Bloodline of the Gods

Book Description

Are significant numbers of humanity the product of an ancient and advanced alien civilization? Have we, across the millennia, been periodically modified and refined as a species? In short, has our genetic make-up been manipulated by otherworldly beings that view human civilization as one big lab experiment? These are controversial and thought-provoking questions. They are also questions that demand answers, answers that may very well be found by examining those people whose blood type is Rh negative. The vast majority of humankind—85 to 90 percent—is Rh positive, which means a person’s red blood cells contain an antigen directly connected to the Rhesus monkey. This antigen is known as the Rh factor. Each and every primate on the planet has this antigen, except for one: the remaining 10 to 15 percent of humans. If the theory of evolution is valid—that each and every one of us is descended from ancient primates—shouldn’t we all be Rh positive? Yes, we should. But we’re not. The Negatives are unlike the rest of us. They are different. They are the unique individuals whose bloodline may have nothing less than extraterrestrial origins.

Mystery of the Alien Blood Book Four Captured

Book Description

As the Mystery of the Alien Blood continues with book four, Captured, Alexa again finds herself a prisoner of the SFVO, a U.S. government military division of the Army, dedicated to enslaving vampires. As you may recall in book three, the SFVO had discovered Alexa, Raul, Adeline, and Damien hiding on the Caribbean island, Port Bridgeford. SFVO agents kidnapped them all, then took them to their Nevada compound. When Alexa woke up inside the compound, she found a mad doctor at her bedside, who threatened to kill her, and take the baby she carries. Now as Captured begins, Alexa is locked inside a prison cell in the Nevada compound, terrified for her life. Alexa assumes Raul is also somewhere inside the compound, so she goes to hunt for him, hoping they can plan an escape. Along the way, she finds a horribly abused, teenage girl named Cassie, and decides to help her get out of the compound as well. As she's searching for Raul, Alexa runs into Damien. Together they manage to free Raul and Adeline. Their harrowing escape attempt is fraught with snags. In the end, the SFVO recaptures them. In Captured, Alexa learns the reason the SFVO has sought Raul for nearly a decade. Raul and Adeline's blood is unique, and rapidly develops the psychic and telekinetic skills of a newly turned vampire. In the SFVO's greed to create superior vampire warriors, they harvest far too much of Raul and Adeline's blood, leaving both vampires near death. Meanwhile, Damien is being repeatedly beaten and tortured for killing some SFVO guards the day they attempted to escape. Matters are tragic, and hope is waining for Alexa and the others.When Alexa is at her lowest, fearing for her loved ones' lives, the SFVO offers her a devil's deal that will free Raul, Adeline, Damien and Cassie too. But the sacrifice she'll have to make for those she loves may cost her everything.

The Mystery of the Alien Blood

Book Description

It's just another ordinary night in the ER for Dr. Alexa Faberman until a gun shot victim she treats comes up with a blood type that can't be defined. Alexa attempts to draw the patient's blood again, but doesn't get that far. Her patient, Raul, has just had major surgery for a gunshot wound and he's trying to leave the hospital. Alexa tries to reason with the handsome, imposing man, but he can't be swayed. Raul claims he's being hunted and that he's a vampire. Alexa thinks he belongs on a psychiatric ward, but soon finds out there's some truth to his claims when two men burst into his hospital room and abduct both of them at gunpoint. Every belief system Alexa has is challenged when these men take her and Raul to a compound in Nevada ran by an evil government agency called the SFVO, Studies for Vampires Organization. The SFVO does cruel testing on vampires and Raul's sister, Adeline, happens to be one of their victims. Raul is determined to free his sister and get all of them out of the compound. During their escape, Alexa witnesses the siblings doing acts that aren't humanly possible. Soon Alexa is convinced vampires do exist and she's forced to rely on one, Raul, for her freedom and very life because the SFVO wants her dead. Now on the run with Raul and his sister, Alexa begins to see them as ordinary people fighting for their lives and freedom as well. And Raul--well he intrigues Alexa like no man ever has on so many levels. The danger Alexa faces isn't just the threat from the SFVO, but losing her heart to a man who isn't even human.

