The Mysteries of Freemasonry and the Druids: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Prominent masonic scholars explore how the religion of the Druids played a role in the history of the masonic fraternity. Included here are: Druidism and Freemasonry, The Druidic Mysteries of Britain and Gaul, The Druidical Mysteries and Freemasonry and the Druids.m

The Regius Poem or Halliwell Manuscript: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

The oldest of Freemasonry's Old Charges, the Regius Poem, is unique in being set in verse. Dating to at least 1390, the poem describes the history of masonry back to Ancient Egypt and how it came to England over a millennium ago. It also outlines articles of moral behavior for a Master of the Craft.

The Old Past Master: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Masonic author Carl Claudy presents 24 tales, in the form of advice being given to a younger mason, by the Old Past Master. These are all on masonic topics such as: brotherly love, charity, landmarks, symbols and much more. Any one of them is a great jumping off point for a lodge presentation or discussion.

Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Esoteric scholar Manly P. Hall covers a lot of areas relating to the ancient mysteries, including common roots in religious and ritual life, the practices of the Druids and how they relate to Masonry, the rites of Mithras, Simon Magus and the Gnostics, Abraxas, the Egyptian Serapis, the Odinic Mysteries and how they compare, the Rites of Eleusis, the Orphic Mysteries, Bacchus, Dionysos, and much more.

The Kabbalah of Masonry and Related Writings: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Several notable masonic writers explore the subject of Kabbalah and how it intersects with Freemasonry. Included here are the essays: The Kabbalah of Masonry, Gematria and the Letter G, Kabbalah and the Origin of Freemasonry and Notes on the Kabbalah of the Old Testament.

Masonic Life of George Washington: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Masonic scholar Albert G. Mackey outlines the biography of our most notable American president, George Washington. This was originally a lecture given by him, in South Carolina. Additionally, presented here is the masonic testimony of George Washington. Also included is supplementary material relating to the masonic biographies of other U.S. presidents.

Masonic Symbolism in Shakespeare: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Two masonic authors examine quotations from a number of William Shakespeare's plays, in which the Bard appears to leave clues familiar to members of a certain fraternity.

Freemasonry in the Medieval or Middle Ages: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Two masonic scholars examine an aspect of the fraternity's history that often gets overlooked. Brother Clegg looks at Freemasonry and Monasticism in the Middle Ages, while Brother Leadbeater examines a wide range of historical topics within both speculative and operative masonry, from that era of history.