The Pilot Food Price Subsidy Scheme in the Philippines

Book Description

The pilot food price subsidy scheme; The study areas; Assessment of implementation; Analytical methodology; Descriptive analysis of income, consumption, and nutritional patterns; A comparative analysis of the effects of the food price subsidy Scheme; A multivariate analysis of the effects of the food subsidy Scheme; Cost-effectiveness analysis.

The Egyptian Food Subsidy System

Book Description

The Egyptian Food Subsidy System: Structure, Performance, and Options for Reform evaluates the economic, political, and technical feasibility of reducing costs while improving or maintaining the welfare of the poor. The report addresses five questions: (1) How well does the present system target the poor? (2) How much leakage- the pilferage of subsidized foods in the distribution channel-occurs? (3) At what cost does the government transfer income to the needy? (4) How can subsidies be better targeted to the needy? And (5) What are politically feasible options for reform?

Comparative Analyses of Nutritional Effectiveness of Food Subsidies and Other Food-related Interventions

Book Description

Introduction; Food subsidy measures and their nutritional impact: a conceptual overview; Typology of nutrition interventions; Targeting; Cost and administrative concerns of food transfer programs; Other issues related to food subsidies; Comparative analysis of selected nutrition interventions; Conclusions.

A review of food subsidy research at IFPRI

Book Description

Since its earliest years IFPRI has conducted research on food subsidies, concentrating on methods to achieve the social objectives of subsidies without undue distortion of the economy or excessive economic and political costs. Studies have been conducted in eleven countries, several of which have been the site of more than one project. IFPRI research on food subsidies has had, and continues to have, significant impact at the country level. Moreover, the cumulative weight of the research has influenced how the development community regards food subsidy issues.

The Food Stamp Scheme in Sri Lanka

Book Description

The policy change; Price subsidy and food stamp benefits; The beneficiaries; The effect on fiscal costs and income distribution; Patterns of food consumption and nutrition before and after the subsidy program change; Inflation and the real value of food stamps; Impact of food stamps on nutrition and cost-effectiveness; The nutrition of children and income transfer.

Improving Food Security of the Poor

Book Description

Conceptual framework for food security; Dimensions of the food security problem; Review of policies and programs for improving household food security; Principles and priorities for policy actions.

Effects of Agricultural Commercialization on Land Tenure, Household Resource Allocation, and Nutrition in the Philippines

Book Description

Research objectives and policy setting; Conceptual framework and research design; Changes in land tenure patterns; Comparison of the corn and sugar production systems; Food expenditures and calorie intakes; Heights and weights of prschools children.

Production and Consumption of Foodgrains in India

Book Description

Trends and changes in foodgrain production; Input use and production behavior; Trends and changes in per capita consumption of foodgrains; Scenarios for the year 2000.

Food Policy for the Poor

Book Description