The Old Farm Gate

Book Description

The Old Farm Gate

Book Description

The Old Farm Gate

Book Description

The Old Farm Gate

Book Description

IN appearing before the public with this little volume of stories and poems for children and youth, the writer feels that a few words are necessary by way of introduction. Did he not fear of its savouring too much of egotism, he would say that he most sincerely believes that much may be found herein calculated to elevate the thoughts, purify the hearts, and enlighten the minds of his youthful readers. The title of the volume may be objected to by some, as one not adapted to convey a true idea of its contents. To this he would answer, that the little poem of "The Old Farm Gate," from which the book derives its name, was so favourably noticed by the press when it was originally published, that he has been induced thereby to use it as a title for the present volume, by way of endorsement of its general contents, as the same pure morality which distinguished that poem will be found to prevail to a considerable extent throughout the following pages

Emilie the peace-maker

Book Description