Lights! Camera! Clues!

Book Description

NANCY MEETS A FAMOUS ACTRESS -- AND LOSES A FAMOUS TURTLE! Nine-year-old actress Lucy Webb is starring in Totally Tina, a movie that's being filmed right in River Heights -- and Nancy and her friends are chosen as extras for the movie! Not only do the girls get to meet their favorite actress, but they get to take care of Lucy's pet turtle, Harry, while she's filming. But when they look away for a second, Harry gets turtle-napped! Now Lucy is really mad and won't visit Nancy's school as she promised. The girls had better find Lucy's favorite pet before Nancy's in the doghouse with her whole school!

Lights! Camera! Clues!

Book Description

Nancy Drew and her friends are excited about being selected as extras for the movie starring nine-year-old actress Lucy Webb that is being filmed in River Heights, until they find themselves turning sleuth to investigate the kidnapping of Lucy's pet turtl

Dinosaur Alert!

Book Description

NANCY DISCOVERS DINOSAUR FOOTPRINTS IN HER OWN BACKYARD! The most annoying boys in Nancy's class offer her a deal. If she can prove that a giant footprint they've found on the school grounds was really made by a dinosaur, they'll stop teasing her and her friends -- forever! Always ready to take on a case, Nancy agrees, though she thinks the boys are wrong. Dinosaurs never roamed River Heights -- or did they? But then she gets a mean note: "Don't go where you don't belong!" When Nancy finds huge footprints in her own backyard, she's hunting everywhere for answers. It's a monster of a mystery, and she doesn't have a zillion years to solve it!

The Walkie-Talkie Mystery

Book Description

Mystery mouth's voice is Nancy's first clue! Nancy has a new set of hot green walkie-talkies to use in busy places like the mail. But when Bess and George try them out, one of the walkie-talkies disappears. Nancy thinks a bratty boy they know may have taken it. Then Mystery Mouth starts sending Nancy messages on the remaining walkie-talkie. Each message contains a clue. Soon Nancy and her friends are on a crazy chase all over town. Mystery Mouth is talking, but it's Nancy who's doing the walking -- to find out who walked off with the walkie-talkie!

The Apple Bandit

Book Description

Nancy attempts to solve the mystery of the missing apples, the River Heights Reds, at the Kids Apple Festival.

Strike-Out Scare

Book Description

The girls have joined the Mahoney Marlins junior baseball team! Nancy will pitch, Bess will catch, and George will play shortstop. The girls are excited, but Bess worries that baseball isn’t exactly her thing. However, Bess turns out to be an amazing hitter and she quickly earns the nickname “Home Run Bess.” Bess thinks her newly found talent is thanks to her lucky bat, which she calls “Magic Bill.” But one day she discovers that Magic Bill is missing! Can Nancy find Bess’s bat in time for the big game, or is Bess destined to strike out?

The Ice Cream Scoop

Book Description

Nancy, Bess, and George pick the perfect subject for their class science project: ice cream! But when they study ice cream at two ice cream shops, they find a conspiracy to close one of the shops.

The Teen Model Mystery

Book Description

Traveling to the site of a commercial shoot, where her model friend Cindy will star, Nancy is alarmed by Cindy’s disappearance and launches an investigation that takes her into the shady side of teen fashion.

The Slumber Party Secret

Book Description

When her friend's party is in jeopardy, Nancy takes the case! Rebecca Ramirez's birthday is just two days away, and she's having a slumber party. She made the invitations herself, with rainbow ribbon hair clips and everything. But now the invitations are gone. Somebody took them and the whole party is ruined. Or is it? Nancy Drew is on the case and maybe she can make sure Rebecca's birthday is a party after all!