The New Jerusalem: A Holy City Not Forsaken

Book Description

Krista has trained her entire life to follow in her father's footsteps. For generations, her family has carried the sacred duty to protect the royal line of Arlanda from Kuel, the dark fallen god, a responsibility bestowed on her bloodline when the Mighty Ones named her ancestor Champion of the Sword. After her father's death, Krista, disguised as a boy, ventures alone into the world for the first time. Her mind is set on fulfilling her family's legacy, leading her directly to the castle of Arlanda. Swept into a whirlwind of training and politics, Krista struggles to keep her true identity a secret while proving her capabilities as a warrior-and trying not to fall for the prince she is sworn to protect. But Kuel could be anywhere, could be anyone, and the threats against the royal family are growing with every passing day. Krista knows that this battle will end with her, for better or worse. But she has one advantage-the evil one thinks she is already dead.

Jesus and the Holy City

Book Description

This book surveys the various landscapes portrayed by the different New Testament authors and draw these together into an overall biblical theology of the ancient city of Jerusalem..

New Jerusalem: The Holy City

Book Description

Everyone knows about Jerusalem, but not the Bible talks about New Jerusalem. What is it and who lives there? Why is it so important? This book explains all these and more. Children will learn about it's wall, foundations, gates, and more. The Lord Jesus Christ was promised this to be His Bride and He is waiting to take His Church there too.

The Holy City

Book Description

John Bunyan's The Holy City (1665) is a spiritual treatise about the city of Jerusalem and its religious importance. The work covers the general geographic description of Jerusalem and the different races and cultures of its inhabitants. How the city might have been defended in the past, its entrances and exits are all covered in the work. The historical and religious aspects that are the distinctive marks of the city are also discussed.

What Is the New Jerusalem?

Book Description

We all know about how we were taught that when we die we will stand before Peter at the pearly gates and he holds a book determining if we are worthy of entering the gates of heaven. We were told we will be running down streets of gold and having a mansion we reside in this enormous cube extending 1500 miles in all directions. But have you really thought about that? Have you considered how strange that would look on the earth? When I began studying that, I noticed that it is not mentioned in scripture. But what is mentioned is the description of the bride of Christ. In Revelation chapter 21, John is describing the bride as a beautiful city and not a literal super cube coming down. In this book, I will go verse by verse explaining this description so you can have an accurate knowledge of the Word of God.

The holy city

Book Description