The Origin of the Universe and the Origin of Religion

Book Description

This is Sir Fred's controversial giant comet theory about the origins and continuing development of the universe. Initially delivered as a lecture in the Anshen Transdisciplinary Lectureships in Art, Science, and the Philosophy of Culture at The Frick Collection in New York City, this challenging treatise by astrophysicist, Sir Fred Hoyle, one-time Plumian Professor of Astrophysics, Cambridge University begins by instructing us how to avoid "being sucked into a maelstrom of respectable ignorance. Whenever the word 'origin' is used, disbelieve everything you are told". Then, in a progressive, fathomable, fascinating discourse, he posits his beliefs about the origin of the universe, beginning with an explanation of the ice ages and his theory of the giant comet, the disintegration of which, Hoyle maintains, contributed to the origin of religion. Under expert guidance, we see how this event gave rise to the belief in Mohammed, early Christianity, and impacts upon the thinking of medieval times.

The Origin of the Universe and the Origin of Religion

Book Description

World-renowned astrophysicist and cosmologist, Sir Fred Hoyle, presents his fascinating and controversial giant comet theory on the origins and continuing development of the universe. "For those who enjoy being challenged by new and often provocative ideas, this is an ideal book...Sir Fred Hoyle is an uninhibited fountain of new ideas, arguing in this book that the great epochal events and myths of history were caused by cometary showers. In this book Hoyle sets forth his ideas with charm and humor. One may not always agree, but one cannot but be thoroughly stimulated." -Walter Sullivan

Religious Cosmology

Book Description

A religious cosmology (also mythological cosmology) is a way of explaining the origin, the history and the evolution of the cosmos or universe based on the religious mythology of a specific tradition. Religious cosmologies usually include an act or process of creation by a creator deity or a larger pantheon. The universe of the ancient Israelites was made up of a flat disc-shaped earth floating on water, heaven above, underworld below. Humans inhabited earth during life and the underworld after death, and the underworld was morally neutral; only in Hellenistic times (after c.330 BC) did Jews begin to adopt the Greek idea that it would be a place of punishment for misdeeds, and that the righteous would enjoy an afterlife in heaven. In this period too the older three-level cosmology was widely replaced by the Greek concept of a spherical earth suspended in space at the center of a number of concentric heavens. Around the time of Jesus or a little earlier, the Greek idea that God had actually created matter replaced the older idea that matter had always existed, but in a chaotic state. This concept, called creatio ex nihilo, is now the accepted orthodoxy of most denominations of Judaism and Christianity. Most denominations of Christianity and Judaism claim that a single, uncreated God was responsible for the creation of the cosmos. This book gives an overview of the religious cosmologies, creationism or creation myths that are associated with Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Jainism, Islam, Zoroastrianism and numerous others.

The God Theory

Book Description

As science integrates the in-depth knowledge of the physical world accumulated over the past three centuries, it will be channeled into a new and exciting line of inquiry that acknowledges the expanded reality of consciousness as a creative force in the universe and the spiritual creative power embodied in our own minds. This book summarizes the thoughts of an inquisitive, but open-minded, scientist. What I present here is a theory that looks promising, not scientific proof. It should not be surprising, however, if some of what I propose coincides with theories propounded by others who claim a more intimate relationship with the Almighty. After all, if I am on the right track, and if they are, it would be worrisome if we were not, ultimately, in agreement. All I ask is that you seriously consider the logic of my theory, especially if it challenges you to question what you were taught - in Sunday school, in catechism or, dare I say, in physics class. I offer this book, not as a theological treatise, but as a short, readable exposition of a worldview that can bring sense and purpose into individual lives, and tolerance and peace to a planet whose future is in serious jeopardy - in large part because of the irrational dogmatism of both religion and science. If I am correct, we are literally all one being (God) in many individual forms. Why, then, would we continue to harm one another?

God, Science, and Society: The Origin of the Universe, Intelligent Life, and Free Societies

Book Description

“It may seem bizarre, but in my opinion, science offers a surer path to God than religion…science has actually advanced to the point where what were formerly religious questions can be seriously tackled” (Paul Davies, Astrophysicist). Anthony Walsh’s latest riposte to atheistic arguments against God's existence draws on Natural Theology, a knowledge of God based on evidence from both the natural and social sciences. Covering everything from the Big Bang and the origins of life to the mystery of intelligent consciousness, Walsh makes even the most technical scientific writings accessible to the general reader and tackles a question few books on the relationship between science and religion have ever sought to address: how does Christianity positively affect societies, families, and individuals in terms of democracy, justice, happiness, health, and prosperity?

God and the Cosmos

Book Description

Theologian Harry Lee Poe and chemist Jimmy H. Davis argue that God's interaction with our world is a possibility affirmed equally by the Bible and the contemporary scientific record. Rather than confirming that the cosmos is closed to the actions of the divine, advancing scientific knowledge seems to indicate that the nature of the universe is actually open to the unique type of divine activity portrayed in the Bible.

Religion and the Sciences of Origins

Book Description

This concise introduction to science and religion focuses on Christianity and modern Western science (the epicenter of issues in science and religion in the West) with a concluding chapter on Muslim and Jewish Science and Religion. This book also invites the reader into the relevant literature with ample quotations from original texts.

Cosmos, Bios, Theos

Book Description

Stranger and more momentous than the strangest of scientific theories is the appearance of God on the intellectual horizon of contemporary science. From Einstein, Planck, and Heisenberg, to Margenau, Hawking, and Eccles, some of the most penetrating modern minds have needed God in order to make sense of the cosmos.

Origin of the Universe

Book Description

What is the Origin of the Universe? And the fight is on. In the red corner, Science. In the blue corner, Religion. For hundreds of years, the scuffling continues, and there's no clear winner. Now, there is, and it's neither! Think. The Origin of the Universe can only have ONE explanation. To reach that, we have to show coherent completeness between Science and God. Your faith in Science and God hangs in the balance. You can't have confidence in the Big Bang and Creation if you think there are conflicting stories. Meet the mediator and winner, Theology. Origin of the Universe makes sense out of the Creation story in Genesis 1 and the Big Bang. Based on The 7 Keys to master Biblical Hebrew, a Bible study method used by thousands, Sam will help you unlock bible meaning. You'll have sound evidence, not only that God's Word and scientific facts are coherent, but WHY there's confusion and how to resolve it. That's true theology. Sheli said, "It is something I have been searching for, a way to get past the translations and get to the deeper meaning of God's word." Whether you're an unbeliever, novice, or a knowledgeable Bible or Science enthusiast, there's a wealth of wisdom at your fingertips. Each page of Origin of the Universe will enhance your insight and become a reference you'll refer to often when studying the Bible and Science. Buy the e-book at your favorite online store now for a foray into scripture and science.

The Origin of Religions

Book Description

THE BOOK: The book is an open-eyed journey through the mystic world of faith. It is an intellectually stimulating account of the birth of religions. As animal, for definite, have no religions and intelligence is the dividing line between man and animal, it should be amply clear that religions have risen out the thinking faculty of man. These are about God and His creation alright, but not from God, though human brain itself is a gift from God. The book traces the story of religions from the earliest times and tries to reach to the core of all major belief systems of the world. Towards the end, it draws a sort of balance-sheet of the religions to form an idea what good and bad these have done to the mankind. An effort has also been made to have a peep into their future.