The Nilgiri Sannyasis

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Philosophers and philosophicules

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Theosophy is the very synthesis of Philosophy in its widest abstract sense, as in its special qualifications. It is quintessence of the highest transcendental philosophy. Theosophy is no national property, but only the universal code of science and the most transcendental ethics that was ever known; that it lies at the root of every moral philosophy and religion. Occultism is one of the Sciences of Theosophy, or the Wisdom-Religion, but by no means the whole of Theosophy.

The Nellore Yanadis

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The Nellore Yanadis are dark-skinned aboriginal people, short in stature, of unknown origin. They are renowned for their mysterious knowledge of the occult properties of nature. They plant round their huts certain herbs believed to ward off venomous reptiles. A decoction from more than a hundred different roots is said to possess incalculable virtues for curing any malady. The Yanadi seer grows his hair and lets no razor pass his head. Yanadis can smell out their game, and trace out trespassers by merely looking at their footmarks.

The Power to Heal

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Let every man prove his own works

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The religious philanthropist holds a position of his own, which cannot in any way concern or affect the Theosophist. He does not do good merely for the sake of doing good, but also as a means towards his own salvation. The secular philanthropist is really at heart a socialist, and nothing else; he hopes to make men happy and good by bettering their physical position. The direct effect of an appreciation of Theosophy is to make those charitable who were not so before. Theosophy creates the charity which afterwards, and of its own accord, makes itself manifest in works.

Occult philosophy is the panacea for all ills of mind and body

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Wisdom is acquaintance with all divine and human affairs, and knowledge of the cause of everything. Virtue is the good of the mind: it follows, therefore, that a happy life depends on virtue. Pain is virtue’s sharpest adversary. Pain and pleasure are trifling and effeminate sentiments peculiar to the lower self. Fortitude is fearless obedience to reason. To her followers, prudence teaches a good life and secures a happy one. The aim of life is neither applause nor profit, but to merely experience it on behalf of the silent observer within. By exercising authority over his lower self, the wise man opposes pain as he would an enemy. Armed with contention, encouragement, and discourse with himself, he remains indifferent to honour and dishonour. “I am not at all surprised at that, for it is the effect of philosophy, which is the medicine of our souls.” Frustration is the end point of all outwardly-looking desires, and every frustration nurtures Vairagya. Preliminary vairagya is a mental U-turn, an infolding of consciousness. Final vairagya is the actualisation that all is One. Veiling the eyes to external vision is the first initiation, the first step on the Renunciant Path. Happiness ever alternating with sadness softens us up, motivates us to conquer our internal enemies, and gives us the confidence to persevere, and a foretaste of true love. “These evils seemed to have arisen from the fact that all happiness or unhappiness was placed in the quality of the object to which we cling with love.” Occult Philosophy is the remedy for every disease of mind, body, and soul.

The struggle for existence

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It is only by extending empathy and sympathy that the individual can expand into the divine and merge with universal love, the spirit of which is self-sacrifice. By extending our love to all men, aye, to animals as well, we joy and sorrow with them, and expand our souls towards The One that ever both sorrows and joys with all, in an eternal bliss in which the pleasure of joy and the pain of sorrow are not.

The true lover beholds in the beloved only the greater beauty of the spirit that stirs his heart

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By separating in each soul that which is divine, from the taint which it has contracted in the world, the true lover ascends to the beauty of knowledge and truth that lies hidden within a triple casket concealing itself as the tortoise conceals his head within his shell.

Lodges of Magic

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Occult truth cannot be absorbed by a mind that is filled with preconception, prejudice, or suspicion. It is something to be perceived by the intuition rather than by the reason — being by nature spiritual, not material. Among the prerequisites for psychic development, noted in the mystical Manuals of all Eastern religious systems, are a pure place, pure diet, pure companionship, and a pure mind. Active, wide-awake, earnest, unselfish Branches are needed, whose members shall not be constantly unmasking their selfishness by asking “What will it profit us to join the Theosophical Society, and how much will it harm us?” but be putting to themselves the question “Can we not do substantial good to mankind by working in this good cause with all our hearts, our minds, and our strength?”