The Origins of Christian Anti-Internationalism

Book Description

The roots of conservative Christian skepticism of international politics run deep. In this original work Markku Ruotsila artfully unearths the historical and theological origins of evangelical Christian thought on modern-day international organizations and U.S. foreign policy, particularly in the fierce debates over the first truly international body—the League of Nations. After describing the rise of the Social Gospel movement that played a vital, foundational role in the movement toward a League of Nations, The Origins of Christian Anti-Internationalism examines the arguments and tactics that the most influential confessional Christian congregations in the United States—dispensational millenialists, Calvinists, Lutherans, and, to a lesser extent, Methodists, Episcopalians, and Christian Restorationists—used to undermine domestic support for the proposed international body. Ruotsila recounts how these groups learned to co-opt less religious-minded politicians and organizations that were likewise opposed to the very concept of international multilateralism. In closely analyzing how the evangelical movement successfully harnessed political activism to sway U.S. foreign policy, he traces a direct path from the successful battle against the League to the fundamentalist-modernist clashes of the 1920s and the present-day debate over America's role in the world. This exploration of why the United States ultimately rejected the League of Nations offers a lucid interpretation of the significant role that religion plays in U.S. policymaking both at home and abroad. Ruotsila's analysis will be of interest to scholars and practitioners of theology, religious studies, religion and politics, international relations, domestic policy, and U.S. and world history.

For God and Globe

Book Description

For God and Globe recovers the history of an important yet largely forgotten intellectual movement in interwar America. Michael G. Thompson explores the way radical-left and ecumenical Protestant internationalists articulated new understandings of the ethics of international relations between the 1920s and the 1940s. Missionary leaders such as Sherwood Eddy and journalists such as Kirby Page, as well as realist theologians including Reinhold Niebuhr, developed new kinds of religious enterprises devoted to producing knowledge on international relations for public consumption. For God and Globe centers on the excavation of two such efforts—the leading left-wing Protestant interwar periodical, The World Tomorrow, and the landmark Oxford 1937 ecumenical world conference. Thompson charts the simultaneous peak and decline of the movement in John Foster Dulles's ambitious efforts to link Christian internationalism to the cause of international organization after World War II.Concerned with far more than foreign policy, Christian internationalists developed critiques of racism, imperialism, and nationalism in world affairs. They rejected exceptionalist frameworks and eschewed the dominant "Christian nation" imaginary as a lens through which to view U.S. foreign relations. In the intellectual history of religion and American foreign relations, Protestantism most commonly appears as an ideological ancillary to expansionism and nationalism. For God and Globe challenges this account by recovering a movement that held Christian universalism to be a check against nationalism rather than a boon to it.

Transnational Anti-Communism and the Cold War

Book Description

How was anti-communism organised in the West? This book covers the agents, aims, and arguments of various transnational anti-communist activists during the Cold War. Existing narratives often place the United States – and especially the CIA – at the centre of anti-communist activity. The book instead opens up new fields of research transnationally.

Fighting Fundamentalist

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Markku Ruotsila's Fighting Fundamentalist restores the controversial fundamentalist pastor and broadcaster Carl McIntire to his place as one of the most influential religious leaders in twentieth-century United States and one of the principal founders of the Christian Right.

The Oxford Handbook of Christian Fundamentalism

Book Description

This authoritative volume offers the fullest account to date of Christian fundamentalism, its origins in the nineteenth century, and its development up to the present day. It looks at the movement in global terms and through a number of key subjects and debates in which it is actively engaged.

The Right Side of the Sixties

Book Description

The 1960s were a transformative era for American politics, but much is still unknown about the growth of conservatism during the period when it was radically reshaped and became the national political force that it is today. In their efforts to chronicle the national politicians and organizations that led the movement, previous histories have often neglected local perspectives, the role of religion, transnational exchange, and other aspects that help to explain conservatism's enduring influence in American politics. Taken together, the contributions gathered here offer a cutting-edge synthesis that incorporates these overlooked developments and provides new insights into the way that the 1960s shaped the trajectory of postwar conservatism.