Alien Blood

Book Description

A million year old spaceship found on the Moon and then a threatening message that those aliens are returning. Did aliens bioengineer humans? Does the US have a secret agreement with aliens that permit abductions? Follow the adventures of ex-SEAL Ben Swift as he discovers the answers to those questions as well as what can be found at Area 51.

Mystery of the Alien Blood Reunion, Book 3

Book Description

Raul and Alexa's story continues! Get ready for more passion and adventure with Raul, Alexa, Adeline and Damien, along with danger and peril as the evil government agency, the SFVO, hunts them.Raul's heart is shattered beyond repair when Alexa leaves him at the bus terminal in Denver. He lets her go to keep her safe from the clutches of the SFVO. He fears if he marks her as his life mate they'll kill her. Raul quickly realizes she's going to be in danger whether he marks her or not if the secret government organization hunting the two of them ever catch up with her. So, he convinces Alexa to meet him in St. Martin in order to teach her how to survive as a vampire. Unknowingly, Alexa leads the SFVO right to Raul, Adeline and Damien when she arrives in St. Martin. Now the four of them are running for their lives, and the SFVO is hot on their heels in the Caribbean. They manage to find a rental house on a remote island not far from Martinique and settle there, hoping the SFVO won't find them. But is any place on the planet a true safe haven for Raul, Alexa, Adeline and Damien when an evil U.S. government entity is determined to capture these vamps, and use them to further their cause to capture and enslave every vampire on earth?

Aliens - Artbook

Book Description

A collection of stunning brand-new exclusive original art collated with Printed in Blood to celebrate the classic film Aliens. A lavish coffee table book bursting with brand new and exclusive art. The book includes over 100 pieces by professional artists, illustrators, concept artists, comics artists and graphic designers. From character portraits, faux book covers and poster concepts, to iconic scenes, recruitment posters and renderings of the iconic Xenomorph and Alien Queen, each artist puts their own stamp on the Alien universe.

Alien Blood Lust

Book Description

WERE HUMAN SACRIFICES DOWN THROUGH THE AGES MADE TO APPEASE AND "NOURISH" THE BLOODTHIRSTY GODS? On the night of March 5th, 1967, two workers in the local Red Cross Bloodmobile in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, were chased by something strange in the sky. Their van was loaded with flesh blood and, despite the fact that they were speeding to get to the hospital with their supply of human plasma, a UFO kept pace and lowered two claw-like projections on either side of their emergency vehicle as if to capture it in its prongs and lift the bloodmobile into the night sky. On Long Island, New York, a well-respected talk show host was taken to a large "meeting hall" which fronted for the secret headquarters of a strange group of alien "androids" who called themselves "The Council of Ten Men." "In the recesses of the building was a hidden laboratory in which what appeared to be several corpses were laid out on examination tables. Next to the 'corpses' were rows of test tubes and bottles filled with blood," the talk show host recounted. "Each bottle was labeled with names, such as 'CHARLES' and 'SUSAN.' The Ten handled some of the bottles and sampled their contents orally and without facial expressions." The whole scene sickened the witness, and she was greatly disturbed by the experience. Blood has always been part of the hidden agenda of the Ultra-Terrestrials, from the days of "ancient astronauts" - and their apparent demand for human sacrifices - to the animal mutilations of today. There are even entire villages in Brazil where most of the town's residents have been "attacked" and suffered large quantities of their blood being drained, leaving hideous scars on the victims' bodies. Veteran investigator Scott Corrales delves into the nightmarish mystery of alien blood lust, concentrating on incidents from Hispanic communities in Puerto Rico, Mexico and throughout South America. Input from other qualified researchers add evidence to a horrifying -- but all-too-true -- aspect of UFOlogy that never gets any attention! Chapters Include: --** Snack Time! Flesh and Blood May Be The Real God Of The Gods. --**The Bloodmobile Chase. --** Human Sacrifice: The Deadly Deed. --**Is Blood The True Nectar And Ambrosia Of The Gods? --** Was Dracula An Alien? --** Blood Is the Life For The Monsters That Seek It. --** Puerto Rico's Moca Vampire. --** Gargoyle Of The Outer Darkness --** Chupacabras Diary.

