The Neville Goddard Collection

Book Description

"Learn to use your imaginal power lovingly on behalf of others, for Man is heading into a world where his imaginal power governs everything." All ten Neville Goddard Spiritual Classics are included, as well as the 1948 Class Lessons: At Your Command, Your Faith Is Your Fortune, Freedom For All, Prayer, The Art of Believing, Out Of This World, Feeling is the Secret, and The Power of Awareness are just a few of the titles available. 8. The Search, Seedtime & Harvest, Awakened Imagination

Neville Goddard - The Complete Collection

Book Description

This reference book contains ALL 14 Neville Goddard Books published between 1939 and 1966. This book is - The Complete Collection of Neville Goddard - on Manifesting with the Law of Assumption. This includes all of Neville Goddard's original books, the transcripts of his 1948 course lectures, the 1951 radio lectures, and the Neville Goddard Book: The Creative Use of the Imagination by Margaret Ruth Broome, a personal student of Neville Goddard. The full contents of this reference book by Neville Goddard are as follows: - At Your Command (1939) - Your Faith Is Your Fortune (1941) - Freedom For All (1942) - Feeling Is The Secret (1944) - Prayer - The Art Of Believing (1945) - The Search (1946) - Master Class - Five Lessons (1948) - Out Of This World (1949) - Radio Lectures - Station KECA (1951) - The Creative Use Of Imagination (1952) - The Power Of Awareness (1952) - Awakened Imagination (1954) - Seedtime And Harvest (1956) - I Know My Father (1960) - The Law And The Promise (1961) - He Breaks The Shell (1964) - Resurrection (1966) Possessing a self-educated and uncommonly sharp intellect, Neville Lancelot Goddard espoused a spiritual vision that was bold and total: Everything you see and experience, including other people, is the result of your own thoughts and emotional states. Each of us dreams into existence an infinitude of realities and outcomes. When you realize this, Neville Goddard taught, you will discover yourself to be a slumbering branch of the Creator clothed in human form, and at the helm of limitless possibilities. - Mitch Horowitz - Neville Goddard is best described as an enlightened mystic and hermetic. His knowledge was so deep and all-encompassing that any seeker will find what they're looking for with him! There is nothing like him in knowledge and depth! Neville Goddard's wish was to make people aware of their creative power. He was not only concerned with manifestation, but also with re-understanding and consciously applying the profound mechanisms of our existence. And this knowledge can be fully understood and consciously applied using this reference book by Neville Goddard. When man begins to discover this power within him, he never plays the part that he formerly played. He doesn't turn back and become just a reflector of life; from here on in he is the affector of life. - Neville Lancelot Goddard - The categories of this Neville Goddard Book are: - Neville Goddard Collection and Books - Manifestation and Manifesting

Neville Goddard

Book Description

Bringing Together The Best of "Neville Goddard's" works. This wonderful collection contains: At Your Command; Awakened Imagination; Be What You Wish; Feeling Is The Secret; Five Lessons; He Dreams in me; Out Of This World; Prayer: The Art Of Believing; Seedtime & Harvest; The Law & The Promise; The Power Of Awareness; The Secret Of Imagining; Your faith is your fortune; By Imagination We Become; Answered Prayer; Meditation; The Law of Assumption; Truth; Stone, Water or Wine? And Affirm the Reality of Our Own Greatness

The Neville Goddard Book Collection (Includes 10 Books)

Book Description

Neville Goddard (Born February, 15, 1905 in Barbados) was a metaphysical teacher who taught the law of attraction through lectures given on television, radio, books, and live in front of an audience. For years he was one of the most influential teachers on manifestation or on how our imagination creates reality in an almost literal way. "Neville may eventually be recognized as one of the world's great mystics." -Joseph Murphy, author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind "A popular speaker on metaphysical themes from the late '30s until his death in 1972, Neville authored ten books in which he captured the sheer logic of creative mind principles. His work has impacted me in a very profound way; in fact, he's been a great mentor to me in the past few years." -Dr. Wayne Dyer in Wishes Fulfilled "Neville may be the positive-thinking movement's most radical and subtly influential voice." -Mitch Horowitz, "Of all the metaphysical systems with which I am acquainted, Neville's is the most magical." -Israel Regardie "The words of spiritual teacher Neville Goddard retain their power to electrify... Neville captured the sheer logic of creative mind principles as perhaps no other figure of his era." -Science of Mind magazine THIS BOOK CONTAINS THE COMPLETE BOOK COLLECTION OF NEVILLE GODDARD'S WRITINGS: BOOK 1: RADIO LECTURES BOOK 2: OUT OF THIS WORLD BOOK 3: FIVE LESSONS BOOK 4: AT YOUR COMMAND BOOK 5: THE POWER OF AWARENESS BOOK 6: YOUR FAITH IS YOUR FORTUNE BOOK 7: AWAKENED IMAGINATION BOOK 8: PRAYER, THE ART OF BELIEVING BOOK 9: SEED TIME AND HARVEST BOOK 10: THE LAW AND THE PROMISE

