The Holiness of God

Book Description

Central to God’s character is the quality of holiness. Yet, even so, most people are hard-pressed to define what God’s holiness precisely is. Many preachers today avoid the topic altogether because people today don’t quite know what to do with words like “awe” or “fear.” R. C. Sproul, in this classic work, puts the holiness of God in its proper and central place in the Christian life. He paints an awe-inspiring vision of God that encourages Christian to become holy just as God is holy. Once you encounter the holiness of God, your life will never be the same.

Grace and the Great Controversy

Book Description

The author reveals how grace is the heart of the gospel'a liberating, life-giving and comforting melody throughout the Bible. Grace is our certainty of eternal life and God's all-encompassing acceptance. Without grace, our religious beliefs are bad news, thus this book's advice, Grace: never leave home without it! Learn how God's grace is absolute and all inclusive; something we never deserve or earn! Grace offers the most refreshing peace we will ever know. Grace is the solution to every problem and menacing crisis threatening our planet. Rightly understood, grace points exclusively and continuously to Jesus. Then why is God's gift of grace so controversial or even difficult for Christians to accept? Could it be because grace is totally unbelievable, unexpected and undeserved? Is this why legalism, the enemy of grace, is so common and hard to recognize in ourselves? Grappling with these questions, the author reveals how, from Eden to our day, cradled at the very heart of the great controversy is grace.

Judgment: Great News or Dreaded Dilemma?

Book Description

No biblical theme raises more fear or discouragement among Adventists than God's judgments, especially the pre-advent judgment. However, there is great news! The author reveals how our fear disappears when we accept Jesus, the righteous One, as our Substitute in the judgment. Learn how God's judgment illustrates His purpose of universal restoration and vindication in the context of His covenant, grace, and justification. Through a loving God's offer of justification by faith we can stand confidently in the judgment with Christ our Advocate. Discover joy in salvation by faith in Christ alone, that the pre-advent judgment is Christ-centered, not man-centered; it is not what you have done but what He has done for you! Judgment does not question your decision to accept Christ's sacrifice; it validates the decision you've already made! Finally, readers will find peaceful assurance that eternity won't begin until every human question has been answered to our satisfaction in the judgment.

A Search for Identity

Book Description

Der Autor geht auf Fragen ein, die jeden Adventisten interessieren (sollten): Wie kamen die Adventisten zu den Glaubensüberzeugungen, die sie heute vertreten? Wie haben sich die Lehrauffassungen im Laufe der Jahre verändert? Würden die adventistischen Pioniere alle 27 Glaubenspunkte unterschreiben wollen, die heute von der Gemeinschaft der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten als verbindlich anerkannt werden? George Knight bezweifelt das. Er legt in wohltuender Offenheit die unterschiedlichen Strömungen innerhalb der Adventgeschichte dar und verdeutlicht, dass Adventgläubige nicht aufhören dürfen, Suchende und Lernende zu sein. So aufwühlend dies klingen mag, so beruhigend wird der Leser feststellen können: An allen untersuchten Beispielen wird erkennbar, wie wunderbar Gott die Adventgemeinde geführt hat. - How did Adventists come to believe what they believe? How have those beliefs changed over the years? With compelling candor George Knight captures the ebb and flow of the doctrinal currents within Adventism, including controversies over the shut door, the law in Galatians at the 1888 General Conference, the Trinity, pantheism, Fundamentalism, the nature of Christ, and inspiration. The Adventist Church was founded by independent thinkers who would have disagreed with several of the church's current 27 fundamental beliefs. But over the years strength arose out of contention, and consensus out of debate. From William Miller to Desmond Ford, Knight catalogues the colorful personalities who shaped the discussion, and shows how God has led Adventism into a broader and deeper understanding of His eternal truth. - A Word to the Reader, A Note From the Author, List of Abbreviations, Chapter 1: The Dynamic Nature of "Present Truth", Present Truth: Fluid Rather Than Static, The Avoidance of Creedal Rigidity, The Pathway of Progressive Understanding, Chapter 2: Adventism Wasn't Born in a Vacuum, The Theological Roots of Adventism, Millennial Visions, Chapter 3: The Millerite Theological Foundation, Miller's Use of the Bible, Miller on the Second Advent, The First and Second Angels' Messages, The Seventh-Month Movement and the Great Disappointment, Chapter 4: What Is Adventist in Adventism? (1844-1885), The Centrality of the Shut Door and the Struggle for Identity, A People of "the Book", Moving Toward an Understanding of the Sanctuary, The Sabbath and the Third Angel's Message, The Final Doctrinal Pillar: Conditional, Immortality, Putting It All Together, Refining the First and Second Angels' Messages, Other Post-1850 Theological Refinements, Perspective, Chapter 5: What Is Christian in Adventism? (1886-1919), A Setting for Disagreement, Still a People of the Book? The Issue of Authority, Uplift Jesus: Righteousness by Faith and the Third Angel's Message, Uplift Jesus: The Trinity, Full Divinity of Jesus, and Personhood of the Holy Spirit, Uplift Jesus: A Two-Track Exploration Into the Human Nature of Christ, Perspective, Chapter 6: What Is Fundamentalist in Adventism? (1919-1950), A Polarizing Theological Context, Adventism Moves Toward a More Rigid Position on Inspiration, A People of the Book or a People of the Books?, A Revived Interest in Righteouness by Faith, The Crucial Role of M.L. Andreasen and His "Last Generation" Theology, Moves to Make Adventism Look More Christian, Perspective, Chapter 7: Adventism in Theological Tension (1950- ), Some Significant Developments, Track 1: The Search for Historic Adventism, Track 2: The Search for the Meaning of 1888, Track 3: The Search for Ellen White's Role and Authority, Track 4: The Search for a Theology of Inspiration Perspective, Chapter 8: What Does All This Mean?, Lessons on Polarization, Lessons on "Theological Rigor Mortis", Lessons on Theological Essentials, And What About the Advent?, Appendix: Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists, Index

The Pharisee In Us All

Book Description

In the Pharisee In Us All, author Ronald N. Hesser presents an in depth research of the character traits of Pharisees. They challenged Jesus’ ministry on many occasions, while at other times He sought them out for public debate and criticism. Descriptions of these incidents and dialogue compose over one third of the Gospels. Because Jesus had not yet been able to establish His New Covenant Church, He used the errors of the Pharisees to indirectly point out the character He wanted demonstrated in a New Covenant believer. Dr. Hesser examines seventeen areas in Scripture the Pharisees failed in, and he then suggests a positive trait in the Word for Christians to exemplify instead. This book is a must for all Christians, but will especially enlighten leaders in the Body of Christ.

Reading Ellen White

Book Description

The Sanctified Life

Book Description

The Sanctified Life is a religious book by Ellen G. White, an American author, and co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In this work, White teaches what it means to live a sanctified life by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ. The author calls people to establish a loving relationship with God through prayer and Bible study.

Works Fourteen

Book Description