecular biology of poliovirus, we did not expect that such an apparently simple task could involve so much time and effort. Our writing was hampered by the fact that both of us are full time "workers", so that this monograph is mainly a spare time expedience. The main attention of this book focuses on a detailed review of the molecular biology of poliovirus and especially on the advances of the last decade; medical and environmental aspects are only briefly mentioned. Observations from older studies are considered in view of more recent information. Some of the older ob servations provided fundamental insights and paved the way for present day research; too often such data has been neglected or independently rediscovered. Today, poliovirus research has again attracted considerable interest. High points gained within the last few years were the elucidation of the complete nucleotide sequences of the RNAs of the three poliovinls serotypes and the corresponding vaccine strains, the demonstration of genome evolution during transmission of poliovirus in an epidemic, further characterization of the antigenic sites on the virus particle and of the antigenic drift, characterization of alternate conforma tional states of the virion capsid, the development of monoclonal antibodies against some of the virus proteins, observations on the role of the plasma membrane, cytoskeleton, and cytoplasmic membranes as mediators in the virus induced redirection of the synthetic machinery of the host cell, and characteriza

The Biology of Paramyxoviruses

Book Description

This book provides a timely and comprehensive review of current knowledge of all paramyxoviruses and is written by renowned scientists who have made seminal contributions in their respective paramyxovirus fields of expertise. Topics include: mumps virus, simian virus 5, parainfluenza viruses, Newcastle disease and related avian paramyxoviruses, Sendai virus, Hendra virus, Nipah virus, measles virus, canine distemper virus, rinderpest virus, peste des petits ruminants virus, human respiratory syncytial virus, metapneumoviruses, and new and emerging paramyxoviruses. Each chapter covers our curre.

Unconventional Agents and Unclassified Viruses

Book Description

Among unconventional agents and unclassified viruses the contributions to this volume focused on prion-related diseases, with special emphasis on bovine spongiform encephalopathy and human spongiform encephalopathies, and Borna disease virus, an agent known since long time to be pathogenic for horses and sheep, which is now discussed as a potential pathogen for humans. Additionally, the volume contains articles about newly discovered viruses like porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus and viruses that are classified only provisionally like African swine fever virus, hepatitis C and E viruses, or the arteriviruses.


Book Description

Measles virus, one of the most contagious of all human viruses, has been largely contained by the development and use of a vaccine that was introduced 50 years ago. These two volumes were timed to honor the introduction of the vaccine and to record the enormous advancements made in understanding the molecular and cell biology, pathogenesis, and control of this infectious disease. Where vaccine has been effectively delivered, endemic measles virus transmission has been eliminated. However, difficulties in vaccine delivery, lack of health care support and objection to vaccination in some communities continue to result in nearly 40 million cases and over 300,000 deaths per year from measles.