The Police Personnel System

Book Description

Police Personnel Management

Book Description

A reference work for use by personnel managers in police agencies is presented; topics discussed include personnel planning, recruiting, the selection process, basic training, performance appraisal, and labor relations. Police personnel management must find, hire, and keep police employees who can and will work at above-average levels and achieve meaning and satisfaction in so doing. The historical development of police agencies, personnel planning, and equal employment opportunity are highlighted. The job of patrol officer constitutes the core of all police work. The changes in hiring policy include the acceptance on an equal basis of women applicants and increased use of civilians in various specialist capacities. Legislation and case law forbid discrimination in employment; however, ratio hiring and promotion may temporarily produce unequal employment opportunities. The recruiting and the selection process also are described. Several modern developments enlarged recruitment from any target population, including an end to local residence requirements, modification of age, eyesight, and height requirements, and implementation of equal employment opportunity legislation. Applicants' achievement on physical performance and written tests, oral interviews, psychological screening, medical examination, and background investigation are used in the selection process. Also discussed are career development aspects such as basic training, personnel information systems, employee development programs, and employee education. Internal justice administration includes performance appraisal, discipline, and grievances. The topic of employee support and retention covers jobs structure and salary planning, labor relations, collective bargaining, police union contracts, and terminations. Finally future trends in research and development, such as the investigation of adequately measuring police officer effectiveness, are discussed. Photographs, diagrams, charts, an index, and a selected bibliography are provided in the book.

Civil Service Systems

Book Description

Positive and negative effects of civil service regulations on urban police systems is the focus of this research project conducted over approximately a 2-year period beginning in November 1976. Data from the study were collected from 42 randomly selected American cities, ranging in size from 50,000 to 750,000 persons. In each study site, current civil service laws and police union contracts were collected, interviews were conducted with the most knowledgeable municipal officials and organization representatives, and police departments provided information on programs and policies in a police departmental questionnaire. Supplemental data were provided by the Police Foundation, the National Planning Association, and the FBI. The absence of an overall civil service system which governs police personnel affairs in America is noted. Civil service commissions differ from city to city in the roles they play in police personnel administration and, as a result, in the impacts they have on local officials, on police departmental programs and practices, and on the general quality of local law enforcement. While some commissions pose significant constraints on the abilities of local officials to promote innovative police programs, others work to promote departmental innovation and more efficient criminal apprehension procedures. The study examines a number of issues, among them the statutory supports for local civil service commissions and the impact of community politics and police unionism on local police personnel administration. Proposals for civil service reforms in the urban police context should be tailored to local circumstances and to meaningful variations in civil service roles. Numerous charts, footnotes, a bibliography, and diagrams illustrate the text. Appendixes include content analysis checklists for police bargaining contracts and personnel systems, a police questionnaire, an interview schedule, and a letter to urban executives.

Police Personnel Administration

Book Description

The operational environment of police personnel administration, the personnel function, manpower development, internal affairs, and police labor relations are discussed. A historical overview of police personnel administration, a review of police organization, and a discussion of the role of the police officer provide a foundation for this work. Introductions to personnel administration in a police department, in a municipal personnel agency, and in the federal government are also given. An analysis of interrelated aspects of compensation administration and conditions of employment is provided as well. Such topics as recruitment, selection, training, personnel evaluation, leadership, and promotion are included, and issues in internal affairs such as communication, interpersonal behavior, and disciplinary actions are discussed. Featured in the discussion of labor relations in law enforcement are such factors as employee organization, collective bargaining, job actions, grievance machinery, and the role of the police management in labor relations.

The Impact of Affirmative Action and Civil Service on American Police Personnel Systems

Book Description

The impact of civil service and affirmative action programs on minority employment in the law enforcement setting is addressed in this monograph. Each stage of the federal government's program to insure equal employment opportunity from nondiscrimination through affirmative action has been accompanied by acrimonious public debate, focusing particularly on affirmative action, which is designed to develop guidelines, timetables, and other measurable indexes by which employers can be held accountable for their progress, or lack of it, in implementing national policy. The principal burden of finding answers to the complex issues surrounding minority employment has fallen to the courts. Numerous judicial decisions, with enormous implications for police agencies, have been translated into procedural regulations covering the measures, techniques, criteria, and processes that may be used for employment decisions and employment selection. Several employment practices which may create problems in the area of employment discrimination are included. Whether due to enlightened police leadership, community pressures, political circumstances, civil service intervention, or a combination of all these factors, the racial characteristics of American policing have begun to change substantially over the past decade. Ten years ago, approximately 4 percent of the sworn police personnel in the nation were racial minorities; today, that figure has risen to 10 percent. Findings of the public service administration show that one of the most important factors in changing the nature and quality of policing is the courage and commitment of police leadership. To the extent that increasing minority and female participation in the ranks of sworn police officers is a crucial part of this change process, there is the added finding that such efforts are not enhanced by a reliance on the regulatory role of civil service. Several suggestions for institutionalizing this change process are noted.

