The Month

Book Description

The Path of Purification

Book Description

The Visuddhimagga - here rendered Path of Purification systematically summarizes and interprets the teaching of the Buddha contained in the Pali Tipiṭaka. As the principal non-canonical authority of the Theraváda, it forms the hub of a complete and coherent method of exegesis of the Tipiṭaka, using the "Abhidhamma method" as it is called. It sets out detailed practical instructions for developing purification of mind.

The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom

Book Description

Some 2000 years ago Buddhism experienced a major reformation through a movement called the Mahayana, or "Great Vehicle," which dominated religious through in much of Asia for many centuries and still exerts considerable influence. The basic Mahayana texts, sermons ascribed to the Buddha and called "sutras" in Sanskrit, discussed the "perfect wisdom." The "Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom" took shape between 50 and 2000 A.D. in southern India during one of the most momentous outbursts of religious creativity in human history.

The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Volume 1)

Book Description

The first volume of the 15th-century spiritual classic that condenses Buddhist teachings into one easy-to-follow meditation manual The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Tib. Lam rim chen mo) is one of the brightest jewels in the world’s treasury of sacred literature. The author, Tsong-kha-pa, completed it in 1402, and it soon became one of the most renowned works of spiritual practice and philosophy in the world of Tibetan Buddhism. Because it condenses all the exoteric sūtra scriptures into a meditation manual that is easy to understand, scholars and practitioners rely on its authoritative presentation as a gateway that leads to a full understanding of the Buddha’s teachings. Tsong-kha-pa took great pains to base his insights on classical Indian Buddhist literature, illustrating his points with classical citations as well as with sayings of the masters of the earlier Kadampa tradition. In this way the text demonstrates clearly how Tibetan Buddhism carefully preserved and developed the Indian Buddhist traditions. This first of three volumes covers all the practices that are prerequisite for developing the spirit of enlightenment (bodhicitta).

The Foundations of Buddhism

Book Description

In this introduction to the foundations of Buddhism, Rupert Gethin concentrates on the ideas and practices which constitute the common heritage of the different traditions of Buddhism (Thervada, Tibetan and Eastern) which exist in the world today.

Truth and Narrative

Book Description

'Ayn al-Qudat is one of the great multi-dimensional geniuses of Islamic intellectual history and has even been described as the true father of deconstructionism, yet he remains little known and even less understood in the English speaking world. Hamid Dabashi has filled this gap with a compelling and sophisticated analysis of this seminal 12th century writer and thinker. Prof. Dabashi frees 'Ayn al-Qudat from the static categorizations of mystic, philosopher, theologian, poet or social critic and allows the dynamism and subversive thrust of his life and intellect to emerge. Untimely thoughts provides a clearly written critical introduction to the intellectual, literary, religious and philosophical struggles of the time as expressed by one of Islam's greatest and most radical writers.

The Sublime Continuum and Its Explanatory Commentary

Book Description

Explore an in-depth explanation of buddha nature and self-emptiness. The original Sublime Continuum Explanatory Commentary was written by Noble Asanga to explain the verses received from the bodhisattva Maitreya in the late fourth century CE in northern India. Here it is introduced and presented in an original translation from Sanskrit and Tibetan, with the translation of an extensive Tibetan Supercommentary by Gyaltsap Darma Rinchen (1364–1432), whose work closely followed the view of his teacher, Tsong Khapa (1357–1419). Contemporary scholars have widely misunderstood the Buddhist Centrist (Madhyamaka) teaching of emptiness, or selflessness, as either a form of nihilism or a radical skepticism. Yet Buddhist philosophers from Nagarjuna on have shown that the negation of intrinsic reality, when accurately understood, affirms the supreme value of relative realities. Gyaltsap Darma Rinchen, in his Supercommentary, elucidates a highly positive theory of the buddha nature, showing how the wisdom of emptiness empowers the compassionate life of the enlightened, as it is touched by its oneness with the truth body of all buddhas. With his clear study of Gyaltsap’s insight and his original English translation, Bo Jiang completes his historic project of studying and presenting these works from Sanskrit and Tibetan in both Chinese and, now, English translations, in linked publications.