Memory and the Self

Book Description

Our memories, many believe, make us who we are. But most of our experiences have been forgotten, and the memories that remain are often wildly inaccurate. How, then, can memories play this person-making role? The answer lies in a largely unrecognized type of memory: Rilkean memory.

Involuntary Autobiographical Memories

Book Description

This study promotes a new interpretation of involuntary autobiographical memories, a phenomenon previously defined as a sign of distress or trauma.

On Autobiographical Memory

Book Description

The aim of this book is to provide an account of autobiographical memory, the memory of episodes in the subject's autobiography and to answer the following questions: what happens when we remember something? Why do we remember some things rather than others? The main assumptions in this book are that autobiographical memory is an active structure of a representational nature and that autobiographical memory is a construct of the imagination enabled by a semantic principle: the ground-consequence relation. Anita Kasabova reconstructs the epistemological accounts of memory by the Prague philosopher and mathematician, Bernard Bolzano and the Prague physiologist Ewald Hering as well as the phenomenological accounts by Edmund Husserl and Roman Ingarden, and discusses various accounts put forward within analytic philosophy. She examines the trace theory and its relation to the phenomenology of autobiographical memory and the different temporal perspectives that characterize this form of memory.Kasabova formulates a philosophical explication of how autobiographical memory works, dealing with issues such as: 'what are the defining features of autobiographical memory?'; 'how is it structured and how does it function?'; 'what is a recollection and what are the necessary and (for the most part) sufficient conditions for a recollection to occur?' Kasabova argues that such conditions are a sense of self and a sense of connectedness of the self that is semantic rather than causal, the subject's sense of ownership of past experiences and the capacity of imagination: for mental time travel and thinking about past episodes, you have to be able to produce representations not bound to the current situation. It is argued that access to the subject's personal past cannot occur otherwise than by construction in imagination. In order to reproduce a past experience in the present, imagination is necessary for representing a past episode as if it were present. Other necessary conditions for autobiographical memory are time-awareness, a continuous temporal reference frame, a successive temporal order and the capacity to refer back to previous positions in time. Finally, semantic relations of part-whole and ground-consequence are crucial for explaining autobiographical memory. It is argued that the part-whole relation is the principle of the memory trace and that the grounding relation co-ordinates the subject's perspective on past episodes in recollective statements. Kasabova argues that autobiographical memory is basically semantic, as it is grounded by and constructed through a 'sense-making' relation expressed by the explanatory conjunct 'because': we recall certain experiences or actions rather than other because we are sensitive to the reasons for having experienced it. The new book by Anita Kasabova fills a gap between traditional philosophical armchair speculations about memory and contemporary cognitive theories, which have grown out of extensive experimental research.The book's main idea that autobiographical memory is not a mere recollection but rather an active reconstruction of our past memories is not an entirely new one. Anita Kasabova, however, provides a new take on this idea by revealing that the theories of Bolzano, Hering, and Husserl not only bear historical significance but, properly reconstructed, they might be viewed as an important contribution to the contemporary interdisciplinary studies of memory.An appreciable achievement of the book is the chosen conceptual framework: it makes the idiosyncratic language of Bolzano and Husserl accessible to contemporary cognitive scientists as well as making the recent cognitive theories understandable for the traditional philosophical scholars. Even if this were the only achievement of Anita Kasabova (and it is not) it would represent her monograph as a book of a great merit for a large community of memory scholars. Assoc. Prof. Lilia Gurova, Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology, New Bulgarian University

Remembering Our Past

Book Description

This book reviews the latest research in the field of autobiographical memory.

