The 'Pillar Two' Global Minimum Tax

Book Description

Bringing together leading experts in the field of tax law, this book comprehensively analyses the new global minimum taxation regime for multinational companies. Not only does it consider this unprecedented diplomatic achievement in its historic, economic and political context, but the book also explores the intricate technical detail of the GloBE model rules.

The OECD’s Global Minimum Tax and its Implementation in the EU – A Legal Analysis of Pillar Two in the Light of Tax Treaty and EU Law

Book Description

Rarely in the history of international tax law have there been so many evolutions in such a short space of time: In a dizzying array of reports, work programmes, consultations and announcements, the OECD, with the active support of the EU, has created a framework for a global minimum tax (Pillar Two or GloBE). In the meanwhile, jurisdictions are faced with the practical difficulties of incorporating an incredibly complex set of rules into their domestic legal systems. This book aims to shed light on the fundamental and technical issues surrounding the global minimum tax. It seeks to unravel the complex ramifications of GloBE’s technical framework and aims to explore the relationship between the OECD’s soft law materials, including the OECD’s GloBE Model Rules and the GloBE Commentary, tax treaties and the EU’s recently adopted GloBE-Directive. The author not only analyses Pillar Two from a technical and a policy perspective but also provides for a comprehensive examination of the compatibility of Pillar Two with tax treaties and EU law. To this end, the analysis also includes practical examples and illustrates solutions to numerous technical and policy issues of Pillar Two. Among the seminal matters covered are the following: History and Background of the global minimum tax discussion. Detailed technical considerations on the design of Pillar Two, including its scope, the determination of both the ‘GloBE Income’ as well as the ‘Adjusted Covered Taxes’ and the computation of the effective tax rate as well as the computation and collection of the final ‘Top-up Tax’ liability, including the application of the QDMTT, IIR, and UTPR. Tax policy implications and deficiencies of the final design of Pillar Two. The relation of Pillar Two to the current distribution of taxing rights under bilateral tax treaties. The analysis includes the compatibility of the QDMTT, IIR, and UTPR with existing tax treaties and the resolution of potential normative conflicts, both between tax treaties and domestic implementations of Pillar Two as well as between tax treaties concluded by EU Member States and the EU’s GloBE-Directive. The role of the GloBE-Directive within the EU’s legal order, including the issue of EU internal and external competence as well as the substantive compatibility of Pillar Two with primary law, such as the fundamental freedoms. Detailed comparisons between the OECD’s GloBE Model Rules and the EU’s GloBE-Directive elucidate common points and deviations. In addition to comprehensive technical considerations, the book also provides a comprehensive tax policy perspective on the global minimum tax. For its unparalleled clarification of the issues alone, this book will prove invaluable to practitioners, tax authorities, policymakers, and academics concerned with the implementation and application of Pillar Two. ‘Valentin Bendlinger’s book is an outstandingly remarkable work on a highly complex topic. The structure, clarity of thinking, and legal argumentation are excellent, and the legal and policy results throughout are profoundly argued. The book successfully ties together broad concepts of international and European (tax) law with highly complex and novel issues of the taxation of multinational enterprises. It should be highlighted that Valentin Bendlinger succeeded in leading the reader from the history and policy through a “jungle” of unprecedented rules to overarching fundamental issues of how the new taxation framework is to be placed in the international and European legal order.’ – Prof. DDr Georg Kofler, LLM (NYU), Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Corporate Income Taxes under Pressure

Book Description

The book describes the difficulties of the current international corporate income tax system. It starts by describing its origins and how changes, such as the development of multinational enterprises and digitalization have created fundamental problems, not foreseen at its inception. These include tax competition—as governments try to attract tax bases through low tax rates or incentives, and profit shifting, as companies avoid tax by reporting profits in jurisdictions with lower tax rates. The book then discusses solutions, including both evolutionary changes to the current system and fundamental reform options. It covers both reform efforts already under way, for example under the Inclusive Framework at the OECD, and potential radical reform ideas developed by academics.

