Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses and Selected Sermons

Book Description

Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses forever changed the world. This is one of Christianity's most important documents. It was not, as most people assume, Luther's explanation as to why he was separating from the Catholic Church, but it was a shot across the bow of a corrupt system that eventually lead to the Reformation. Also included in this edition are seven of Luther's most important sermons including Christ's Holy Sufferings, Enemies of the Cross of Christ & the Christian's Citizenship in Heaven, Christ Our Great High Priest, On Faith & Coming to Christ, Of The Office of Preaching, The Twofold Use of the Law & Gospel: "Letter" & "Spirit," and The Parable of the Sower.

Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses and Selected Sermons

Book Description

Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses forever changed the world. This is one of Christianity's most important documents. It was not as most people assume Luther's explanation as to why he was separating from the Catholic Church but it was a shot across the bow of a corrupt system that eventually lead to the Reformation. Also included in this edition are seven of Luther's most important sermons

The Ninety-Five Theses and Other Writings

Book Description

For the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, a new translation of Martin Luther's most famous works by leading Luther scholar and pastor William Russell This volume contains selections from Martin Luther's most evocative and provocative writings, freshly translated, for the 21st century. These documents, which span the Reformer's literary career, point to the enduring and flexible character of his central ideas. As Luther's reform proposals emerged, they coalesced around some basic priorities, which he delivered to wide-ranging audiences--writing for children, preaching in congregations, formulating academic treatises, penning letters to family and friends, counter-punching critics, summarizing Biblical books, crafting confessions of faith, and more. This book demonstrates that range and provides entry points, for non-specialists and specialists alike, into the thought and life of the epoch-defining, fascinating, and controversial Martin Luther. With attention to the breadth of his literary output, it draws from his letters, sermons, popular writings, and formal theological works. This breadth allows readers to encounter Luther the man: the sinner and the saint, the public activist and the private counselor, the theologian and the pastor. These writings possess a practical, accessible arc, as Luther does not write only for specialists and church officials, but he applies his chief insights to the "real-life" issues that faced his rather wide variety of audiences.

Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses

Book Description

By almost any reckoning, the Ninety-Five Theses ranks as the most important text of the Reformation, if not in substance at least in impact. As the anniversary of its posting on the church door in Wittenberg approaches, what better way to remember and recognize the occasion than to make this important text more easily understood by twenty-first-century readers? Timothy J. Wengert, one of the best-known interpreters of Luther and Lutheranism active today, sets his newly translated Ninety-Five Theses in its historical context with a detailed introduction and illuminating study notes. To help the reader understand the context and the import of the Ninety-Five Theses more deeply, Wengert provides two more related and essential documents: Luthers Letter to Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz (to which he appended a copy of the Theses) and Luthers 1518 Sermon on Indulgences and Grace (written to inform the German-speaking public of his view of indulgences). The book is simply constructed with introductions and notes for each of the writings, as well as a study guide with questions for individual or group reflection and conversation.

Martin Luther's 95 Theses

Book Description

Did Martin Luther wield his hammer on the Wittenberg church door on October 31, 1517? Did he even post the Ninety-five Theses at all? This collection of documents sheds light on the debate surrounding Luther's actions and the timing of his writing and his request for a disputation on the indulgence issue. The primary documents in this book include the theses, their companion sermon ("A Sermon on Indulgence and Grace", 1518), a chronoloical arrangement of letters pertinent to the theses, and selections from Luther's Table Talk that address the Ninety-five Theses. A final section contains Luther's recollections, which offer today's reader the reformer's own views of the Reformation and the Ninety-five Theses.

Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses

Book Description

"The text that follows is loosely based on the English translation of Adolph Spaeth, L D. Reed, and Henry Eyster Jacobs."

Martin Luther in His Own Words

Book Description

Though most of the Protestant world can trace its roots back to the Reformation, many people today have only a vague knowledge of Martin Luther's writings. "Didn't he write the Ninety-Five Theses?" Jack Kilcrease and Erwin Lutzer step into this vacuum with a carefully selected collection of Luther's works. Centered around the five solas of the Reformation (sola Scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, sola Christus, soli Deo gloria), the selections offer readers an accessible primer on works that are foundational to the theology of Protestantism in all its forms. Introductions to each writing include an explanation of the historical context and the theological significance of the piece. Students of the Bible, pastors, teachers, and seminary students will find this collection an enlightening introduction to Luther in his own words and a useful addition to their libraries.

95 Theses for a New Reformation

Book Description

Five hundred years ago Martin Luther wrote his Ninety-Five Theses, inaugurating the Protestant Reformation, and with it exemplified an unflinching devotion to return to the Word of God as the ultimate authority. Today, the church is also in desperate need for reformation--a new reformation to correct her shortcomings and meet the challenges of the day. Some might see everything as fine, some might see everything as hopeless, and others might simply dismiss the church as irrelevant, too impotent to reform herself, much less to strengthen the disintegrating family or address the downward-spiraling culture with a prophetic voice. 95 Theses for a New Reformation confronts the necessity for reformation today head-on. Over thirty of today's pastors, theologians, and church leaders analyze ninety-five current problems, search the Scriptures for solutions, and make sound biblical appropriations to implement into the life of the church, family, and culture. On this 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, let us pray that the Lord will again revive his church for his own glory and for the purification of Christ's beloved bride, the church. And let us prepare ourselves to respond with urgency to God's call to action by reforming the church, family, and culture. Contributors include: John Frame, John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, Peter J. Leithart, and James White

Three Treatises

Book Description

Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the church door at Wittenberg in 1517. In the three years that followed, Luther clarified and defended his position in numerous writings. Chief among these are the three treatises written in 1520. In these writings Luther tried to frame his ideas in terms that would be comprehensible not only to the clergy but to people from a wide range of backgrounds. To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation is an attack on the corruption of the church and the abuses of its authority, bringing to light many of the underlying reasons for the Reformation. The second treatise, The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, contains Luther's sharp criticism of the sacramental system of the Catholic church. The Freedom of a Christian gives a concise presentation of Luther's position on the doctrine of justification by faith. The translations of these treatises are all taken from the American edition of Luther's Works. This new edition of Three Treatises will continue to be a popular resource for individual study, church school classes, and college and seminary courses.