Mystery of the Alien Blood Heartbreak

Book Description

Raul and Alexa's story continues with Raul waking up, unable to move a muscle. He's disoriented, but recalls being shot by agents of the SFVO, The Studies for Vampires Organization, in a rundown warehouse in Fort Lauderdale where he, his sister, Adeline, and Alexa had gone to get new identities. When he remembers Alexa getting shot, moments before he took a bullet, he fears the woman he now knows is his life mate could be dead. Raul quickly realizes he's been taken to the SFVO's Nevada compound, and the sick bastards running the place have him immobilized with nerve gas. He suspects Alexa and Adeline to be here too. So when the gas wears off he goes hunting for them, and finds them both. After the three of them make a harrowing escape that leaves many involved in the SFVO dead, Raul, Alexa and Adeline head to Canada. An old friend of Raul's named Damien lives outside of Vancouver and that's where they go to hide. Raul's plate is heaped with troubles. The SFVO is hot on their trail. Adeline has taken Damien as her life mate, which means he now has another person to protect. Plus, he's finally found his life mate after searching for over three hundred years, and he may lose her forever if the SFVO captures them again. If all that isn't bad enough, Raul doesn't even know if Alexa wants him for a life mate. He thinks it might be better for her if she doesn't, because if he marks her as his mate, he has no doubt the SFVO will kill her.Now on the run with Alexa, Adeline and Damien, Raul has to stay one step ahead of an evil government organization that tortures and kills vampires, while battling with a decision that might end up costing him his only chance to find true love. Will love triumph with evil nipping at Raul and the other's heels? Or will Raul have to sacrifice his own happiness to keep everyone safe?The action and adventure never stops in this story that may just break your heart when all is said and done.

Blood on the Rocks

Book Description

DI Joanna Piercy is not happy when she’s assigned the apparently minor case of finding a missing elderly man, but it turns out to be far more sinister . . . DI Joanna Piercy is irritated at what she perceives to be an attempt to wrap her up in cotton wool during her pregnancy when she is asked to take on the case of Zachary Foster, a missing ninety-six-year-old man suffering from dementia. Zachary has vanished from his residential care home on the edge of Leek during the night with his beloved old teddy bear. He can’t have gone far, surely, but how did a frail, elderly man manage to abscond from a secure house at night? As Joanna investigates, it soon becomes clear that this apparently minor case is far more sinister than it first appears. Could her own life, and that of her unborn child, be at risk?

Hair of the Alien

Book Description

SHOCKING. CONTROVERSIAL. UNPRECEDENTED. A CASE LIKE UNLIKE ANY OTHER IN THE ANNALS OF UFO INVESTIGATION, DNA RESEARCH, OR ALIEN ABDUCTION. Sydney, Australia. July 23, 1992. Twenty-eight-year-old Peter Khoury was awoken by what appeared to be two females—both striking and unearthly—kneeling on his bed. What transpired between them was a physical assault as bizarre and disorienting as it was unnatural. Then, as quickly as they had arrived, they vanished. Khoury had become one of a legion of alien abductees with inexplicable experiences, but this particular incident stood apart from all the others. This time, there was evidence—two strands of white-blond hair from one of the females. Khoury’s case would result in the very first forensic DNA analysis of “alien abduction” evidence and revealed an extraordinary biological anomaly—one genetically close to human yet almost impossibly far from the human mainstream. A gripping account of one of the great mysteries of our time, Hair of the Alien, brings us closer than ever before to understanding our past, our origings, and our place in the universe.