The Ordeals

Book Description

Ada-Emilia Valmori was my daughter who died through negligence on the eleventh of June 2011. I stood in the shadow of her life; watched my daughter as she faded away within three weeks. They who controlled the winds, are the ghost makers! He who threw tissue at the deceased, row the boats; They captained the planes of death! Ada-Emilia's blood is a stain all over their palms! they can try and wash their hands thousands of times daily, their hands would never be cleaned! my voice may not be as loud asthunder'sstorms; nor as oceans waves; but no matter how much, they will try to thwart; the voice of my silenced through me would be heard

The Ordeals of Interpretation

Book Description

Ordálias da Interpretação analisa ordálias medievais, a leitura de dados no polígrafo e alguns métodos de tortura, ao mesmo tempo que lê textos como Hamlet e Macbeth. Este livro descreve a ambição por uma pedra de toque que demonstre a veracidade, ou autenticidade, de certas entidades. De notar que pedra-de-toque – basanos (Βάσαυος) – era um termo usado para denominar a pedra com que se testava em contextos mercantis a qualidade do ouro, mas que designava igualmente a ideia de teste, tortura e torturador. Para os intérpretes mencionados neste livro, a pedra de toque, que pode ser um objecto, uma pessoa ou um teste, teria a capacidade de nos auxiliar a distinguir amigos de inimigos, de identificar a qualidade de alguns versos e de iluminar a verdade. Argumenta-se, todavia, que a capacidade de fazer juízos precisos deriva de um entendimento técnico de interpretação conduzida por indivíduos hábeis, observando-se que a capacidade de descobrir “a verdade” depende da perícia de cada examinador, da sua intuição, da capacidade para aprender um método ou uma técnica específica, de detectar erros e fazer perguntas (qualidades importantes na actividade de um crítico literário).

The Ordeals of Isaac and Jacob

Book Description

The biblical author had to demonstrate that the founding fathers of the model civilization-envisioned in Mosaic legislation intended as a model for emulation by other peoples and nations-were recognizably human-flawed as all humans are. One can empathize with Isaac or Jacob who are seen to be human with their faults and frailties-which one cannot do with a superhuman being. These stories illustrate dramatically there are no characters of mythic proportions, no superheroes, only normal people living in dysfunctional families, erring, doing acts that are occasionally senseless, and often embarrassing. Yet, these same people passed on an intellectual and spiritual heritage that will ultimately find full expression in the teachings found in the remaining books of the Pentateuch. The Ordeals of Isaac and Jacob focuses on what the biblical texts are telling us-explicitly and implicitly-about these men, the world in which they lived, and how they managed to preserve the covenantal heritage left to them by Abraham. Since biblical texts are not as clear as one might imagine, scholars have struggled for two millennia to comprehend what the texts are actually stating and attempting to convey to the reader. In re-examining these Texts, the author has consulted a wide range of commentaries and studies which approach the biblical narratives from a variety of perspectives, and offers some novel insights of his own.

The Ordeals of a Survivor

Book Description

My personal experiences before, during and after WW II in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia); some information about my family, and their ages in 1943; a map of the island of Java plus the locations of the concentration camps; afterthoughts; remarks; some drawings; a diagram of a camp; information about the atomic bombs; memorials; references; about the author.

The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson

Book Description

The paradoxical and tragic story of America's most prominent Loyalist - a man caught between king and country.

The Ordeal of the Longhouse

Book Description

Richter examines a wide range of primary documents to survey the responses of the peoples of the Iroquois League--the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senecas, and Tuscaroras--to the challenges of the European colonialization of North America. He demonstrates that by the early eighteenth century a series of creative adaptations in politics and diplomacy allowed the peoples of the Longhouse to preserve their cultural autonomy in a land now dominated by foreign powers.

The Ordeal Of Integration

Book Description

In this provocative new book, sociologist Orlando Patterson takes on the intractable dilemma of race in late 20th-century America. Using current demographic research, Patterson exposes common misperceptions about the lives and experiences of black and white Americans, misperceptions that are hampering the success of integration.

The Ordeals, India Has Been Through

Book Description

Political history of India, 1947-1977.

Trial by Fire and Battle in Medieval German Literature

Book Description

Well after the condemnation of ordeals by the Fourth Lateran Council, the Kunigunde legend preserves the ordeal by fire in a sort of hagiographic amber, much as it was portrayed in the mid-twelfth-century Richardis legend, while Stricker's short secular burlesque "The Hot Iron," written in the mid-thirteenth century, makes sport of this formerly serious legal proceeding, reflecting the almost immediate abandonment of trial by fire as a legal proof in many areas after the council's decision."

The Chosen Peoples

Book Description

Americans and Israelis have often thought that their nations were chosen, in perpetuity, to do God’s work. This belief in divine election is a potent, living force, one that has guided and shaped both peoples and nations throughout their history and continues to do so to this day. Through great adversity and despite serious challenges, Americans and Jews, leaders and followers, have repeatedly faced the world fortified by a sense that their nation has a providential destiny. As Todd Gitlin and Liel Leibovitz argue in this original and provocative book, what unites the two allies in a “special friendship” is less common strategic interests than this deep-seated and lasting theological belief that they were chosen by God. The United States and Israel each has understood itself as a nation placed on earth to deliver a singular message of enlightenment to a benighted world. Each has stumbled through history wrestling with this strange concept of chosenness, trying both to grasp the meaning of divine election and to bear the burden it placed them under. It was this idea that provided an indispensable justification when the Americans made a revolution against Britain, went to war with and expelled the Indians, expanded westward, built an overseas empire, and most recently waged war in Iraq. The equivalent idea gave rise to the Jewish people in the first place, sustained them in exodus and exile, and later animated the Zionist movement, inspiring the Israelis to vanquish their enemies and conquer the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Everywhere you look in American and Israeli history, the idea of chosenness is there. The Chosen Peoples delivers a bold new take on both nations’ histories. It shows how deeply the idea of chosenness has affected not only their enthusiasts but also their antagonists. It digs deeply beneath the superficialities of headlines, the details of negotiations, the excuses and justifications that keep cropping up for both nations’ successes and failures. It shows how deeply ingrained is the idea of a chosen people in both nations’ histories—and yet how complicated that idea really is. And it offers interpretations of chosenness that both nations dearly need in confronting their present-day quandaries. Weaving together history, theology, and politics, The Chosen Peoples vividly retells the dramatic story of two nations bound together by a wild and sacred idea, takes unorthodox perspectives on some of our time’s most searing conflicts, and offers an unexpected conclusion: only by taking the idea of chosenness seriously, wrestling with its meaning, and assuming its responsibilities can both nations thrive.