The Open Secret

Book Description

'Throughout my early life I felt that there was another possibility which, once realised, would transform all and everything. One day that possibility became a reality, and it was simple and ordinary, magnificent and revolutionary. It is the open secret that reveals itself in every part of our lives. But realisation does not emerge through our attempts to change our lives, it comes as a direct rediscovery of who it is that lives. The Open Secret is a singular and radical work which speaks of the fundamental liberation that is absolutely beyond effort, path, process or belief.'

Open Secret

Book Description

Menaḥem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994) was the seventh and seemingly last Rebbe of the Habad-Lubavitch dynasty. Marked by conflicting tendencies, Schneerson was a radical messianic visionary who promoted a conservative political agenda, a reclusive contemplative who built a hasidic sect into an international movement, and a man dedicated to the exposition of mysteries who nevertheless harbored many secrets. Schneerson astutely masked views that might be deemed heterodox by the canons of orthodoxy while engineering a fundamentalist ideology that could subvert traditional gender hierarchy, the halakhic distinction between permissible and forbidden, and the social-anthropological division between Jew and Gentile. While most literature on the Rebbe focuses on whether or not he identified with the role of Messiah, Elliot R. Wolfson, a leading scholar of Jewish mysticism and the phenomenology of religious experience, concentrates instead on Schneerson's apocalyptic sensibility and his promotion of a mystical consciousness that undermines all discrimination. For Schneerson, the ploy of secrecy is crucial to the dissemination of the messianic secret. To be enlightened messianically is to be delivered from all conceptual limitations, even the very notion of becoming emancipated from limitation. The ultimate liberation, or true and complete redemption, fuses the believer into an infinite essence beyond all duality, even the duality of being emancipated and not emancipated an emancipation, in other words, that emancipates one from the bind of emancipation. At its deepest level, Schneerson's eschatological orientation discerned that a spiritual master, if he be true, must dispose of the mask of mastery. Situating Habad's thought within the evolution of kabbalistic mysticism, the history of Western philosophy, and Mahayana Buddhism, Wolfson articulates Schneerson's rich theology and profound philosophy, concentrating on the nature of apophatic embodiment, semiotic materiality, hypernomian transvaluation, nondifferentiated alterity, and atemporal temporality.

The Open Secret

Book Description

Natural theology, in the view of many, is in crisis. In this long-awaited book, Alister McGrath sets out a new vision for natural theology, re-establishing its legitimacy and utility. A timely and innovative resource on natural theology: the exploration of knowledge of God as it is observed through nature Written by internationally regarded theologian and author of numerous bestselling books, Alister McGrath Develops an intellectually rigorous vision of natural theology as a point of convergence between the Christian faith, the arts and literature, and the natural sciences, opening up important possibilities for dialogue and cross-fertilization Treats natural theology as a cultural phenomenon, broader than Christianity itself yet always possessing a distinctively Christian embodiment Explores topics including beauty, goodness, truth, and the theological imagination; how investigating nature gives rise to both theological and scientific theories; the idea of a distinctively Christian approach to nature; and how natural theology can function as a bridge between Christianity and other faiths

Open Secret

Book Description

'The story of MI5's transformation - is fascinating. So, too is Rimington's account of her rise in what was very definitely a man's world.' Guardian ____________________________ The eye-opening memoir from the first female Director-General of MI5 Stella Rimington worked for MI5 between 1969 and 1996, one of the most turbulent and dramatic periods in global history. Working in all the main fields of the Service's responsibilities - counter-subversion, counter-espionage and counter-terrorism - she became successively Director of all three branches, and finally Director-General of MI5 in 1992. She was the first woman to hold the post and the first Director-General whose name was publicly announced on appointment. In Open Secret, she continues her work of opening up elements of the work of our security services to public scrutiny, revealing the surprising culture of MI5 and shedding light on some of the most fascinating events in 20th century history from the ultimate insider viewpoint. ____________________________ Stella Rimington is also the author of the novels At Risk and Secret Asset.

Open Secret

Book Description

One of the best-loved of Wei Wu Wei's books, 'Open Secret' enlightens us as to the true nature of the self, as well as time, space, and enlightenment itself. The work includes extensive commentary on the Heart Sutra, regarded by Buddhists as the summation of the Buddha's wisdom. The pseudonymous author studied deeply in Eastern and Western philosophy and metaphysics, along with the esoteric teachings of the great religions. In his writing he distils this knowledge into uniquely elegant prose -- full of humour, metaphors, profundity, and his essential understanding of the open secret of life.

The Open Secret

Book Description

Fresh insights on the missionary task in other cultures and points to consider for those seeking to proclaim the lordship of Christ in our secularized society.

Open Secret

Book Description

Part social history and part exposé, this revealing, entertaining, and provocative book spans nearly seventy years as it explores the lives and careers of some of the silver screen's foremost gays and lesbians and the effect of their high-profile lifestyles on the general public. From Charles Laughton and Greta Garbo to Nathan Lane and Ellen DeGeneres, David Ehrenstein traces the gradual transformation of Hollywood from a time when it was box-office poison to be publicly gay to the modern era when many top entertainment figures are celebrating their gay sexuality--and are in turn celebrated for it. Updated, Open Secret reveals what has happened to the key players in gay Hollywood since the original hardcover publication.

An Open Secret

Book Description

Darío Ezcurra is one of the thousands of Argentinians unlucky enough to be 'disappeared' by the military government-murdered by the local chief of police with the complicity of his friends and neighbours. Twenty years later, Fefe returns to the town where Darío met his fate and attempts to discover how the community let such a crime happen. Lies, excuses and evasion ensue-desperate attempts to deny the guilty secret of which the whole community, even Fefe himself, is afraid.

The Open Secret

Book Description

The Open Secret ~ Quantum Creative Being The Universe and Ourselves, as the Universe, is changing continually. It is, we are, always new and different moment by moment each and everyday. Within that constant evolutionary changing It is Quantum Reality that is the Open Secret, as it informs the Five stages of the Creativity and Problem Solving Processes. The Practices within those stages are the way to join the changing universe and ourselves as the universe by Be!-ing Creative and by Solving problems in the moment and on the spot. At the primal level the ways of successful living are naturally inherent within all beings. Nevertheless to realize those ways and to employ them fully, is to intensionally know them consciously and then to practice them so that success, within all realms of human activity, is certainly assured. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Ralph Waldo Emerson The Open Secret reveals two workable process for uncovering and empowering your already existing creative and problem solving abilities. The clear, insightful and proven practices that are offered within this book are the ways that will certainly enhance what you do already, deeper and better and more so that your success, all along the way will be assured. Ernest Porps, as a Full Professor, at the University of Colorado, has researched and revealed the creative and problem solving practices over decades of teaching for the benefit and empowerment of a multiplicity of his students. Dear Professor, Your course, within the Honors Program,was the best course that I have ever taken and will ever take! With deep appreciation! Eric Dear Professor, Your creativity and problem solving course should be taken by all students and all other people as well! Thank You! Sarah Dear Professor, We see, in your teaching, compassion, sensitivity, knowledge, enthusiasm, honesty, generosity, courage and joy. Thank You! For showing us ways to join ourselves with what we are experiencing Signed by every student of one Creativity and Problem Solving course

The Open Secret (HC)

Book Description