The Phenomenology of Autobiography

Book Description

Taking a fresh look at the state of autobiography as a genre, The Phenomenology of Autobiography: Making it Real takes a deep dive into the experience of the reader. Dr. Schmitt argues that current trends in the field of life writing have taken the focus away from the text and the initial purpose of autobiography as a means for the author to communicate with a reader and narrate an experience. The study puts autobiography back into a communicational context, and putting forth the notion that one of the reasons why life writing can so often be aesthetically unsatisfactory, or difficult to distinguish from novels, is because it should not be considered as a literary genre, but as a modality with radically different rules and means of evaluation. In other words, not only is autobiography radically different from fiction due to its referentiality, but, first and foremost, it should be read differently.

Understanding Autobiographical Memory

Book Description

Reviews and integrates the many theories, perspectives and approaches in the field of autobiographical memory.

Momentous Events, Vivid Memories

Book Description

The bombing of Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger: every generation has unforgettable events, the shared memory of which can create fleeting intimacy among strangers. These public memories, combined with poignant personal moments--the first day of college, a baseball game with one's father, praise from a mentor--are the critical shaping events of individual lives. Although experimental memory studies have long been part of empirical psychology, and psychotherapy has focused on repressed or traumatizing memories, relatively little attention has been paid to the inspiring, touching, amusing, or revealing moments that highlight most lives. What makes something unforgettable? How do we learn to share the significance of memories? David Pillemer's research, brought together in this gracefully written book, extends the current study of narrative and specific memory. Drawing on a variety of evidence and methods--cognitive and developmental psychology, cross-cultural study, psychotherapy case studies, autobiographies and diaries--Pillemer elaborates on five themes: the function of memory; how children learn to construct and share personal memories; memory as a complex interactive system of image, emotion, and narrative; individual and group differences in memory function and performance; and how unique events linger in memory and influence lives. A provocative last chapter, full of striking examples, considers potential variations in memory across gender, culture, and personality. Momentous Events, Vivid Memories is itself a compelling and memorable book.

Time and Memory

Book Description

The capacity to represent and think about time, and the capacity to recollect the past are two of the most fundamental and least understood aspects of human cognition and consciousness. This book throws new light on central issues in the study of the mind by uniting, for the first time,psychological and philosophical approaches dealing with the connection between temporal representation and memory. Fifteen specially written essays by leading psychologists and philosophers investigate the way in which time is represented in memory, and the role memory plays in our ability to reasonabout time. They offer insights into current theories of memory processes and of the mechanisms and cognitive abilities underlying temporal judgements, and draw out fundamental issues concerning the phenomenology and epistemology of memory and our understanding of time. The chapters are arrangedinto four sections, each focused on one area of current research: I Keeping Track of Time, and Temporal Representation; II Memory, Awareness and the Past; III Memory and Experience; IV Knowledge and the Past: The Epistemology and Metaphysics of Time. A general introduction gives an overview of thetopics discussed and makes explicit central themes which unify the different philosophical and psychological approaches.

Mental Time Travel

Book Description

Drawing on current research in psychology, a new philosophical account of remembering as imagining the past. In this book, Kourken Michaelian builds on research in the psychology of memory to develop an innovative philosophical account of the nature of remembering and memory knowledge. Current philosophical approaches to memory rest on assumptions that are incompatible with the rich body of theory and data coming from psychology. Michaelian argues that abandoning those assumptions will result in a radically new philosophical understanding of memory. His novel, integrated account of episodic memory, memory knowledge, and their evolution makes a significant step in that direction. Michaelian situates episodic memory as a form of mental time travel and outlines a naturalistic framework for understanding it. Drawing on research in constructive memory, he develops an innovative simulation theory of memory; finding no intrinsic difference between remembering and imagining, he argues that to remember is to imagine the past. He investigates the reliability of simulational memory, focusing on the adaptivity of the constructive processes involved in remembering and the role of metacognitive monitoring; and he outlines an account of the evolution of episodic memory, distinguishing it from the forms of episodic-like memory demonstrated in animals. Memory research has become increasingly interdisciplinary. Michaelian's account, built systematically on the findings of empirical research, not only draws out the implications of these findings for philosophical theories of remembering but also offers psychologists a framework for making sense of provocative experimental results on mental time travel.