Neville Goddard

Book Description

An Unabridged Edition to Include: Be What You Wish; Be What You Believe - By Imagination We Become - Answered Prayer - Meditation - The Law of Assumption - Truth - Stone, Water or Wine? - Feeling Is the Secret - Affirm the Reality of Our Own Greatness.

Neville Goddard

Book Description

Neville Goddard: The Essential Collection Includes all 10 of Neville Goddard's Spiritual Classics: At Your Command, Awakened Imagination & the Search, Feeling is the Secret, Freedom For All, Out of This World, Prayer, The Art of Believing, Seedtime and Harvest, The Law and The Promise, The Power of Awareness, and Your Faith Is Your Fortune.

Neville Goddard Collection

Book Description

The Neville Goddard Collection: Daily Success & Prosper Series 2 is a collection of the following Neville's classic metaphysical works: The Power of Awareness Your Faith is Your Fortune Awakened Imagination These timeless new thought classics will definitely challenge your mind to think differently and show you how to live your life and experience abundance, prosperity and success in everything you do. Live your life in a sublime spirit of confidence and determination; disregard appearances, conditions, in fact all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be, for in that determined assumption you and your Infinite Being are merged in creative unity, and with your Infinite Being (God) all things are possible.

Neville Goddard

Book Description

Neville Goddard (Born February, 15, 1905 in Barbados) was known as one of the most influential teachers in the New Thought movement for many years. He gave hundreds of lectures all over the United States and even had his own TV show in Los Angeles in the 50's! His philosophy states that we create our reality by our thoughts or by the human imagination. "Chance or accident is not responsible for the things that happen to you, nor is predestined fate the author of your fortune or misfortune. Your subconscious impressions determine the conditions of your world. The subconscious is not selective; it is impersonal and no respecter of persons. The subconscious is not concerned with the truth or falsity of your feeling. It always accepts as true that which you feel to be true. Feeling is the assent of the subconscious to the truth of that which is declared to be true. Because of this quality of the subconscious there is nothing impossible to man. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as true, the subconscious can and must objectify. Your feelings create the pattern from which your world is fashioned, and a change of feeling is a change of pattern."

The Ideal Realized

Book Description

How to Move Mountains The extraordinary mystic Neville Goddard (1905-1972) is one of today's most influential metaphysical voices—and spiritual writer Mitch Horowitz is widely acknowledged as the leading interpreter of the teacher's ideas and life story. Now, in an unparalleled effort, Mitch combs through Neville's extensive body of work to distill the master's most practical and effective methods and techniques for operating the creative powers of your mind. The Ideal Realized helps you vault past difficulties in using Neville’s work, particularly in the all-important area of entering the “feeling state” of your wish fulfilled. Mitch selects and highlights key passages that supply hands-on methods from Neville himself. This collection also includes key passages on dream interpretation, analysis of numbers and symbols, the use of objects for meditation, and the uses and misuses of speech. Mitch’s introduction, “The Triumph of Imagination,” identifies and addresses some of the challenges you might experience on the creative-mind path; supplies fresh techniques; and suggests works to read hand-in-hand with Neville. Mitch’s afterword, “Chariot of Fire,” which is the first-ever transcript of his earliest talk on Neville, provides the full background of the ideas and history from which Neville emerged. This anthology also features the first print version of one of Neville’s final lectures, “Even the Wicked,” delivered shortly before the teacher’s death in 1972; the complete text of his classic Prayer: The Art of Believing from 1945; and many valuable and overlooked works, including radio, record, and television lectures. The collection is capped with a timeline of Neville’s life and a selection of his most powerful aphorisms. The Ideal Realized is a wholly original volume that spans Neville’s career and helps you to speed past bumps and deepen your practical understanding of the master’s ideas.

The Law and The Promise

Book Description

The Law and The Promise Neville Goddard - This book is Neville's last book, the summation and capstone of his career. "The purpose of this book is to show, through actual true stories, how imagining creates reality." Includes many success stories from his students, and concludes with Neville's description of four of his mystical experiences