Shankara and Indian Philosophy

Book Description

According to Advaita-Vedanta, God or Brahman is identical with the inner self (the Atman) of each person, while the rest of the world is nothing but objective illusion (maya). Shankara maintains that there are two primary levels of existence and knowledge: the higher knowledge that is Brahman itself, and the relative, limited knowledge, regarded as the very texture of the universe. Consequently, the task of a human being is to reach the absolute unity and the reality of Brahman—in other words, to reach the innermost self within his or her own being, discarding on the way all temporary characteristics and attributes.

Adi Shankaracharya: Hinduisms Greatest Thinker

Book Description

About the Book A COMPREHENSIVELY RESEARCHED BOOK ON THE LIFE AND PHILOSOPHY OF ADI SHANKARACHARYA What is Brahman? What is its relationship to Atman? What is an individual’s place in the cosmos? Is a personalised god and ritualistic worship the only path to attain moksha? Does caste matter when a human is engaging with the metaphysical world? The answers to these perennial questions sparkle with clarity in this seminal account of a man and a saint, who revived Hinduism and gave to Upanishadic insights a rigorously structured and sublimely appealing philosophy. Jagad Guru Adi Shankaracharya (788–820 CE) was born in Kerala and died in Kedarnath, traversing the length of India in his search for the ultimate truth. In a short life of thirty-two years, Shankaracharya not only revived Hinduism, but also created the organisational structure for its perpetuation through the mathas he established in Sringeri, Dwaraka, Puri and Joshimatha. Adi Shankaracharaya: Hinduism’s Greatest Thinker is a meticulously researched and comprehensive account of his life and philosophy. Highly readable, and including a select anthology of Shankaracharya’s seminal writing, the book also examines the startling endorsement that contemporary science is giving to his ideas today. A must-read for people across the ideological spectrum, this book reminds readers about the remarkable philosophical underpinning of Hinduism, making it one of the most vibrant religions in the world.

Om Gayatri And Sandhya

Book Description

The objective of this book is to bring to the earnest readers the unique significance and the deep philosophy behind the Gayathri Mantra and the Sandhya Upasana. The author of this book, Swami Mukhyananda, has dealt with these in depth, giving the philosophic significance of their practices and their pragmatic value. And for the benefit of those who want to perform Sandhya systematically, the complete details regarding the mantras to be chanted and procedures to be adopted are given in this book. The mantras are given in Devanagari script with transliteration and English translation.

A Thousand Teachings

Book Description

The book brings to light how great and true knowledge is born of intuition, quite different from modern Western method. The ancient Indian method and its secret techniques are examined and shown to be capable of solving various problems of mathematics. The universe we live in has a basic mathematical structure obeying the rules of mathematical measures and relations. All the subjects in mathematics-Multiplication, Division, Factorization, Equations, Calculus, Analytical Conics, etc.-are dealt with in forty chapters, vividly working out all problems, in the easiest ever method discovered so far.

Ramana, Shankara and the Forty Verses

Book Description

In this book we have some of the major works of sanskaras actually translated by Ramana Mahrshi.It includes sanskaras famous The Crest Jewel of discrimination and Maharshi seminal Forty Verses on reality the sankara consolidate the teaching of the upanishadic and brahmana sutraas into a practical philosophy of living leading to the non dual state of self realization.In the twentieth century Ramana Mahrishi revived this great teaching and by his exemplary life brought about a world wide Renissance of Advaita. In this book where Ramana translate Sankara we have a blending of wisdom of these two Self-Realised Sages.

The Philosophy of Shankara

Book Description

The Philosophy of Shankara

Book Description

The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom

Book Description

This influential work summarizes the traditional path of wisdom that leads to the joy of eternal freedom and self-realization. It will make an interesting read for students of Theosophy and people curious about the history of the growth and preservation of Brahmanical philosophy in India.

The Hymns of Śaṅkara

Book Description

The Philosophy of Sankar's Advaita Vedanta

Book Description

Study on SarirakamimamĐsabhasĐya by Sankaracarya.