The Notion of Award in International Commercial Arbitration

Book Description

International commercial arbitration relies extensively on the possibility of enforcing arbitral decisions against recalcitrant parties. Because courts and arbitration laws across the world take contrasting approaches to the definition of awards, such enforcement can be problematic, especially in the context of awards by consent, and the recent development known as ‘emergency arbitration’. In this timely and ground-breaking book, a young arbitration scholar takes us through the difficulties of defining the notion of arbitral award with a rare combination of theoretical awareness and attention to the procedural requirements of arbitral practice. In a framework using a comparative analysis of common law and civil law jurisdictions (specifically, England and France) and how each has regulated in different ways the equilibria between state justice and arbitral justice – and comparing each with the UNCITRAL Model Law – the book addresses such issues as the following: - the ‘judicialization’ of arbitration; - different models of arbitral adjudication and their impact on the notion of award; - what an award needs to contain to be enforceable; - awards on competence; - awards by consent; and - awards ante causam. The author employs a methodology that views arbitration as providing an institution for administering justice rather than as a purely contractual creature. To this end, rules of arbitral institutions (particularly the International Chamber of Commerce) are examined closely for their implications on what an award means. As a fresh look at the arbitral award by placing it in a broader context than is usually found, this book allows for a greater understanding of the functioning of international commercial arbitration. It is sure to become an international reference, and as such will be welcomed by arbitrators, practitioners at global law firms, companies doing transnational business, interested academics, and international arbitration centres in emerging markets.

Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards

Book Description

The analysis thoroughly covers the major issues that have arisen in the application of the Convention, including the following: - the use of reservations made by Contracting States; - the distinctions between recognition and enforcement and between recognition sought at the seat of the arbitration and outside the seat; - the role of the courts in reviewing arbitral awards and, in particular, the Convention's focus on safeguarding due process standards; - the more favourable rightsA" principle embodied in Article VII(1); - the relevance of forum shopping and asset spotting to the application of the Convention; and - the role of formalities and formalism. The end result is an invaluable work that will prove enormously useful to all international commercial arbitration practitioners and scholars, regardless of location.

The Notion of Award in International Commercial Arbitration-lessons from French and English Law

Book Description

"For the past twenty years, international commercial arbitration scholarship has mainly focusedon the private dimension of international arbitration. Part of a greater movement toward theprivatization of justice and law, this understanding of the discipline has obscured arbitrators'adjudicative role. By reflecting on different adjudicative models and by analyzing the form andcontent of arbitral decisions, new light can be shed on our understanding of internationalcommercial arbitration." --

Comparative International Commercial Arbitration

Book Description

This treatise describes the practice of international commercial arbitration with reference to the major international treaties and instruments, arbitration rules and national laws. It provides an analysis of the interaction between party autonomy and arbitration practice.

International Commercial Arbitration

Book Description

This indispensable book offers a concise comparative introduction to international commercial arbitration (ICA). With reference to recent case law from leading jurisdictions and up-to-date rules revisions, International Commercial Arbitration offers a thorough overview of the issues raised in arbitration, from the time of drafting of the arbitration clause to the rendering of the arbitral award and the post-award stage.

The Review of International Arbitral Awards

Book Description

In intemational arbitration, as in any other system of adjudication, finality of the decision must be balanced against the need to ensure that justice has been administered fairly. Because finality is one of its essential features, international arbitration has reached an equilibrium which guarantees to the parties a decision that cannot be appealed, while allowing a review of arbitral awards on limited grounds. The review of international arbitral awards was the topic of the inaugural IAI forum, on the occasion of which 50 prominent academics, judges, arbitrators and practitioners active in the field of international arbitration convened in the legendary Clos de Vougeot, in the heart of Burgundy for a two-day retreat. The presentations were followed by extensive discussion, the transcript of which is included in the present volume. The International Arbitration Institute (IAI) was established in Paris with the purpose of promoting communication and exchanges on current international arbitration issues. It now includes over 600 members residing in 44 countries. For further detail, see

Third-Party Effects of Arbitral Awards

Book Description

The specialization and financial demand of global business render international transactions inherently multilateral and thus best effected through arbitration agreements. However, it often happens that – for various reasons, such as a debtor’s failure to pay damages ordered by an arbitral tribunal – third parties who did not consent to the original arbitration enter the scene. This is the first book to examine the binding effects of international commercial arbitral awards in follow-up disputes against third parties. It comprehensively analyses arbitral awards’ third-party effects under national arbitration laws, the New York Convention and private international law. Moreover, it proposes solutions under transnational law before both courts and arbitral tribunals. Applying a continuously comparative methodology that refers to specific statutory, jurisprudential and scholarly sources, this book explores the nature and implications of such aspects of third-party involvement as the following: the foundations of the doctrine of res judicata and its intrinsic connection to other tools of forum coordination; the distinction between res judicata before courts on the one hand and arbitral tribunals on the other; the application of non-mutual preclusion in favour of third parties; the potential for arbitral awards to constitute a fact in follow-up disputes; a comparison of rules and uncertainties on awards’ third-party effects under various national arbitration acts; preclusion agreements; the arbitration agreement’s scope; and judgments’ third-party effects as a shift of the participatory burden. For civil law, the author focuses on France and Switzerland (as predominant arbitral seats) and on Germany (as a Model Law example). Among common-law countries, he concentrates on England and Wales and on the United States. Statutory sources (with specific wording), leading cases and summaries of the most important scholarly discussions are all invoked. With its clear guidelines for matters currently not addressed in previous publications and likely to be raised in specific cases, this book will prove to be of immeasurable value for arbitration practitioners and academics in any jurisdiction. Business parties that seek to prevent contradicting decisions in multilateral transactions will appreciate the practically feasible alternatives it presents in the event of follow-up disputes involving third parties.

