The Orion Dimension

Book Description

The Hopi of the Desert Southwest are known today as superb sky watchers and dry farmers, but long ago they were also accomplished sailors. This book explores the tribe's links to the South Pacific, Easter Island, Egypt, India, and Mayan Central America, where psychic Edgar Cayce claims a lost Hall of Records awaits discovery. Other topics include: hourglass symbols, lunation triangles, Ant People, Birdman, the Dogon of Africa, Lascaux, Orion the Hand Constellation, and the cosmic Kundalini quest to the heart of the Milky Way. "Gary David, whose work on the archaeoastronomy of the Southwest is of the first importance, generously shared his extensive knowledge and insights with me on a journey through Arizona and New Mexico."-Graham Hancock, America BeforeFrom Chapter 1: The Road to OrionIn the spring of 1997 I embarked on a research and writing quest that would last to this day. That fall I would turn 45, and my midlife crisis involved a change of literary partners: from poetry to nonfiction. I had been living with my family in northern Arizona for a few years, and had begun to explore the incredibly complex and intriguing Hopi culture, as well as their ancestral rock art in the region. During a drive to the reservation in order to watch the katsina (kachina) dancers, those bizarre, multicolored masked spirit messengers, I had an epiphany of sorts. I had recently read Robert Bauval's book The Orion Mystery, which basically posits that the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau corresponded to the belt stars of Orion. Up ahead on the lonely, arrow-straight road going north lay the three primary Mesas upon which the Hopi had lived, grew food, prayed and performed religious ceremonies for over a millennium. What if, I idly imagined, that triad of flat-topped mountains where the Hopi had constructed their stone and adobe villages were also an "Orion Correlation"? I put those wispy daydream clouds in the back of my mind and proceeded to experience the peaceful but pragmatic Hopi themselves.After witnessing a number of sacred katsina dances of inestimable power and beauty, I returned home and got out a map of Arizona and a sky chart. What I found astounded me! There was a Hopi village or ruin site corresponding to each major star in the constellation-not just the belt stars. Not only that, there appeared to be an inter-relationship between the ancient villages, separated by many miles, that were aligned to sunrise and sunset points on the horizon at the summer and winter solstices. Perfectly projected upon the high desert, Orion also incorporated what I came to call a "chakra line," running down the middle of the constellation's terrestrial configuration. It stretched from southwestern Colorado to the mouth of the Colorado River and contained more that a dozen villages or ruins. In addition, the template also encompassed the spectacular Ancestral Puebloan "star city" of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico-the largest groups of ruins in the American Southwest corresponding to Sirius, the brightest stellar body in the heavens. As we shall see, many vistas full of mystery and majesty unfold on the road to Orion.

Project Orion

Book Description

"Project Orion describes one of the most awesome 'might have beens' (and may yet bes!) of the space age. This is essential reading for anyone interested in government bureaucracies and the military industrial complex." -Sir Arthur C. Clarke

The Orion Nebula

Book Description

The Orion Nebula is the closest center of massive star formation—a stellar nursery that reproduces the conditions in which our own Sun formed some 4.5 billion years ago. In this book, O’Dell explains what the Nebula is, how it shines, its role in giving birth to stars, and the insights it affords into how common (or rare) planet formation might be.

The Orion Zone

Book Description

Ancient star lore exploring the mysterious location of Pueblos in the American Southwest, circa 1100 AD, that appear to be a mirror image of the major stars of the Orion constellation. Many readers are familiar with the correlation between the pyramids of Egypt and the stars of Orion. Beginning in 1100 A.D. on the Arizona desert, the Hopi constructed a similar pattern of villages that mirrors all the major stars in the constellation. "As Above, so Below." The Orion Zone explores this ground-sky relationship and its astounding global significance. Packed with diagrams, maps, astronomical charts, and photos of ruins and rock art, this useful guidebook decodes the ancient mysteries of the Pueblo Indian world.

The Orion Prophecy

Book Description

In the year 2012 the Earth awaits a super catastrophe: its magnetic field will turn over in one go. Phenomenal earthquakes and tidal waves will completely destroy our civilisation. Europe and North America will shift thousands of kilometres northwards into polar climate. Nearly the whole earth's population will perish in the apocalyptic happenings. These dire predictions stem from Mayans and Egyptians -- descendants of the legendary Atlantis. The Atlanteans had highly evolved astronomical knowledge and were able to exactly calculate the previous world-wide flood in 9792 BC. They built tens of thousands of mandjits and escaped to South America and Egypt. In the year 2012 Venus, Orion and several other stars will take the same 'code positions' as in 9792 BC, the year of the previous cataclysm! For thousands of years historical sources have told of a forgotten time capsule of ancient wisdom located in a mythical labyrinth of secret chambers filled with artefacts and documents from the previous flood -- this book gives one possible location.

