The New Multilateralism in South African Diplomacy

Book Description

The New Multilateralism in South African Diplomacy provides a detailed analysis of how post-apartheid South Africa has participated in multilateral diplomacy in a variety of sub-regional, regional and international settings during the last decade. The book will interest scholars interested in multilateralism and South African foreign policy.

South Africa's Multilateral Diplomacy and Global Change

Book Description

Post-apartheid South Africa's foreign policy has accepted a range of leadership responsibilities within multilateral institutions. This text assesses how, in these various leadership capacities, South Africa has been able to punch above its weight diplomatically. Pretoria's intervention or support for a particular position has sometimes been crucial in breaking a deadlock or securing the co-operation of others. South Africa has also used its profile to act as a voice for the vunerable, smaller states in world affairs. Based on their assessment of globalization as a process that holds some benefits, but also many dangers, for developing countries, both the Mandela and Mbeki persidencies have used multilateral forums to push for a greater say by developing countries in global governance. This position seems to indicate a reformist tendency in South African foreign policy. This book examines whether Pretoria's multilateral diplomacy contributes to global transformation, or whether South Africa's policies help maintain a fundamentally flawed global order.

South African Foreign Policy Review: Volume 2

Book Description

The first two decades of South Africa's democracy have seen a growing breadth and depth in the analysis of South Africa's foreign policy. This second volume of the South African Foreign Policy Review considers the continuity and change in South Africa's foreign policy over the course of two decades, with a particular focus on the more recent approach under the Zuma administration. This includes a closer look at the principles, practices and partnerships that shape South Africa's international relations and is aimed at supporting knowledge for reflection on South Africa's conduct internationally and for anticipating ways in which the country may approach international relations and foreign policy going forward. It discusses the foreign policy making and the nature of South Africa's diplomatic relations with Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America, as well as the country's participation in multilateral diplomacy in Africa, the global South and at the United Nations (UN) to expand the discussion and deepen the debate on the future shape and direction of South Africa's foreign policy.

South African Foreign Policy Review: Volume 1

Book Description

The richness of public and academic discourses on the past, present and future direction of South Africas role in Africa and the world suggests that as a sub-discipline of politics, South African foreign policy is ready for a systematic and regular appraisal in the form of a series of publications that the Institute for Global Dialogue will call South African Foreign Policy Review. This is also because constant changes in international and domestic circumstances impinge on the management and analysis of South Africas foreign policy. This, the first review provides an important opportunity to build on existing foreign policy works in order to take stock of the road already travelled in the past decade or so. This is crucial in laying some basis for anticipating the countrys future role, and considering the opportunities and challenges, which future volumes of the review will consider. This volume provides a wide-ranging appraisal of the relationship between stated foreign policy goals and actual outputs and outcomes, an assessment of how foreign policy has actually been operationalized and implemented. To this end, common themes in South African foreign policy provide the framework for the first review. These include foreign policy decision-making; soft power dynamics in the foreign policys strategic calculus; diplomatic tools used economic diplomacy, peace diplomacy and paradiplomacy; South Africas relations with key states in Africa, in the global south and in the global north; South Africas approach to Africa multilateral, global multilateralism/governance. The review hopes to stimulate further discussion and thinking on the challenges confronted, and the future shape and direction of South Africas foreign policy.

Africa and the World

Book Description

This book probes key issues pertaining to Africa’s relations with global actors. It provides a comprehensive trajectory of Africa’s relations with key bilateral and major multilateral actors, assessing how the Cold War affected the African state systems’ political policies, its economies, and its security. Taken together, the essays in this volume provide a collective understanding of Africa’s drive to improve the capacity of its state of global affairs, and assess whether it is in fact able to do so.

South African Foreign Policy

Book Description

This book considers the identity, direction, and intentions embodied in post-apartheid South African Foreign Policy. It aims to deepen the understanding of this evolving post-apartheid foreign policy through an exploration of the nature and trajectory of key bilateral relationships from both the global ‘South’ (Brazil, China, Iran, the AU) and ‘North’ (Japan and the UK). This window on the country’s international relations enriches understanding of the normative and structural factors that influence not only South African foreign policy, but those of what Jordaan (2003) calls emerging middle powers as they seek to position themselves as influential actors in international affairs. By sketching the contours of key South African relationships the contributors offer illuminating insights into the cross-pressures shaping South African foreign policy. In addition, they also add depth to the emerging middle power concept by exploring four areas where the tendencies and tensions of emerging middle power foreign policies are apparent: regionalism, multilateralism, reform of global governance, and approach to moral leadership. This book was previously published as a special issue of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics.

Group Politics in UN Multilateralism

Book Description

Group Politics in UN Multilateralism provides a new perspective on diplomacy and negotiation. UN multilateralism is shaped by long-standing group dynamics as well as shifting, ad-hoc groupings. These intergroup dynamics are key to understanding diplomatic practice at the UN.

The Diplomacy of Isolation

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