Gasoline Prices

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As major energy legislation moved to conference, the high price of gasoline remained a major consideration. The legislative proposals of past Congresses have contained numerous provisions that would affect gasoline supply and demand. This is true also of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, H.R. 6, both the version passed by the House April 21, and the Senate bill, passed June 28. A large number of factors combined to put pressure on gasoline prices, including increased world demand for crude oil and US refinery capacity inadequate to supply gasoline to a recovering national economy. The war and continued violence in Iraq added uncertainty and a threat of supply disruption that added pressure particularly to the commodity futures markets. Numerous provisions in legislative proposals in the 108th Congress addressed perceived problems in the oil and gasoline markets. A comprehensive energy policy bill was reported out of conference and approved by the House, but several issues kept the bill from passing the Senate. Among the most controversial were provisions regarding the use of ethanol and the additive methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in motor fuel, proposals to open up part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil and gas development, measures concerning corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards, and proposals to aid construction of new refineries and to harmonise state "boutique fuels" standards. In the 109th Congress, the House passed a comprehensive bill, H.R. 6, with many of the same provisions of the bill considered in the previous Congress. As before, MTBE and ANWR, included in the House-passed bill, remain controversial. The House bill added another controversial provision, giving the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) overriding authority over state entities in licensing terminals to receive and process liquefied natural gas. In the Senate version of H.R. 6, the MTBE safe harbour provision has been omitted. The Senate bill contains a provision, not in the House-passed version, directing the President to take measures to reduce total demand for petroleum by one million barrels per day (mbd) by 2015. An amendment by Senator Cantwell, which would have set the goal of reducing petroleum imports by 40% by 2025, was defeated on the floor by a vote of 47-53. The gasoline price surge heightened discussion of energy policy, but the urgency of previous energy crises has been lacking. In part this may be due to the fact that there has been no physical shortage of gasoline, and no lines at the pump. In addition, the expectation of former crises, that prices were destined to grow ever higher, has not been prevalent. However, the persistence of high gasoline and oil prices into a second summer has raised alarms over the economic consequences of the situation.

What Drives U. S. Gasoline Prices

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This analysis provides context for considering the impact of rising domestic light crude oil production on the price that U.S. consumers pay for gasoline, and provides a framework to consider how changes to existing U.S. crude oil export restrictions might affect gasoline prices. Given the likelihood of continued growth in domestic crude production, and the recognition that some absorption options, such as like-for-like replacement of imported crude oil streams, are inherently limited, the possibility that a relaxation of current policy limitations on crude exports might affect domestic and international markets for both crude oil and products, particularly gasoline, is an important issue. EIA's analysis of the factors affecting U.S. gasoline prices is twofold. The analysis first considers the relationship between U.S. spot gasoline prices and international and domestic spot crude oil prices, represented by Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI), respectively. The second part of the analysis focuses on the interrelationship of U.S. and worldwide gasoline prices and the extent to which global gasoline prices are important in determining U.S. gasoline prices. This analysis takes into account regional and global gasoline supply/demand balances and arbitrage, as well as how the competitive advantage of U.S. Gulf Coast (USGC) refineries is changing the dynamics of U.S. regional and global gasoline pricing.

Oil And Gas In The US

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America's oil and natural gas industry supports 10.3 million jobs in the United States and nearly 8 percent of our nation's Gross Domestic Product. We spur economic growth through hundreds of billions of dollars investing right here at home every year. The extraction of oil and natural gas from shale has reduced the amount of oil the United States needs to import and is adding to the economy in the forms of jobs, investment, and growth. Oil exploration and production is again an important industry in the United States. The US has led the world in increasing oil supplies since 2008 and is projected to establish a new all-time record high oil production before 2020. Production from tight oil plays is projected to contribute about 5 MMb/d or more than 40% of US oil production by 2020. In this book, we will look at how oil prices impact the U.S. economy. Buy now.

The US Economy

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America's oil and natural gas industry supports 10.3 million jobs in the United States and nearly 8 percent of our nation's Gross Domestic Product. We spur economic growth through hundreds of billions of dollars investing right here at home every year. The extraction of oil and natural gas from shale has reduced the amount of oil the United States needs to import and is adding to the economy in the forms of jobs, investment, and growth. Oil exploration and production is again an important industry in the United States. The US has led the world in increasing oil supplies since 2008 and is projected to establish a new all-time record high oil production before 2020. Production from tight oil plays is projected to contribute about 5 MMb/d or more than 40% of US oil production by 2020. In this book, we will look at how oil prices impact the U.S. economy. Buy now.

Natural Gas Prices Forecast Comparison--AEO Vs. Natural Gas Markets

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This paper evaluates the accuracy of two methods to forecast natural gas prices: using the Energy Information Administration's ''Annual Energy Outlook'' forecasted price (AEO) and the ''Henry Hub'' compared to U.S. Wellhead futures price. A statistical analysis is performed to determine the relative accuracy of the two measures in the recent past. A statistical analysis suggests that the Henry Hub futures price provides a more accurate average forecast of natural gas prices than the AEO. For example, the Henry Hub futures price underestimated the natural gas price by 35 cents per thousand cubic feet (11.5 percent) between 1996 and 2003 and the AEO underestimated by 71 cents per thousand cubic feet (23.4 percent). Upon closer inspection, a liner regression analysis reveals that two distinct time periods exist, the period between 1996 to 1999 and the period between 2000 to 2003. For the time period between 1996 to 1999, AEO showed a weak negative correlation (R-square = 0.19) between forecast price by actual U.S. Wellhead natural gas price versus the Henry Hub with a weak positive correlation (R-square = 0.20) between forecasted price and U.S. Wellhead natural gas price. During the time period between 2000 to 2003, AEO shows a moderate positive correlation (R-square = 0.37) between forecasted natural gas price and U.S. Wellhead natural gas price versus the Henry Hub that show a moderate positive correlation (R-square = 0.36) between forecast price and U.S. Wellhead natural gas price. These results suggest that agencies forecasting natural gas prices should consider incorporating the Henry Hub natural gas futures price into their forecasting models along with the AEO forecast. Our analysis is very preliminary and is based on a very small data set. Naturally the results of the analysis may change, as more data is made available.

Changing The Whole US Economy

Book Description

America's oil and natural gas industry supports 10.3 million jobs in the United States and nearly 8 percent of our nation's Gross Domestic Product. We spur economic growth through hundreds of billions of dollars investing right here at home every year. The extraction of oil and natural gas from shale has reduced the amount of oil the United States needs to import and is adding to the economy in the forms of jobs, investment, and growth. Oil exploration and production is again an important industry in the United States. The US has led the world in increasing oil supplies since 2008 and is projected to establish a new all-time record high oil production before 2020. Production from tight oil plays is projected to contribute about 5 MMb/d or more than 40% of US oil production by 2020. In this book, we will look at how oil prices impact the U.S. economy. Buy now.