The Organization of Competitive Wholesale Power Markets and Spot Price Pools

Book Description

"This report provides an introduction to the efficient organization of competitive electric power markets. The recent Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) rulemaking promoting wholesale competition, as well as state-level proposals to deregulate the price of electric generation and potentially provide retail access will fundamentally change electric power markets. These reforms are interesting because--assuming the development of efficiently structured markets--they could produce significant economic efficiently benefits"--ix.

Restructured Electrical Power Systems

Book Description

An examination of key issues in electric utilities restructuring. It covers: electric utility markets in and out of the USA; the Open Access Same-time Information System; tagging transactions; trading energy; hedging tools for managing risks in various markets; pricing volatility, risk and forecasting; regional transmission organization; and more. The text contains acronyms, a contract specifications sample, examples, and nearly 500 bibliographic citations, tables, and drawings.

Competitive Electricity Markets and Sustainability

Book Description

This book responds to the opening up of electricity markets to competition, which has completely changed the nature of power generation. The building of new generation and transmission capacity and the setting of the energy mix between nuclear, gas and renewable resources are mainly left to private initiative and investors. The authors and the editor of this book explore whether or not market forces offer a sustainable future for electricity generation. They employ economic theory and method to answer questions such as: Will the market be able to ensure adequacy of generation capacity and secu.

Cournot Competition in Wholesale Electricity Markets

Book Description

Horizontal shifts in bid curves observed in wholesale electricity markets are consistent with Cournot competition. Quantity competition reduces the informational requirements associated with evaluating market performance because the markups of all producers then depend on the same inverse residual demand curve instead of one for each firm. We apply the model to the day-ahead market of the Nordic power exchange, Nord Pool, for the years 2011-2013. Results suggest that mark-ups were 8-11 percent. We find some support for the hypothesis that the division of Sweden into price areas in 2011 increased the exercise of market power.

Managing Unilateral Market Power in Electricity

Book Description

"This paper first describes those features of the electricity supply industry that make a prospective market monitoring process essential to a well-functioning wholesale market. Some of these features are shared with the securities industry, although the technology of electricity production and delivery make a reliable transmission network a necessary condition for an efficient wholesale market. These features of the electricity supply industry also make antitrust or competition law alone an inadequate foundation for an electricity market monitoring process.

Electric Choices

Book Description

The electricity industry, one of the largest and most vital sectors of the U.S. economy, has changed dramatically in recent years. After being heavily regulated for more than a century by authorities at all levels, deregulation is taking center stage, allowing for enormous efficiency gains. Electric Choices explores the difficult questions surrounding deregulation and urges Americans to continue the transition to a market-based model.

Competitive Electricity Markets: The Power of Choice

Book Description

Critique of the US Electricity Industry. Analysis of derailed industry deregulation initiatives. Sketches a new, competitively structured Energy Policy Template.

Spot Pricing of Electricity

Book Description

There is a need for fundamental changes in the ways society views electric energy. Electric energy must be treated as a commodity which can be bought, sold, and traded, taking into account its time-and space-varying values and costs. This book presents a complete framework for the establishment of such an energy marketplace. The framework is based on the use of spot prices. In general terms: o An hourly spot price (in dollars per kilowatt hour) reflects the operating and capital costs of generating, transmitting and distributing electric energy. It varies each hour and from place to place. o The spot price based energy marketplace involves a variety of utility-customer transactions (ranging from hourly varying prices to long-term, multiple-year contracts), all of which are based in a consistent manner on hourly spot prices. These transactions may include customers selling to, as well as buying from, the utility. The basic theory and practical implementation issues associated with a spot price based energy marketplace have been developed and discussed through a number of different reports, theses, and papers. Each addresses only a part of the total picture, and often with a somewhat different notation and terminology (which has evolved in parallel with our growing experience). This book was xvii xviii Preface written to serve as a single, integrated sourcebook on the theory and imple mentation of a spot price based energy marketplace.

Modeling and Forecasting Electricity Loads and Prices

Book Description

This book offers an in-depth and up-to-date review of different statistical tools that can be used to analyze and forecast the dynamics of two crucial for every energy company processes—electricity prices and loads. It provides coverage of seasonal decomposition, mean reversion, heavy-tailed distributions, exponential smoothing, spike preprocessing, autoregressive time series including models with exogenous variables and heteroskedastic (GARCH) components, regime-switching models, interval forecasts, jump-diffusion models, derivatives pricing and the market price of risk. Modeling and Forecasting Electricity Loads and Prices is packaged with a CD containing both the data and detailed examples of implementation of different techniques in Matlab, with additional examples in SAS. A reader can retrace all the intermediate steps of a practical implementation of a model and test his understanding of the method and correctness of the computer code using the same input data. The book will be of particular interest to the quants employed by the utilities, independent power generators and marketers, energy trading desks of the hedge funds and financial institutions, and the executives attending courses designed to help them to brush up on their technical skills. The text will be also of use to graduate students in electrical engineering, econometrics and finance wanting to get a grip on advanced statistical tools applied in this hot area. In fact, there are sixteen Case Studies in the book making it a self-contained tutorial to electricity load and price modeling and forecasting.