The Nile River | Major Rivers of the World Series Grade 4 | Children's Geography & Cultures Books

Book Description

The Nile River has been flowing for generations, and with it, history was made. In this book, you are going to read and learn about the Nile River as one of the major and most historic rivers in the world. It’s important to learn about geography to fully grasp its cultural context too. Go ahead and grab a copy today.

The Nile River | Major Rivers of the World Series Grade 4 | Children's Geography & Cultures Books

Book Description

The Nile River has been flowing for generations, and with it, history was made. In this book, you are going to read and learn about the Nile River as one of the major and most historic rivers in the world. It's important to learn about geography to fully grasp its cultural context too. Go ahead and grab a copy today.

The Amazon River | Major Rivers of the World Series Grade 4 | Children's Geography & Cultures Books

Book Description

Here’s another great river that you ought to read about - the Amazon. It is important because it feeds the Amazon Rainforest and its wildlife. Remember that the Amazon is considered the “last frontier” because it is the biggest rainforest in the world. If you don’t read and learn about it, how are you to care for it? Start acquiring knowledge through this book.

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Popular Educator

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The Amazon River | Major Rivers of the World Series Grade 4 | Children's Geography & Cultures Books

Book Description

Here's another great river that you ought to read about - the Amazon. It is important because it feeds the Amazon Rainforest and its wildlife. Remember that the Amazon is considered the "last frontier" because it is the biggest rainforest in the world. If you don't read and learn about it, how are you to care for it? Start acquiring knowledge through this book.

Popular Science

Book Description

Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Book Description

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is the premier public resource on scientific and technological developments that impact global security. Founded by Manhattan Project Scientists, the Bulletin's iconic "Doomsday Clock" stimulates solutions for a safer world.

The Invention of Yesterday

Book Description

From language to culture to cultural collision: the story of how humans invented history, from the Stone Age to the Virtual Age Traveling across millennia, weaving the experiences and world views of cultures both extinct and extant, The Invention of Yesterday shows that the engine of history is not so much heroic (battles won), geographic (farmers thrive), or anthropogenic (humans change the planet) as it is narrative. Many thousands of years ago, when we existed only as countless small autonomous bands of hunter-gatherers widely distributed through the wilderness, we began inventing stories--to organize for survival, to find purpose and meaning, to explain the unfathomable. Ultimately these became the basis for empires, civilizations, and cultures. And when various narratives began to collide and overlap, the encounters produced everything from confusion, chaos, and war to cultural efflorescence, religious awakenings, and intellectual breakthroughs. Through vivid stories studded with insights, Tamim Ansary illuminates the world-historical consequences of the unique human capacity to invent and communicate abstract ideas. In doing so, he also explains our ever-more-intertwined present: the narratives now shaping us, the reasons we still battle one another, and the future we may yet create.