Toward an American Conservatism

Book Description

During the Progressive Era (1880-1920), leading thinkers and politicians transformed American politics. Historians and political scientists have given a great deal of attention to the progressives who effected this transformation. Yet relatively little is known about the conservatives who opposed these progressive innovations, despite the fact that they played a major role in the debates and outcomes of this period of American history. These early conservatives represent a now-forgotten source of inspiration for modern American conservatism. This volume gives these constitutional conservatives their first full explanation and demonstrates their ongoing relevance to contemporary American conservatism.

On Nations and the Churches: Ecumenical Responses to Nationalisms and Migration / Nationen und Kirchen: Ökumenische Antworten auf Nationalismus und Migration

Book Description

Kirchen in Europa haben eine spezifische Erfahrungs-Geschichte mit ihrer Verhältnisbestimmung zur Nation. Obwohl im Prinzip darüber einig, dass der christliche Glaube in seiner Grundtendenz von einem übernationalen, ja universalistischen Charakter geprägt ist, wird spätestens seit dem 19. Jahrhundert immer wieder gefragt, ob nicht doch Nation und nationale Identität zur Schöpfung Gottes gehören. Gegenwärtig wird das in den Kirchen Europas kontrovers diskutiert, eng verbunden mit Erfahrungen von Migration. "Nation" klingt anders für protestantische Minderheitskirchen als für orthodoxe oder römisch-katholische Kirche in ehemals kommunistischen Staaten und wieder anders für deutsche Kirchen, die ihre Verquickung mit dem Nationalsozialismus verarbeiten müssen. Können Nationalbewusstsein und gegenwärtige Migrationserfahrungen zusammengehen? Haben die Kirchen in ökumenischer Perspektive dazu etwas Spezifisches zu sagen? Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigt sich dieser Tagungsband der Societas Oecumenica. Mit Beiträgen von Elzbieta Adamiak, Niko Huttunen, Petre Maican, Ivana Noble, Friederike Nüssel, Peter Phan, Hector Scerri, Peter-Ben Smit, Andrea Strübind, Ulrike Link-Wieczorek, Kaholi Zhimomi Churches in Europe have specific historical experiences regarding their relationship with the nation. Although in principle it is agreed that the Christian faith is in its basic tendency shaped by a supranational, even universalistic character, since the 19th century at the latest it has been repeatedly asked whether nation and national identity do not belong to God's creation. At present this is controversially discussed in the churches of Europe, closely connected with experiences of migration. Can national consciousness and current migration experiences go together? Do churches have anything specific to say about this in an ecumenical perspective? These are the questions addressed in this conference volume of the Societas Oecumenica.

Beyond 1917

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Beyond 1917 explores the consequences of the war for the United States (and the world) and American influence on shaping the legacies of the conflict in the decades after US entry in 1917.

A Theology of Brotherhood

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Examines the influence of the Federal Council of Churches’ Department of Race Relations A Theology of Brotherhood explores how the national umbrella Christian organization, the Federal Council of Churches, acted as a crucial conduit and organizational force for the dissemination of “progressive” views on race in the first half of the twentieth century. Drawing on years of archival research, Curtis J. Evans shows that the Council’s theological approach to race, and in particular its anti-lynching campaign, were responsible for meaningful progress in some white Protestant churches on racial issues. The book highlights the contributions that their religious vision made in expanding and propagating a civic nationalist tradition that was grounded in a “universal brotherhood” and belief in the equality of all human beings, over against a racial nationalist ideology that conceived of America in ethno-racial terms. Evans makes the case that this predominantly white religious organization contributed a distinctive religious voice to visions of a pluralistic democracy, racial and ethnic diversity, and social and political reform. The volume adds a missing voice to the literature on lynching in the early twentieth century, which tends to focus primarily on the NAACP and other secular organizations.