Book Description
The Only Selfish Thing He Ever Did This is a book of observations, of loss and of trying to stay connected. It is about moments when you have to believe you are truly still together. It isn't fancy. It isn't glitzy. It is simple sights, sounds, signs from a lost love to his floundering family in the hope that some comfort can be found. You can take from it whatever thoughts bring you a brief peace. Nothing prepares you for a loss so great. For some, knowing that their loved one is still watching over them, still with them, still connected somehow, gives moments of peace, moments of stillness. Perhaps after reading this, you will be able to find a sign or communication from your lost one to you that makes sense, means something to you. The author is someone who lost her soul mate too early. There is no way to prepare for this. There is no way to learn what you need until after it happens. She has an incredible family and exceptional friends who have helped guide the way to survival. She lives with her family in Pennsylvania and now has to make different plans for her future.