The | Path of the Just Cleared; | And | Cruelty and Tyranny Laid Open. | Or a Few Words to You Priests, | and Magistrates of this Nation, (who Say We Deny the | Scriptures, and that We are Antichrists and Deceivers, | and that We Deny the Word of God,) Wherein Your Oppression | and Tyranny is Laid Open, which by You is Unjustly Acted | Against the Servants of the Living God, who by the World which Hate the | Light of Christ, are in Derision Called Quakers. | Wherein Also is Something Declared Both to Judges and | Justices So Called, Concerning Contempt of Authority. | Also the Ground and Cause of the Imprisonment of | George Whitehead and John Harwood, who are Sufferers for the | Innocent Truths Sake, In the Goal of Bury in Suffolk. | Also a Copy of a Paper, which a Servant of the Lord Called Richard | Clayton, was Moved to Set Upon a Steeplehouse Door at Bury | in Suffolk, for which He was Caused to be Whipped by One Thomas Waldegrave, | Justice of Peace in the Said County. | ... (2 Lines: Prov.11.21.) From the Spirit of the Living God in Me, Whose Name in the Flesh | is George Whitehead, who for Sions Sake Cannot Hold My Peace, But Testifie Against | Her Oppressors: who Am a Sufferer as Aforesaid, the 4. Day of the 7. Month. 1655. | Also, A Paper Against the Sin of Idleness, which We Declare Against, | and Live Out Of; and are Diligent Serving the Lord, Though that Sin | be Cast Upon Us, Yet it We Deny, with All Other Sins and Ungodli- | Nesse, which is Contrary to the Gospel of Christ

Book Description

The Path of the Just Cleared, and Cruelty and Tyranny Laid Open. Or a Few Words to You Priests, and Magistrates of this Nation ... Wherein Your Oppression and Tyranny is Laid Open ... Wherein Also is Something Declared Both to Judges and Justices So Called, Concerning Contempt of Authority ... Also the Ground and Cause of the Imprisonment of George Whitehead, and John Harwood ... in the Goal of Bury in Suffolk. Also a Copy of a Paper, which a Servant of the Lord Called Richard Clayton was Moved to Set Upon a Steeple-house Door at Bury in Suffolk ...

Book Description


Book Description

Utopia is a work of fiction and socio-political satire by Thomas More published in 1516 in Latin. The book is a frame narrative primarily depicting a fictional island society and its religious, social and political customs. Many aspects of More's description of Utopia are reminiscent of life in monasteries.

De Regno

Book Description

This work by Aquinas begins by discussing different types of political systems, using the classical classifications. Only rule which is directed "towards the common good of the multitude is fit to be called kingship," he argues. Rule by one man who "seeks his own benefit from his rule and not the good of the multitude subject to him" is called a "tyrant." He argues that "Just as the government of a king is the best, so the government of a tyrant is the worst," maintaining that rule by a single individual is the most efficient for accomplishing either good or evil purposes. He then proceeds to discuss "how provision might be made that the king may not fall into tyranny," stressing education and noting that "government of the kingdom must be so arranged that opportunity to tyrannize is removed." He then proceeds to consider what honor is due to kings, to discuss the appropriate qualities of a king, and to make some points on founding and maintaining a city. Principium autem intentionis nostrae hinc sumere oportet, ut quid nomine regis intelligendum sit, exponatur.

Rights of Man

Book Description

Government by Judiciary

Book Description

It is Berger's theory that the United States Supreme Court has embarked on "a continuing revision of the Constitution, under the guise of interpretation," thereby subverting America's democratic institutions and wreaking havoc upon Americans' social and political lives. Raoul Berger (1901-2000) was Charles Warren Senior Fellow in American Legal History, Harvard University. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.