The Power of the Blood of the Lamb and the Red Heifer

Book Description

DO YOU WONDER WHAT GOD's INTENTION IS TOWARD HIS CHOSEN NATION ISRAEL? Have you ever wondered why or how Judaism and Christianity are linked? Or what's the significance of the Old Testament to the New Testament? Do these Testaments negate one another or complement one another? GOD HAS ALWAYS HAD A SALVATION PLAN FOR HIS JEWISH PEOPLE. THEY WERE FIRST TO RECEIVE HIS COVENANTS AND HIS PROMISES AND THEY RECORDED BOTH TESTAMENTS. If you are Jewish, read this book to learn how the New Testament fulfills all you have treasured in the Old Testament. If you are Christian, read this book to grasp a deeper understanding of your Faith in Christ Jesus and His Finished Work. Are you aware the RED HEIFER is the NECESSARY ELEMENT for the CONSTRUCTION of the THIRD TEMPLE? GOD has led me to search the Scriptures for years for a clearer picture of the LAST DAYS and the END TIMES. Our Almighty Everlasting GOD has much to say about the days we are in. Read this book to learn: How the Old and the New Testaments complement one another The meaning behind the Mosaic Sacrificial System The significance of the Feasts of the LORD for today The mysteries of the Red Heifer Sacrifice The connection between the Blood of the Lamb and the Red Heifer Sacrifice Tow the Christian is soon to experience the Feast of Tabernacles In these LAST DAYS we must all PREPARE to CELEBRATE the last feast: the FEAST of TABERNACLES.

The Power of the Blood and the Red Heifer

Book Description

DO YOU WONDER WHAT GOD's INTENTION IS TOWARD HIS CHOSEN NATION ISRAEL? Have you ever wondered why or how Judaism and Christianity are linked? Or what's the significance of the Old Testament to the New Testament? Do these Testaments negate one another or complement one another? GOD HAS ALWAYS HAD A SALVATION PLAN FOR HIS JEWISH PEOPLE. THEY WERE FIRST TO RECEIVE HIS COVENANTS AND HIS PROMISES AND THEY RECORDED BOTH TESTAMENTS. If you are Jewish, read this book to learn how the New Testament fulfills all you have treasured in the Old Testament. If you are Christian, read this book to grasp a deeper understanding of your Faith in Christ Jesus and His Finished Work. Are you aware the RED HEIFER is the NECESSARY ELEMENT for the CONSTRUCTION of the THIRD TEMPLE? GOD has led me to search the Scriptures for years for a clearer picture of the LAST DAYS and the END TIMES. Our Almighty Everlasting GOD has much to say about the days we are in. Read this book to learn: how the Old and the New Testaments complement one another the meaning behind the Mosaic Sacrificial System the significance of the Feasts of the LORD for today the mysteries of the Red Heifer Sacrifice the connection between the Blood of the Lamb and the Red Heifer Sacrifice how the Christian is soon to experience the Feast of Tabernacles In these LAST DAYS we must all PREPARE to CELEBRATE the last feast: the FEAST of TABERNACLES.

Power in the Blood

Book Description

Take a journey back to the ancient times of the patriarchs and take a glance atsome of the customs that our faith today is reflective of. There are principles within Old Testamentscripture that beautifully typifies the power in the Blood of Jesus. Why does this help us? Well, it helps usbecause as we look into these past rituals and customs, we begin to see the correlation between the Oldand the New, and we begin to understand that Jesus Christ in no way abrogated the Old Testament, butinstead, fulfilled it with a more complete way. It is in this truth that we can grasp the tremendous cleansingpower in the Blood, the ultimate sacrifice He made as our healer and restorer, and see with clearer vision how God prepared our path of liberation and wholeness from the very beginning.Topic of Study:The Sacrificial BloodThe SubstituteOur Covenant WrittenFoundational PrinciplesSin produces death.There is life in the Blood of Jesus.Principle of "First in the natural and then in the supernatural."The Blood of Jesus is precious and accomplishes cleansing power.The Power in the BloodThe Blood covers sin.The Blood washes.The Blood restores.The Blood has a voice; it speaks from the ground and God hears it.There is life in the Blood.