Schwarz on Tax Treaties

Book Description

Schwarz on Tax Treaties is the definitive analysis of tax treaties from United Kingdom and Irish perspectives and provides in-depth expert analysis of the interpretation and interaction of those treaty networks with the European Union and international law. The sixth edition significantly develops the earlier work with enhanced commentary and is updated to include the latest UK, Irish domestic and treaty developments, international and EU law, including: Covered Tax Agreements modified by the BEPS Multilateral Instrument; judicial decisions of Ireland, the UK and foreign courts on UK and Irish treaties; Digital Services Tax; treaty binding compulsory arbitration; Brexit and the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement; taxpayer rights in exchange of information; taxpayer rights in EU cross-border collection of taxes; attribution of profits to permanent establishments; and EU DAC 6 Disclosure of cross-border planning. Case law developments including: UK Supreme Court in Fowler v HMRC; Indian Supreme Court in Engineering Analysis Centre of Excellence Private Limited and Others v CIT; Australian Full Federal Court in Addy v CoT; French Supreme Administrative Court in Valueclick; English Court of Appeal in Irish Bank Resolution Corporation v HMRC; JJ Management and others v HMRC; United States Tax Court in Adams Challenge v CIR; UK Tax Tribunals in Royal Bank of Canada v HMRC; Lloyd-Webber v HMRC; Esso Exploration and Production v HMRC; Glencore v HMRC; McCabe v HMRC; Padfield v HMRC; Davies v HMRC; Uddin v HMRC; English High Court in Minera Las Bambas v Glencore; Kotton v First Tier Tribunal; and CJEU in N Luxembourg I, and others (the ‘Danish beneficial ownership cases’); État belge v Pantochim; College Pension Plan of British Columbia v Finanzamt München; HB v Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale. About the Author Jonathan Schwarz BA, LLB (Witwatersrand), LLM (UC Berkeley), FTII is an English Barrister at Temple Tax Chambers in London and is also a South African Advocate and a Canadian and Irish Barrister. His practice focuses on international tax disputes as counsel and as an expert and advises on solving cross-border tax problems. He is a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law, King’s College London University. He has been listed as a leading tax Barrister in both the Legal 500, for international corporate tax, and Chambers’ Guide to the Legal Profession, for international transactions and particular expertise in transfer pricing. He has been lauded in Who’s Who Legal, UK Bar for his ‘brilliant’ handling of cross-border tax problems. In Chambers Guide, he is identified as ‘the double tax guru’ with ‘extraordinary depth of knowledge and experience when it comes to tax treaty issues and is a creative thinker and a clear and meticulous writer’.

Introducing a Global Minimum Tax (Pillar Two) in Canada

Book Description

This paper provides a high-level overview of the pillar two global minimum tax in terms of its policy objectives, technical design, and implications for Canada. After teasing out some significant known and unknown challenges, the paper offers some thoughts on whether and, if so, how and when Canada should proceed with implementation.

Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

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This action plan, created in response to a request by the G20, identifies a set of domestic and international actions to address the problems of base erosion and profit sharing.

Taxing Multinationals

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Eden examines how transfer pricing has been handled in different disciplines, including international business, economics, accounting, law and public policy.

Taxing Profit in a Global Economy

Book Description

The international tax system is in dire need of reform. It allows multinational companies to shift profits to low tax jurisdictions and thus reduce their global effective tax rates. A major international project, launched in 2013, aimed to fix the system, but failed to seriously analyse the fundamental aims and rationales for the taxation of multinationals' profit, and in particular where profit should be taxed. As this project nears its completion, it is becomingincreasingly clear that the fundamental structural weaknesses in the system will remain. This book, produced by a group of economists and lawyers, adopts a different approach and starts from first principles in order to generate an international tax system fit for the 21st century. This approach examines fundamental issues of principle and practice in the taxation of business profit and the allocation of taxing rights over such profit amongst countries, paying attention to the interests and circumstances of advanced and developing countries. Once this conceptual framework is developed, the book evaluates the existing system and potential reform options against it. A number of reform options are considered, ranging from those requiring marginal change to radically different systems. Some options have been discussed widely. Others, particularly Residual Profit Split systems and a Destination Based Cash-Flow Tax, are more innovative and have been developed at some length and in depth for the first time in this book. Their common feature is that they assign taxing rights partly/fully to the location of relatively immobile factors: shareholders or consumers.