The Pass It on Angel Pin Lady

Book Description

Some people say that I tried to pin the world together, one radiant angel pin at a time. What I was really trying to do was pin my own family back together, one earnest prayer at a time. At times of frustration and despair, I often leaf through the yellowed sheets of poems I authored a little over a decade ago. I still feel God's presence in the words. They were written back when I was caring for my busy family; making beds, preparing dinner, making doctors' appointments, shoveling the snow or polishing furniture. Most days, I was running to keep up with long strides of four active children and an ill husband. Now the four kids are in their 20's. I remember those busy days with such love and fondness. A Team of Angels? Where did the thought even come from? I began the Send a Team of Angels to Help Movement quite by accident in 1998. Or perhaps, it was by divine providence that I began giving the pins to shut-ins, lonely people in nursing homes, the homeless that I met in the City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia that is, for those not familiar with the North East), and countless other folks who were overwhelmed like I was. People who would face turmoil and anxieties seemed to find me to request a Team of Angels pin, and I seemed to find them. During the months prior to my husband's accident, I penned poems. I sat in a monastery chapel or in my living room scribbling poems on napkins and scraps of paper. I kept a notebook in my car in case an inspirational thought popped into my mind while I was driving. I jotted my thoughts and worries down on the blue-lined pages and then rhymed the words into verses. Once, I even scribbled a verse in the sand while on the beach at the New Jersey shore and another time on a paper plate. My ideas for the poems sometimes came to me while watching my kids under the warm sunlight at sporting events, sitting in a doctor's office, perched on the edge of a pew in church, or while making a weekly shopping list for cheese, milk, ice cream and laundry detergent. I filled several Dollar Store notebooks with poems about seeking joy and help for my hurting heart. I didn't know much about the computer. So everything was done the old- fashioned way-by long-hand. I called them Team of Angels poems. I crafted a little trio-of-angels pin from safety pins, raffia and little gold charm angels purchased at a flea market. I attached the homemade-on-the-kitchen-table angel pins to pieces of cardboard bearing my first poem. Writing the poems and making hundreds of the little pins were my way of coping with the uncertainty of my own life at that time and seeking God's guidance. The verses of the poems were my connection to heaven-simple little prayers. The first poem was titled "A Team of Angels for the Overwhelmed," which aptly described my feelings. I added others such as "A Team of Angels for a Troubled Loved One," "A Team of Angels for Taking One Day at a Time," "A Team of Angels for Raising Good Kids," and "A Team of Angels to Protect My Loved Ones." The little verses expressed the confusion in my own life and the anguish of a frightened wife dealing with a husband suffering with depression. I wanted God to restore my husband to good health ASAP. The poems continued to come to me and by the end of the year, I had written 300 Team of Angels poems for all occasions and needs. I never had any intention of "Mom's Little Angel Pin Project" becoming a ministry or business. The fact that 125,000 Team of Angels pins have traveled worldwide is a surprise to others and mostly to me. I began giving cards of the Team of Angels pins and poems away in my community. I didn't know that months later the little Team of Angels that I gave to help others would become my lifeline and solace as well. My original idea was to create something similar to a Random Act of Kindness. My project was different because I gave away a tangible sign of comfort and caring- a winsome gold trio of angels. 125,000 0f them!

What Can God Do With a Woman Like Me?

Book Description

Excerpt from: WHAT CAN GO DO WITH A WOMAN LIKE ME? I never thought that I would be wandering around cities at 11 pm passing out angel pins. But there I was, meeting people who needed hope, comfort and encouragement. People whose lives were sidetracked by addiction, homelessness and other very sad situations such as the lady who had been hit 50 times in the head. Even a man saying "No one will get hurt; I need money for my baby." That isn't what I had in mind when I began my 7000 mile trek. I called my trip THE ANGELS ALONG THE WAY GOODWILL TOUR. Back in February of 2006, I decided to spend the summer traveling around the country passing out Team of Angels pins attached to an inspirational poem. I believed in myself and what I wanted to do but obstacles kept popping up -mainly the financial side of it. How would I travel? Where would I stay? How would I pay for food? And also the people side of it: the dream busters who whispered that I was going through an identity crisis - who does she think she is? The great white hope? She's just a middle-aged mom who needs to get her head out of the clouds and get a job! Maybe nobody was really saying that but that is how I felt when I told some people about my quest for adventure - angel pin style. So, off I went on the adventure of a lifetime. I was convinced that one little Team of Angel pin could make a difference. Over 125,000 people are wearing my angel pin now. It helped me at a time of despair -when I penned the words and made the gold trio of angels pin and called it The Team of Angels for the Overwhelmed.