The Constellation Orion

Book Description

Retells the story of Orion, the mythic hunter, and how his actions angered the gods and sealed his fate.


Book Description

At the heart the wood elf kingdom of Athel Loren, the forest-king Orion slumbers through the winter months to be reborn each spring and resume his arboreal throne. However, this year he awakens to discover a foul canker at the core of his eternal spirit – he has been cursed, though by whom and for what reason he does not know. In the grip of a furious rage he leads the asrai to war, but as the corruption spreads to the woodland realm around him, he feels his power waning and must rely upon his loyal subjects to help him unmask the traitor within their ranks.

The Dark Dimensions

Book Description

Commodore John Grimes was finally getting his space wings back. On his old ship, Faraway Quest, Grimes was to venture forth to the very Rim of the known worlds, seeing ... The Outsider. "The Outsider's Ship ... is a storehouse of science and technology ... we, and the Federation, and the Shaara Empire, and probably quite a few more, have sent expeditions. Every one has ended disastrously." So, it is out to the Rim and find The Outsider. But the mystery ship is not always easy to find. And other worlds, too, yearn for the treasures of the alien technology. What Commodore Grimes finds at the Rim, and what finds him there, sends him racing through time tracks, surrounded by enemies and temporary friends, trying endlessly to discover the secret dangers of ... The Outsider.

The Orion Wars

Book Description

In Episode 1, 11 years after Har-Megido and World War III, two i'hin from Earth (named Ari and Guang), an usumgal (named Chester), and the nether Horus must stop Thirium Shen's plans to reignite hostilities between Syrian A and Syrian B by Kobali rebels. The Tilmun (the apparatus with which Dyehuty built the Great Pyramid) falls into the hands of the Zoton alliance, but they cannot use it without the gems hidden in Towsang. Despite the support of the legendary Fenix-Prime, the conspirators are defeated. In episode 2, other hidden gems in various star systems of the Twelve Kingdoms would allow the Zoton alliance to attack Alpha Tzion, the galactic headquarters. This time with the help of the great Jivah, they stop the draconian-orian plans, but Horus is thrown into hell, where he advances in the process of his inner transformation. In episode 3, Jivah tells the story of the origin of this universe and how we all dwelt in the Lamed universe, from where together we created this current universe and came as souls to embody and experience the illusion of Anicca. Jivah also recounts her incarnation as Eve in the garden of Meruah, and her incarnation as Mary Magdalene, from whose perspective she recounts things that the teacher Yeshua told her followers that were not recorded in the Bible. In episode 4, Chester – the usumgal who has accompanied the team since the beginning of the search for Tilmun – is informed that his father was king of Okt, and that they usurped his throne, so he decides to get it back. Ari narrates Chester's history with the Titanic, Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle and the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, things that are apparently unconnected, but made sense thanks to the investigations of Chester's colleagues, who were in looking for Poseidon's trident and they ran into a great conspiracy. This work begins by recounting the origin of evil and all its forces in this universe, the first wars that were fought and the alliances between different races and worlds. After reclaiming the throne from him, Chester joins his companions in traveling to the future, to the year 3060, when Lucifer is released from prison and once again assembles Leviathan to aim to destroy Towsang and take control of the entire galaxy of Jaleb.

The Orion Complex: A Case Study of Interstellar Matter

Book Description

This work deals with some of the most typical complexes of interstellar matter and is intended to serve both as a reference book for the specialist and as an introduction for the newcomer to the field. It is hoped to meet the first aim by presenting a holistic view of the well studied complexes in Orion, built on information derived from various branches of modern Astrophysics. The wealth of published data is presented in the form of photographs, contour maps, diagrams and numerous heavily annotated tables. The second aim is pursued by providing an outline of the complexes, the physical problems associated with them, the empirical models describing their be haviour and, in addition, by including an extended Appendix section summarizing the numerous methods employed to derive the physical parameters of an H II region and the dust and molecular cloud physically associated with it. The book consists of five chapters and four Appendix sections. Chapter 1, which is concerned with the large scale view of the Orion region, outlines the morphology of the area and examines in particular the nature of Barnard's Loop and the associated filamentary structure in addition to the origin of the I Orion OB association. Chapter 2 focuses on the ionized gas of the Orion H II/molecular complex i. e.