The Mystery of the Cross in the Present Planetary Transition

Book Description

Two thousand years ago coming times were announced in which revelations would be openly disclosed to those who turn towards the Light and petition for it. Those times have arrived and the Truth is being revealed in a unique way within each person who surrenders to it, dissolving the illusions that separate humans from Reality here on this planet. This book, fruit of the work of a group on the inner levels of life, invites us to undertake the search faithfully, bringing us the keys to the sublime portals that now are opening up to terrestrial humans.

The Mystery of the Cross in the Present Planetary Transition

Book Description

The cross has provided a powerful symbol for humanity throughout the ages. This book explores its occult, symbolic, and esoteric significance of the cross and the life of Jesus as they relate to the current phase of planetary evolution. The Mystery of the Cross in the Present Planetary Transition will be of interest to students of Esoteric Christianity and to spiritual seekers in general. Topics covered include: the life of Jesus as an inner drama representing humanity's relationship to the higher, the difference between Jesus as an incarnated human and Christ as a cosmic principle, and what is needed from seekers willing to serve the greater good at this time of "crucifixion" for the planet earth. The book is rich in esoteric and occult information about Jesus, the Christ, and Christianity; the meaning and symbolism of the cross, and the nature of the inner initiations and service required.While many use the terms "Jesus" and "Christ" interchangeably, the author suggests that what is referred to as "Christ" is a cosmic principle of intelligence that was manifested in the person of Jesus. Jesus had to be transformed and enlarged in order to express more of this evolving universal intelligence and to fulfill his own planetary task, which in turn symbolizes ours. During his lifetime, Jesus experienced successive initiations that allowed him to serve this function that also were linked to deeper initiations occurring within the Christ principle. If what occurs on the physical plane of reality expresses subtle events and truths, then the inner and outer events of Jesus' life can be interpreted symbolically to reveal universal truths and provide insights for spiritual seekers. The author dedicates the book to: "those in the horizontal world of forms who open themselves to the light that descends vertically over them. From the center of their being, and the center of this Cross, may they bring about the redemption of matter - the promise of the coming times."

Niskalkat: The etheric base in Asia

Book Description

The current degree of the planet’s radioactive contamination has an effect on its subtle spheres, disintegrating the thread of life that unites consciousness to bodies. The material atoms have a subtle counterpart to which they are connected by an etheric web. When human beings, inspired by dark forces, generate processes to obtain energy from those atoms, this has a direct effect upon the physical-concrete foundation for anchoring divine power in manifested existence. Such processes constitute a violation of laws that should be learned, controlled, and then used in an altruistic way for the benefit of the All. The negative karmic consequences generated by this violation are enormous and are already making themselves felt. Only the intervention of a higher power is capable of bringing such an imbalance to a halt. For this reason, the work of transmutation and preservation of life carried out by the planetary centers and by the service groups is immeasurable and constant. If it were not for these, the Earth would no longer exist as a material planet. This book is about the existence of those centers and those groups.

The Voice of Amhaj

Book Description

The Sun is always present, but its light cannot be perceived in the same way, at the same time, in all regions of the planet. Cycles and phases are manifestations in the concrete spheres. However, on higher levels, serene bliss reigns – an ocean of pure consciousness, the infinite source of love and power. You are invited to enter into this mystery. Recognize yourself as an essence. You are whole. In plenitude will you live.

Beyond Karma: A book that clarifies Destiny

Book Description

As human beings grow in consciousness, their understanding of the law of karma also grows. They no longer see it as a mere instrument to compensate for past errors, but recognize it as an infallible means to fulfill the higher goal of life. They begin to notice that the law of karma is present on various levels of existence and that it functions in different ways. And so they begin to cooperate with it intelligently. They are no longer performers of their destiny, but effective assistants of evolution, true co-creators.

Finding The Temple

Book Description

Mirna Jad, a supraphysical realm of harmony and peace, is located in an intraterrestrial area of some mountains in South America. The sublime energies of Mirna Jad bring about healing and stimulate deep expansions of consciousness. This inner realm can be perceived and contacted by those who, in silence, are receptive to subtle realities.

Noah’s Vessel

Book Description

The continent of Atlantis submerged and vanished from the map—what events surrounded the great flood? Planet Earth is entering its momentous phase of transition— what experiences await us humans? Preparations are underway for the imminent rescue operation—what will take place in the supraphysical intergalactic space vessels? Stimulating our intuitive capacity, José Trigueirinho Netto, spiritual teacher and author of 74 books and over a thousand recorded lectures, dialogues with the reader in this timely book, building a nonmaterial atmosphere in which to understand and incorporate the new consciousness that will unfold on the Earth.

We are not alone

Book Description

“I tell you, Pilgrim, this Light has always accompanied you. Even when you were lost in the midst of darkness, it lay there, within you. But you were so deceived by the illusions of form that you could not perceive it.” “ Little by little you will be molded according to your true and sublime inner image.” “ So, why do you still wander around in such forsaken places?”

The Light within you

Book Description

Your yearning for better days will be heeded when you discover in your inner world. Then your yearning will be for unconditional surrender to the ways revealed by this Light.