Police Personnel Management Information Systems

Book Description

Design, development, and implementation of a computerized police personnel management information system (PPMIS) in Dade County, Florida, and Dallas, Texas, are reported. A PPMIS can aid with complex administrative problems by making all useful employee information readily available: it may prove particularly useful in meeting the requirements of civil rights legislation and for police personnel research. Depending on the complexity of the system, a PPMIS may be used in training, evaluation and for evaluation and performance counseling. In planning for a PPMIS, decisions should first be made on the type of information that will be collected, the method which will be used for obtaining data, the type of reports which will be used (operational, regulatory and/or analytical), updating procedures, and data security precautions. For both the Dallas and the Dade County police inaccessible and obsolete personnel information was a major problem and there was a pressing need to broaden channels of communication, reduce useless duplication of information, and formalize placement procedures. Prior to implementation of the PPMIS, both relied on a manual process of personnel record maintenance. Objectives of the Dallas PPMIS included provision of a personal history file for each officer, a personnel position file, a bimonthly review of court dates for each officer, a means for creating departmental mailing lists, monthly batches of personnel changes and police personnel, and monthly totals by rank, race and sex of sworn personnel as well as monthly strength reports and a comparison of authorized versus actual personnel. Dade county objectives included the provision of a centrally located means of storing, selectively retrieving, statistically manipulating a large amount of personnel information in a secure, pertinent, and simple-to-use system, and to provide a means for monitoring usage and possible expansion in response to future needs. Both systems incorporate a number of security precautions to ensure privacy and confidentiality of information. Implementation and monthly maintenance costs for the computerized systems are compared with manual system costs. The following steps should be used in implementation of a PPMIS: (1) obtain advice and support of city or county technical computer personnel; (2) compile a master subject list; (3) contact all supervisory personnel who will be using the system and describe the system to them; (4) identify all files containing information on sworn personnel; (5) locate and obtain sample copies of all forms used by the department over the past 25 years and analyze information categories; (6) have all users review this list; (7) create a personnel update form; (8) begin data collection and check for accuracy and legibility; and (9) once system is operational provide user orientation and training sessions. Appendixes include data forms, information items included in both the Dallas and Dade County systems, data collection forms, and sample profiles from the Dallas PPMIS. References are included.

Managing Accountability Systems for Police Conduct

Book Description

Police officers are invested with awesome powers and may use physical force to take a citizen into custody. These powers help the police enforce laws and control suspects, but they also have the potential to be abused. The police must be responsive and accountable about crime and safety, but they must also be responsive and accountable to the law and the rights of citizens. Police abuse of power has a long and unfortunate history in the United States, often because of the failure to develop meaningful procedures to ensure police accountability. This book introduces the reader to a unit of the police department that has been secretive and lacking transparency, despite being an integral part of policing for a number of years. Noble and Alpert clearly explain the structure and function of internal affairs or professional compliance units and provide guidance for establishing an effective unit that will benefit both the police and the community. One recent trend is to make internal affairs more proactive than reactive. The authors provide comprehensive coverage of this trends objectives: implement procedures to identify and modify improper actions by police officers; change policies and procedures that negatively affect citizens quality of life; take appropriate action so that the misconduct of a few officers does not detract from the overall mission and reputation of the agency; and conduct fair, thorough, and accurate investigations to protect police employees against false accusations of misconduct.

Supervision of Police Personnel

Book Description

"It is both an honor and privilege to write the foreword for this book authored by Dr. Jeff Bernstein, a personal friend, and colleague who I have known for over 30 years. Over that time, I have served as a police chief with two police agencies and served as the president for both the Florida Police Chief Association and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. I have conducted numerous police promotional processes for the ranks of sergeant to police chief, and as a lawyer I have been used as a subject matter expert in promotional processes on police practices. Currently, I serve as a presidentially appointed U.S. Marshal in the State of Florida. Dr. Jeff Bernstein, the coauthor of this book, and I have worked closely together in preparing police officers for promotional exams. He is without question the No. 1 authority on police promotional exam preparation in the country. As one of the nation's top experts in police supervision, Nathan Iannone asked Dr. Bernstein numerous times to revise his original book and update his book to be contemporary with the times. Prentice Hall also asked Dr. Bernstein to write the first official study guide for the book. The textbook you are about to read is a long-time best seller. It has been on more law enforcement promotional exam reading lists than any other book. It's considered by many to be the "Bible of Police Supervision." If you have this in your hands right now, you're probably studying for a promotional exam or taking a police supervision college class. This book is the authority in the field and addresses everything a police supervisor should know. Making a successful transition from officer to supervisor is reviewed in the book. Basic supervisory responsibilities such as training, coaching, and counseling are discussed in the book. Dealing with citizen complaints, problem employees, and tactical deployment of field forces in critical situations are all covered in the book. After reviewing and studying these areas, you will have a much better understanding of how to handle these types of situations as a supervisor or manager. A new feature to this edition is that the key points in the book have already been identified by Dr. Bernstein for you. They will help you to do better on the exam you have to take as well as be a better supervisor or manager. Every day in every police department across the country supervisors deal with employees, citizens, peers, bosses, and unique situations they encounter on the street. You will find this book to be an excellent guide in regard to dealing with these individuals and situations. The kinds of things that every supervisor or manager should know are in this book! Finally, as you're reading this book, always keep your ultimate goal in mind. Whether it's to get the promotion you want or to be a better supervisor or manager, never lose sight of it. If you're ready to become a leader, study hard and stay focused. If you're tired of doing what you're doing and want to move up the ladder, study hard and stay focused. If you study hard, stay focused, and internalize the teachings of this book, you will be that much closer to achieving your ultimate goal. I wish you all the best. William "Bill" Berger"--