International Commercial Arbitration in New York

Book Description

International Commercial Arbitration in New York focuses on the distinctive aspects of international arbitration in New York. Serving as an essential strategic guide, this book allows practitioners to represent clients more effectively in cases where New York is implicated as either the place of arbitration or evidence or assets are located in New York. Each chapter elucidates a vital topic, including the existing New York legal landscape, drafting considerations for clauses designating New York as the place of arbitration, and material and advice on selecting arbitrators. The book also covers a series of topics at the intersection of arbitral process and the New York courts, including jurisdiction, enforcing arbitration agreements, and obtaining preliminary relief and discovery. Class action arbitration, challenging and enforcing arbitral awards, and biographical materials on New York-based international arbitrators is also included, making this a comprehensive, valuable resource for practitioners.

Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and the Public Policy Exception

Book Description

The book presents arguments derived from primary sources related to international arbitration in South Asian jurisdictions, a list of the same is made available therein. The book is a research statement on the contemporary concerns within international commercial arbitration, especially related to enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. Importantly, the book through a unique methodology of interface, presents the gratuitous nature of Article 34 of the UNCITRAL Model Law when read with Article V of the New York Convention, especially the plea to the States within Article VII of the same Convention to ease the restrictions and the process of enforceability of foreign arbitral awards. The book also articulates another important and immediate need with regard to international arbitration – the delimitation of public policy exception to recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. It critiques the jurisprudence related to arbitration in jurisdictions spread across different geographic regions, thereby enabling the reader to gain an insight into their practices, apart from ensuring a comparative perspective. The book addresses the primary concern related to international arbitration – enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and the grounds for challenges articulated within the New York Convention and the UNCITRAL Model Law. It addresses these grounds, and articulates the necessity for carving the criteria for the application of public policy exception. The book will not only be a useful resource for policy makers, students and researchers interested in international commercial arbitration, and private international law, but also for practitioners working on dispute resolution in trans-jurisdictional disputes in South Asia and beyond. “...The present book is not just another book contributing to the endless list of literature already widely used in International Commercial Arbitration on public policy but, in my opinion, is unique in many respects. The distinguishing factor of this book is its regional perspective..." - Justice Deepak Verma, Former Judge of Supreme Court of India and Arbitrator “...This book addresses this core element of the success story of arbitration: enforcement and refusal to enforce and, hence, its relevance cannot be overstated...” - Csongor István Nagy, Professor of Law and Head, Department of Private International Law, University of Szeged, Hungary Detailed Forewords are available in the book and can be freely downloaded from

Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards

Book Description

This book examines how the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, commonly known as The New York Convention, has been understood and applied in [insert number] jurisdictions, including virtually all that are leading international arbitration centers. It begins with a general report surveying and synthesizing national responses to a large number of critical issues in the Convention’s interpretation and application. It is followed by national reports, all of which are organized in accordance with a common questionnaire raising these critical issues. Following introductory remarks, each report addresses the following aspects of the Convention which include its basic implementation within the national legal system; enforcement by local courts of agreements to arbitrate (including grounds for withholding enforcement), recognition and enforcement of foreign awards by local courts under the Convention (including grounds for denying recognition and enforcement), and essential procedural issues in the courts’ conduct of recognition and enforcement. Each report concludes with an overall assessment of the Convention’s interpretation and application on national territory and recommendations, if any, for reform. The New York Convention was intended to enhance the workings of the international arbitral system, primarily by ensuring that arbitral awards are readily recognizable and enforceable in States other than the State in which they are rendered, subject of course to certain safeguards reflected by the Convention’s limited grounds for denying recognition or enforcement. It secondarily binds signatory states to enforce the arbitration agreements on the basis of which awards under the Convention will be rendered. Despite its exceptionally wide adoption and its broad coverage, the New York Convention depends for its efficacy on the conduct of national actors, and national courts in particular. Depending on the view of international law prevailing in a given State, the Convention may require statutory implementation at the national level. Beyond that, the Convention requires of national courts an apt understanding of the principles and policies that underlie the Convention’s various provisions. Through its in-depth coverage of the understandings of the Convention that prevail across national legal systems, the book gives practitioners and scholars a much-improved appreciation of the New York Convention “on the ground.”