The Only Authentic Book of Persuasion

Book Description

The Only Authentic of Persuasion: the Agenda-Spin Model (Authors Press, 2022 )Man and woman are the persuading animals.There is no overriding issue more important in most people's daily life, life's pleasures and all of political matters than persuasion.Many, if not most, matters are largely wholly related to persuasion, defined in this work on the Agenda-Spin theory, as the struggle of people to determine for their chosen audiences: 1. What we talk about and 2. What it means.Persuasion is not the only determinant in life, and there are some matters mostly outside of persuasive control, such as congenital illness, physical attacks, weather, death, etc. Even these, however, will have elements of choice and certainly vary in spin and/or interpretation.This work, unlike virtually every other work on this topic, examines persuasion as within the power of the persuader, not as the result of inexorable demands of reality, except in the cases listed above.

The Only Authentic Book of Persuasion

Book Description

The Only Authentic of Persuasion: the Agenda-Spin Model (Authors Press, 2022 ) Man and woman are the persuading animals. There is no overriding issue more important in most people's daily life, life's pleasures and all of political matters than persuasion. Many, if not most, matters are largely wholly related to persuasion, defined in this work on the Agenda-Spin theory, as the struggle of people to determine for their chosen audiences: 1. What we talk about and 2. What it means. Persuasion is not the only determinant in life, and there are some matters mostly outside of persuasive control, such as congenital illness, physical attacks, weather, death, etc. Even these, however, will have elements of choice and certainly vary in spin and/or interpretation. This work, unlike virtually every other work on this topic, examines persuasion as within the power of the persuader, not as the result of inexorable demands of reality, except in the cases listed above.

The Only Authentic Book of Persuasion

Book Description

Dr. Vatz and his Agenda-Spin Model were the featured topic at the Southern States Communication Association's Convention's keynote address in 2013.

The Only Authentic Book of Persuasion

Book Description

The Only Authentic Book of Persuasion: The Agenda-Spin Model

Selling with Authentic Persuasion

Book Description

Are you in sales but struggling to make quota? Did you just take a sales job out of desperation but don't think it's the right career for you? Do you worry people will perceive you as pushy or dishonest? Selling With Authentic Persuasion will remove all the stress and anxiety you feel about selling so you can focus on what's really important‚"‚€‚"your customers and their needs. Jason Cutter will reveal how being honest with customers, overcoming our misconceptions about sales, and winning customers' trust will not only lead to happy and repeat customers but transform you from order taker to quota breaker. After years of managing and training salespeople, Jason found the fundamental problem people have in sales is acting only as order takers. Let him teach you how to transform yourself into a model salesperson who inspires trust through integrity and authenticity.

The Age of Persuasion

Book Description

Stop to consider the culture of the 21st century: Each morning, you might hear a half–dozen ads on the radio before your feet touch the floor. Staggering out of bed, you'll pass brand logos on your clothing and in your bathroom. By the end of the day, hundreds — perhaps thousands — of marketing messages have targeted you. And yet so little is understood about how marketing affects our lives, our society, and our world. Enter Terry O'Reilly and Mike Tennant, the ad men behind The Age of Persuasion, the popular radio show broadcast on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Sirius Radio. They have made it their mission to share the back–room story of modern marketing, entertaining asides and all. "Think of advertisers as millions of ants in a colony, each working hard and each with its own objective. Except that in this colony, every single ant is competing against the others. That's the ad business. Almost every ad you see, hear, and otherwise experience is competing for a piece of your imagination. And like any cross–section of humanity, the vast, worldwide advertising community is diverse: composed of geniuses and idiots, saints and buffoons, and everything in between." From the early players to the Mad Men of the 1960s and beyond, O'Reilly and Tennant offer insights into a rapidly evolving industry. Smart and funny, The Age of Persuasion provides an entertaining — and eye–opening — look at a world driven by marketing.

The Black Book of Persuasion

Book Description

If you read nothing else on persuasion or influence, read this definitive book and it may change your life. How many times do we ask ourselves: what is behind all these advertising and political messages? What are the threads that move the masses to buy something too expensive or to fight wars that seem illogical and cruel? The principles presented in this book are a very valuable sum of the practical and scientific knowledge that the human being uses to dominate others, through persuasion, in all aspects of life: the producer of the favorite program, the car salesman, the presidential candidate, the crying little girl, the elementary teacher, and even our mother use some of these principles without knowing it. Only a few privileged people knew them formally to dominate the will of others; now you also have the power in your hands.

Real Influence

Book Description

People won't put up with being "sold" anymore. If they sense they are being pushed, their guard goes up-and even if they do comply, lingering resentment undermines the relationship...maybe forever. Yet, most books on influence still portray it as something you "do to" someone else to get your way. That out-of-date approach invites resistance or cynicism from those who recognize the techniques. Manipulative tactics might occasionally wear down a colleague's or client's resistance, but they fail to produce the mutual trust that sustains successful relationships. In short, they just won't work in our sophisticated, post-selling world. In this groundbreaking book, authors Mark Goulston and John Ullmen reveal a new model for authentic influence-the kind that creates a strong initial connection and survives long after agreement has been reached. Based on listening, genuine engagement and commitment to win-win outcomes, Real Influence provides a powerful four-step method you can use to: * Examine your priorities * Learn about the key players and what they need * Earn their attention and motivate them to hear more * Add value with your questions and actions Complete with examples of the steps in action and insights from real-world "power influencers," this one-of-a-kind guide shows that being straight with everyone means winning for all.