Sacred Cows Make Gourmet Burgers

Book Description

This book shows how an atmosphere of permission-giving, which signals the end of leaders as enablers, can help church leaders transcend bureaucracy and enhance spiritual gifts rather than assign them. The 'sacred cows' of control and regulation can be devoured, as leaders and people are converted to a new style of ministry.

Jesus Christ - Quantum Physicist

Book Description

Does modern natural science suggest the existence of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit? How can we explain eternity and Heaven? Who is the Holy Spirit? Physicist Dirk Schneider beckons his readers to follow him on an enthralling journey of discovery over the course of which he comes up with an entirely new theory. In order to be able to explain the world we live in from the perspective of quantum physics, the existence of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is apparently a necessity. Schneider's analysis uncovers surprising and easy-to-understand congruencies between the results of physics experiments and statements made in the Bible. What's more: the phenomena of quantum physics are easier to understand with the assistance of Biblical statements than they are without the Bible. Table of Contents 1. A long nightmare begins 2. A case of hay fever changes the fate of the world 3. How to alter the course of the past 4. What does "eternity" mean? 5. Why New York is a neighboring city of San Francisco 6. What is omnipresence? 7. The most magnificent experiment of all times 8. What do the terms "God" and "Heaven" mean? 9. Does the moon exist even if no one is looking? 10. The secret of the Holy Spirit 11. Jesus Christ-the Son of God

Christ, and Marry

Book Description

Essays about the Tinker, a young person who visits married couples.

Quantum God

Book Description

If Quantum God were a Who, God would not be the judgmental, biased, and sometimes malicious Old Man in the Sky many of us grew up with, but rather the All where everything is possible and pulsating with potential. If Quantum God were a What, God might be the fabric that connects every idea, every desire, every personality, and everything in a pulsating, energetic, ever-Becoming Whole. If Quantum God were a Where, God could be the Higgs-Boson "God Particle" upon which angels dance or an "everywhere" with ever-burgeoning dimensions well beyond our comprehension of the universe as we know it. If Quantum God were a Why, God would exist because creativity cannot be contained or restrained, but seeks free-flowing expression, expanding in waves and ripples of idea-become-event. Yet Quantum God may be most like a How--the how behind everything we know and "laws" we can only guess at, the how that lays the groundwork for miracles as commonplace occurrences and composes a theme from the frequency (or vibration) of joy. Quantum God: How Life Really Works sheds light on the misconceptions that limit us and offers insights that can free us to be the true powers we really are, seemingly magical beings who create with godlike abilities. When we understand the invisible workings of the universe, we stop being victims of creative laws we don't understand. These laws rule our lives, whether we comprehend them or not. What could we do if we understood them? Is there anything we could not do? Miracles are the way life is meant to work. Quantum God tells about how we shortchange ourselves, our true creative potential, how our hopes and dreams, fears and feelings of inadequacy create our experiences, how to rise out of depression, victimhood, and blame to find joy and peace, how to believe in ourselves and live with confidence and optimism. You are now what you think you are -- but you're actually so much more! You can become whatever you believe is possible. Learn how to redefine yourself.

Quantum Hope

Book Description

We all need hope, yet we do not really understand what the origin of this craving may be nor the ramifications of its completion. After the Fall of Man, something was missing and resulted in our separation from God. Quantum hope reconnects us through of faith in Christ Jesus until that day when we will be fully restored. Quantum Hope is the sequel to Quantum Phaith and prequel to Quantum Love (not yet published). In Quantum Phaith, we learned what faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1: "faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Quantum Hope examines the biblical hope as the connection between faith and love (1st Corinthians 13:13). Hope is that which we persevere for and the force that binds-an equilibrium. Unlike secular hope, quantum hope encompasses several ideas and is measurable. We will see that quantum hope is not only a character trait and a promise laid up in heaven, but also a Person: Christ.