An Angel's Passing

Book Description

Tears in a Bottle

Book Description

Becky Taylor, a young woman burdened by great expectations, is lying on a cold recovery table in an abortion clinic when she hears a man's voice, then gunshots. She holds her breath and lies perfectly still behind the curtain. When the gunman is finished, Becky is the only one left alive in the clinic. This act brings together two strangers who both seek answers to life's most wrenching questions, mainly: Are God's love and mercy big enough for every sin? The answer transforms multiple lives.

The Lady from Buenos Aires

Book Description

Willie Cuesta wears tropical shirts, cool linen slacks, and Mexican sandals to ward off the Florida heat. Formerly a Miami Police Department detective, he now works as chief of security at his brotherÍs salsa club while he waits for new clients at his detective agency in Little Havana. After meeting Fiona Bonaventura, Willie quickly realizes that her predicament isnÍt a straight forward missing-persons case. The elegant Argentinean is convinced that she has found her dead sisterÍs daughter. Her sister Sonia disappeared during ArgentinaÍs ñdirty warî more than twenty years ago, but her pregnant body was never found. Fiona has never stopped searching for her sisterÍs child, and several times has been steps away from finding the girl she is convinced is her niece. This time she has tracked the girl to Miami, and Fiona is determined not to lose her again. As Willie delves into the case, a host of shady characters surface with ties to the Argentinean military dictatorship responsible for the death and disappearance of thousands of citizens: Sarah Ingram, who teaches tango in a dance studio in a quiet, suburban neighborhood; her polo-playing husband who makes it clear he wonÍt tolerate questions about his intelligence work in Argentina years ago; a terrified man who survived torture and imprisonment during the ñdirty warî and may be able to identify some of his torturers if he can set his fear aside; and even an Argentine diplomat. When people associated with the case start turning up dead and Willie finds himself held captive in the back of an SUV, he knows for sure that death squads from another time and place have arrived in Miami. As the vehicle careens through the pre-dawn streets of Miami, Willie Cuesta must hang on desperately as his latest case spirals out of control.

While We Were Waiting

Book Description

This book presents the true love story of a couple who share the struggles and triumphs that follow when a wife becomes her husband's caregiver, forcing both to survive through the crisis of an impending liver transplant. Their seemingly average family life is turned upside-down by the intrusion of doctors, hospital visits, and a multitude of tests. In the midst of it all, life happens. Things break down around the house. There is job loss and job change. Joy also comes in various forms, notably with the weddings of both their children a short time apart, and later the birth of their grandchildren. Through heart-warming stories, they share their experiences of trying to cope with everyday life. With the help of family and friends, constant prayers, and trust in God, they overcame obstacles while waiting to reach the final outcome-the transplant. When their hopes are realized, they are grateful for the opportunity to continue enjoying life together, one day at a time.

Godey's Lady's Book

Book Description

Through My Daughter's Eyes

Book Description

When her lover James loses his memory, Angel guides him back to the life he had forgotten, which brings about a powerful bond between her and her daughter, Hildi. Original.

Crooked Hearts

Book Description

DIVDIVTwo con artists team up in 1880s California for the score of a lifetime—but end up fighting for their lives instead/divDIV /divDIVIn a stagecoach en route to San Francisco, Grace Rousselot is posing as a nun to drum up “donations” from fellow travelers. Across from her, Reuben Jones is faking blindness to prey on unsuspecting travelers. Both grifters are surprised to learn that they have competition, and even more surprised when their stagecoach is ambushed and robbed, leaving them both flat broke./divDIV /divDIVNot keen to discuss the robbery with the police, Reuben and Grace decide to work together to recoup some of their losses. Soon enough, what starts out as a practical partnership evolves into something more. And with the Chinese mafia hot on their heels, neither is sure just how far they can trust a man—or a woman—with a crooked heart./div/div