General Catalogue of Printed Books

Book Description

Timeless Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching

Book Description

"If we look through a piece of red glass, everything is red; through blue glass everything is blue; through yellow glass, everything is yellow, and so on. "The glorious truth is that when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, God looks at us through the Lord Jesus Christ. He sees us in all the white holiness of His Son. That is the great New Testament doctrine of the imputation of our sin to the account of Christ and His righteousness to our account." Preachers and Bible teachers prize good illustrations. A great story is often the clearest and most memorable way for listeners to grasp the truth of God's Word. This timeless collection brings together hundreds of penetrating illustrations and pithy anecdotes from one of the twentieth century's evangelical master expositors, Donald Grey Barnhouse. With typical warmth and humor, Barnhouse illuminates all of Scripture's key topics: God, Christ, the tempter and temptation, sin, salvation, the Bible, the church, Christian life and growth, forgiveness, witnessing, thanksgiving, Christian families, and much more. This two-in-one collection was previously published as "Illustrating Great Themes of Scripture" and "Let Me Illustrate: 400 Stories, Anecdotes, and Illustrations."

Illustrations of Bible Truths

Book Description

Please see the description for this title below. But first...Our promise: All of our works are complete and unabridged. As with all our titles, we have endeavoured to bring you modern editions of classic works. This work is not a scan, but is a completely digitized and updated version of the original. Unlike, many other publishers of classic works, our publications are easy to read. You won't find illegible, faded, poor quality photocopies here. Neither will you find poorly done OCR versions of those faded scans either with illegible "words" that contain all kinds of strange characters like £, %, &, etc. Our publications have all been looked over and corrected by the human eye. We can't promise perfection, but we're sure gonna try! Our goal is to bring you high quality Christian publications at rock bottom prices.Description:I think it was Charles H. Spurgeon who said, "The sermon is the house; the illustrations are the windows that let in the light." Whether this remark was original with him or not, it is very true and deserves to be kept in mind and practically applied by those who would preach the Word in compelling power.Some object to the use of anecdotes of any kind in preaching and teaching, and think all that is needed is the unfolding of the truth. But most minds are so constituted that they need illustrations to enable them readily to grasp the full import of the message. Our Lord Him self used this method continually and in this, as in other things, He has left "us an example, that ye should follow his steps."At the request of valued friends, I have grouped together here many stories and incidents which have served me well throughout a long ministry and which I hope may be used to advantage by others. Many are from my own personal experience and will not be found in the collections of other writers. Some, however, have been used in my books on various subjects. Others are now printed for the first time. I send them forth to the glory of Him who has been to me for over half a century, a wonderful Saviour and a faithful Friend, my ever adorable Lord Jesus Christ.H. A. IronsideChicago, Ill.