The Kingdom Paradigm

Book Description

In the first book of his kingdom series, The Kingdom Paradigm, Julian presents a clear and practical approach to experiencing the kingdom of God in an authentic and tangible way. Within each of us is the roadmap to powerful victorious living and the DNA of leaders, kings, and influencers. The Kingdom Paradigm offers results-oriented teaching, life enriching concepts, and supernatural keys for unleashing that kingdom influence in every area of life. Prepare to experience life above and beyond its every limitation as you discover how to: - Understand God's kingdom - Experience real kingdom manifestation - Create a kingdom paradigm - Tap into heavenly influence - Eradicate frustrations of inconsistent living - Reshape your life and attract the things you want - Activate supernatural law - Enlarge your vision and finish strong - Live a life without limits

The Paradigm of the Kingdom of God

Book Description

The Paradigm of the Kingdom of God This book traces redemptive history, from the Garden of Eden to the New Heaven and Earth, through the paradigm of the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ's saving work is the supreme event in all history, but it takes place within the context of the kingdom. When we follow God's plan of salvation through the kingdom's progress, the events unfold like an immense novel because we see God's divine providence revealed through both biblical and secular accounts. God initiates the kingdom paradigm when he tells Adam and Eve to be "fruitful and multiply . . . and rule" (Gen. 1:28). This is a mandate to establish God's righteous kingdom on the earth, and it is repeated to Noah and then Israel. But the story of the Old Testament is that Adam and Eve, Noah and his family, and Israel, all sin and rebel and cannot establish God's kingdom. The New Testament tells us about Jesus Christ, the Son of God, coming to earth to become one of us. He begins His ministry by proclaiming, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15). Jesus begins to fulfill the kingdom mandate. He is fruitful and multiplies through spiritual children. And Jesus begins to rule: He teaches, casts out demons, calms storms, heals the sick, raises the dead, and feeds the hungry. He establishes a kingdom of His faithful followers. But Jesus must also die for their sins, and rise again, so that they can be declared righteous, fit for God's kingdom. After Jesus ascends to heaven and establishes the Church, the kingdom advances through the Church's ministry. Understanding redemptive history through the kingdom paradigm differs from the long standing interpretations of Dispensationalism and Covenantalism. These views are considered in this book, but the focus is on how the kingdom is central to God's design for history. Following its progress helps us see our location and roles in the fulfillment of God's divine plan. This can inform our faith and increase Church unity as we glorify God through His amazing plan of redemption.

Kingdom Come

Book Description

Kingdom Come is a revolutionary paradigm shift in our common church culture. This book will challenge you to dig deeper into both the living and written Word of God. What if everything the Bible said was possible? Are you willing to believe you play a role in what Jesus has in store for humanity? Kingdom Come is just that! It is a thought provoking aEURoeWhat if?aEUR

Developing a Kingdom Paradigm

Book Description

Want to understand the scriptures, not just what you have been taught? Want to apply the scriptures as they were intended? Want to understand the differences between your religious perspective and others? This book's for you.

Worldview and the Kingdom of God

Book Description

Why are people the way they are? Why are some cultures and nations progressive, while others seem to be perpetually mired in backwardness and poverty? What were the original foundations upon which Western culture thrived? What are the current effects of secularism on the West and the rest of the world? What would it be like if Christians not only prayed for God's Kingdom to come but heeded Jesus' teaching to live out the truths of His Kingdom on earth? Worldview and the Kingdom of God is an easy to read book for the ordinary man on the street that challenges the worldview of Christians. Based on the original good news of the Kingdom that Jesus and His disciples preached; not the popular gospel of salvation to go to heaven that most Christians preach, it calls for a paradigm shift from a "salvation from this world" worldview to a "God's Kingdom on earth" worldview. Beginning with the premise that the world is ruled by ideas, and that ideas have consequences, the message invites the reader to examine his worldview and reflect on what has been influencing and shaping it. The concept of worldview is explained in simple terms and the reader is invited to reflect on the worldviews of animism and secularism and its consequences, and examine how much of his worldview is still rooted in animism and/or influenced by secularism. God's Kingdom is then introduced and contrasted against Satan's kingdom and man's kingdom. In the light of the Biblical teaching of the three kingdoms, the call is for Christians to discard their "salvation from this world" worldview if they are to get beyond themselves and "Church as we know it", to get on with God's agenda for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is done in heaven.

Discipling Nations

Book Description

The power of the gospel to transform individual lives has been evident throughout New Testament history. But what of the darkness and poverty that enslave entire nations? Miller builds a powerful, convincing thesis that God's truth can free whole societies from deception and poverty. Excellent study of worldviews!

The Jesus Paradigm

Book Description

The church is in disarray. Theologians and commentators speak of the demise of evangelicalism. Are they alarmists? Is Christianity as we know it in the process of dying? Writer, scholar, teacher, and missionary Dr. David Alan Black thinks that the answer does not lie in the politics of the left or the right. In fact, he doesn't think that Jesus tells us what our politics should be. He doesn't see answers in Christian nationalism. But even further, he sees serious flaws in the very structure of our churches and denominations that prevent us from truly being obedient to the gospel. The solution lies, not in renewal, revival, or even in reformation, but rather in restoration-a restoration of the church organized as Jesus intended it and according to the example provided by the earliest church sources in the New Testament. To make the church and its members true servants of Jesus Christ again, we need to change our entire paradigm-to The Jesus Paradigm.

Paradigm Shift

Book Description

How could the early church, with only a handful of men and women, under heavy persecution, without the means of mass communication or distribution of their message, have such influence in the world they lived in that was said of them that they turned it upside down! It went from being an enemy of the Roman empire, to the official religion of the same, with the Emperor Himself coming to the faith. As we look at the church today, with all of its technological advancements and boasting a membership of over 2 billion people, we find its influence waning and relevance being questioned. How is the possible? The answer is found in its "paradigm." The early church lived and operated from a paradigm established by God for those in covenant with Him, that contained not only their assignment and purpose, but the power to overcome and transform the world. The church's current paradigm (Salvation Paradigm) was intended to be used "by" the church to bring men to Christ, but was never intended to be the paradigm "of" the church, which is comprised of those already in Christ. We must recover this original paradigm, the Kingdom Paradigm, in order for the church to regain her place and fulfill her purpose in the world to which she is assigned. God has sent a shift, a paradigm shift, within His church to restore the power inherent within the Kingdom Paradigm to cause His Kingdom to come, and His will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven!

The Secret of the Kingdom of God

Book Description

This book emphasizes the literary creativity of the Evangelist Mark by detailing his use and imitation of literary materials well-known to him and to his first-century audience. All this was in service of what constitutes the "secret of the Kingdom of God," that is, authentic Christian discipleship.

The Myth of a Christian Nation

Book Description

The church was established to serve the world with Christ-like love, not to rule the world. It is called to look like a corporate Jesus, dying on the cross for those who crucified him, not a religious version of Caesar. It is called to manifest the kingdom of the cross in contrast to the kingdom of the sword. Whenever the church has succeeded in gaining what most American evangelicals are now trying to get – political power – it has been disastrous both for the church and the culture. Whenever the church picks up the sword, it lays down the cross. The present activity of the religious right is destroying the heart and soul of the evangelical church and destroying its unique witness to the world. The church is to have a political voice, but we are to have it the way Jesus had it: by manifesting an alternative to the political, “power over,” way of doing life. We are to transform the world by being willing to suffer for others – exercising “power under,” not by getting our way in society – exercising “power over.”