Quantum New Testament: Paraphrase

Book Description

THE QUANTUM NEW TESTAMENT: PARAPHRASE reveals The Missing Link between religion and science for a 2nd Reformation. The clue to the secret missing link is hiding in plain sight; in your hand. Five billion cell phones cannot be wrong. God orchestrates the entire universe, including cell phones, through revelation of what has been the missing link: quantum mechanics. If you do not understand Christianity or quantum theory then unite them as two ways to understand the glory of God. THE GRACE NEW TESTAMENT teaches anyone can receive eternal life the moment they experience assurance of belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. This creates a personal everlasting relationship with the Messiah (who died on the cross as payment for sin and then overcame death by resurrection). Then Jesus delivers the believer, an heir among the family of New Testament church believers, through the trials, pains and joys of life to eternal rewards in the Kingdom of God. This is the simple, plain meaning of New Testament authors. Spin biblical truth around and describe it with the language of the new science in THE QUANTUM NEW TESTAMENT: PARAPHRASE. Quantum grace provides the missing link between the New Testament gospel and scientific reasoning. Quantum mechanics is the means by which God dispenses grace. And stunning as it may seem, Great Christian mysteries like creation, incarnation, baptism, miracles, monotheistic trinity, free will vs providence, flesh vs spirit, gifts: tongues, healing and prophecy, priesthood of all believers, resurrection and the second coming dissolve in a quantum universe. There are no words sufficient to convey the importance of THE QUANTUM NEW TESTAMENT: PARAPHRASE for third millennial Christianity. It will knock you to your knees to pray as never before when you grasp how Jesus orchestrates matter, energy, space and time for you to live a life that glorifies the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit. Faith magnifies into a trillion supernovas in a trillion universes when God’s quantum light dances for a human audience in the virtual opera we call reality created and directed by the Holy Trinity. Brilliant authors penned extraordinary insights into religion and science. Compare opinions and concepts from Josh McDowell, Joseph Dillow, Carl Buhl?, John Polkinghorne, Stephen C. Meyer, Thomas Aquinas, Richard Rohr, William Dembski, Erwin Schrodinger, William Lane Craig, J.I. Packer, Alan G. Padgett, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Paul Helm, Gregory E. Ganssle, Albert Einstein, CS Lewis, Scott Rae, Fritjof Capra, Isaac Newton, Michael Helser, Joe Padilla, Dr. Henry Morris, John C. Whitcomb, Tim Clarey, John D. Barrow, Norman Geisler, Ray Bohlin, Paul Davies, Steve Cable, John Horgan, Heather Zeiger, Ken Harn, Hugh Ross, Deborah Haarsma, Ian Barbour, Bernard Haisch, Ray Comfort, Harry W. Miller, Francis S. Collins, Charles Clough, Dodie Osteen, Thomas George, Franjo Stvarnik, Grant Jeffrey, Jim Willis, Jim Walker, James Frederick Ivey, Gerald Schroeder, Olufolahan Akintola, Jim Woodford, Josh Peck, Eckhart Tolle, Read other bible books by David Kreiling: THE GRACE NEW TESTAMENT, ONE STEP and JESUS RICH.

Quantum Christianity

Book Description

What is Consciousness? Who or what is The Christ? Quantum physics is a way to better understand who GOD is outside of space and time. After all, a Quantum God, is ALL, was all, and will be all for eternity. What does it look like to live in Christ Consciousness? How does Christianity look through a Quantum lens? There is a new layer of hidden or esoteric wisdom waiting to be unlocked from the bible and other ancient texts. We are coming to a point in humanities existence where the Holy Spirit is pouring the holy water of wisdom ( age of Aquarius) in the souls who, ' have the ear to hear' what the text is 'really' trying to say. To my fellow anons, 144, star seeds, indigos, lightworkers, and watchers, lets continue to rise the vibration and the God frequency of love, light, reason, logic, truth, justice, liberty and freedom. Let the elements of Mother Gaia bring forth the new heavens and a new earth for the glory of God.

Quantum Glory

Book Description

Quantum Glory explores the intriguing intersection between the two realities of quantum mechanics and the glory of God. Quantum Glory consists of page after page of revelation as to the glory of God and the wonders of the universe. Part One explores the subatomic world, revealing its exceptionally intricate divine design that unveils the mind of our Creator. InPart Two, the author explains how the glory of God invades our physical universe to bring about miracles of divine healing. Quantum Glory is packed with revelation that will blow your mind! But more than that, it is designed to equip you in supernatural ministry so that you can also release the glory of God on earth as it is in heaven! Prepare to have your world turned upside down!

The Physics of Heaven

Book Description

Some of the most influential and prophetic voices of the Spirit-empowered movement have joined together to help you start hearing the sounds of heaven and discover how natural elements—sound, light, energy, vibration and even quantum physics—are supernaturally bringing Heaven to Earth. Featuring contributions from Bill and Beni Johnson, Larry Randolph, Jonathan Welton, Bob Jones, Cal Pierce, David Van Koevering, and Ray Hughes, The Physics of Heaven features revelatory segments such as: · Recovering Spiritual Inheritance · Sound of Heaven · Angelic Encounters · Quantum Mysticism · Authentic versus Counterfeit Unlock Heaven’s healing energy, tap into the frequency of God’s Kingdom, and access a new realm of divine encounters today! “If you are tired of being a settler, existing on the shores of tradition and riskless living, this book is for you. But beware, because once you get a taste of these authors’ insights into light, sound, vibration and quantum physics and you discover how God has written His personal story into creation, you are destined to see the Almighty all around you.” - from the foreword by Kris Vallotton