The Politics of Genocide: Prelude to destruction. From consolidation to proto-fascism. The Jewish community of Hungary before the destruction. The beginning of the end. The Teleki Era. The Bardossy Era. The Kallay Era. Treatment of Hungarian Jews in German Occupied Europe. The first mass deportation plans. The labor service system. The road to destruction. The occupation forces and authorities. formation of the Sztojay government. The Jewish Council. The first anti-Jewish measures. The processes of economic destruction. Ghettoization, phase 1. Zone 2, Northern Transylvania

Book Description

A comprehensive history of the Holocaust in Hungary, relating also to the history of Hungarian Jewry from its emancipation in 1849 to the present. The first anti-Jewish laws in the 1920s and the increase of antisemitism in the 1930s were followed by persecution, forced military occupation by the Nazis, ghettoization, and deportation. Discusses the events of the Holocaust according to six territorial zones: the Carpathians and the northeastern parts of Hungary; northern Transylvania; northern Hungary; southeastern Hungary; western Hungary; Budapest and environs. Describes the fate of the Jews in many locations. Relates, inter alia, to the military labor service units, the Jewish Council, Jewish rescue operations, the Nazis' actions and the cooperation of the Hungarian authorities, and the actions of the Arrow Cross, as well as international interventions and rescue actions of the Christian Churches.