The Blood of Christ

Book Description

Christians have been ever prompted to the higher life by the spirit of God. All who are justified freely by His grace will walk no more after the lusts of flesh. Why is this so? The Spirit that kept Jesus is now in them. They now possess an unselfish spirit through faith in the merits of Christ and seek to separate from sin and self-will. He who gave His life knows how to impart it to us. Many realize justification by faith must involve more than cleansing of a record. Surely, the power to justify a lost sinenr must also contain power to transform the life. A heart yearning to be like Jesus must be part of the gospel. Does the word of God say anything about purging the conscience, freedom from condemnation of the law, victory over sin, death, and devil? Yes, much so. In only one way does the Biblical experience come - the precious blood of Christ applied. The power that avails in heaven with the Father, has conquered the devil, justifies the sinner, and gives victory in the life, is the BLOOD. It is hoped repetition of the instruction concerning the blood will give comfort and direction to His saints.

The Powers of the Precious Blood of the Lamb

Book Description

Talking about the Powers of the Precious Blood of the Lamb, Peter said, Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and without spot. (1 Peter 1:18-19) I suffered through many pains and heartaches, which if Apostle Paul would have been around, he would have told me that they were light afflictions and that they were only for a moment. All the pains, heartaches, griefs, and sorrows, I didn't have to bear nor carry those things. Jesus told me in his word that he was going to make my yoke easy and my burdens light. The Prophet Isaiah said, "Surely, he hath born our griefs, and carried our sorrows" (Isaiah 53:4). Thanks be unto God for The Powers of the Precious Blood of the Lamb, the slain lamb of God whose blood has blotted out all our transgressions and has caused our debt to sin to be paid in full.


Book Description

There is so much talk in the Christian circles about the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God. But how exactly does the power in the blood go to work for the sins of humanity? This book will take you on an exciting and intriguing journey full of exposition and revelation about the dynamics of how the blood of God’s only Lamb compared to the blood of a natural lamb becomes the most effective antidote for the venomous effects of sin perpetuated by the evil works of Satan. This book will also explain in detail, both scientifically and spiritually, the reason why the blood of Jesus is compared to no other creature than that of the blood of a lamb.

The Power of the Blood of Jesus

Book Description

"The Power of the Blood of Christ" does a wonderful job of introducing the need for Christians to claim the blood of Jesus, and in confirming its biblical authenticity. In a day when the blood of Jesus is being removed from the very translation of the Bible itself, when the mention of the blood of Jesus is considered offensive even in the churches, it is more important than ever for this book by Andrew Murray to remove the misconceptions. "The Power of the Blood of Christ" is a God-send for those who are willing to accept the ways of God without cringing. Though the blood of Jesus is not in any way magical, it is nonetheless crucial and foundational to receiving any benefit whatsoever from God. In "The Power of the Blood of Christ," Andrew Murray clearly shows this truth in his books. He also mentions scores of benefits that are only available through the shed blood of Jesus. This book remains a Christian classic, a tremendous discourse on "The Power of the Blood of Christ." The New Testament book of Hebrews states that, "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin." Andrew Murray shows clearly that within that statement is included ALL the resulting benefits of forgiveness, as well.

The Power of the Lamb's Blood

Book Description

One of the greatest mysteries of the Christian faith is the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus and its vital role in our salvation. Now through this in-depth study on the blood of The Lamb, we discover just how deep the blood flows and how it affects every area of our lives. Within these pages you will discover: Powerful testimonies of proclaiming the blood How to stand in the victory won at the cross The benefits of the blood covenant Blood covering for the Christian's hearing, walk, and ministry The power of the blood over Satan Protection for the mind through the blood Remembering the blood sacrifice through communion The importance of obedience Powerful daily proclamation of the blood

The Chemistry of the Blood

Book Description

The Chemistry of the Blood is one of Dr. M. R. De Haan's most widely read books. In it, his scientific background is uniquely combined with his skillful exposition of Scripture to correlate Scripture and science. In addition to the title chapter on The Chemistry of the Blood, Dr. De Haan also discusses such intriguing themes as 'The Chemistry of Tears, ' 'The Chemistry of the Bible, ' 'The Chemistry of Man, ' and other striking truths.

Power of the King's Blood

Book Description

“And he has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings” (Acts 17:26). Science has proven that the human race is related by blood, and the Bible reveals how God’s eternal covenant with mankind is based on blood. Learn why this is a vital key for daily living. Without the atoning blood of Jesus, sinful man is separated from God. Believers are redeemed by the power of the blood of Jesus, which Christ himself has placed on the mercy seat in heaven. Christians obtain righteousness and power over sin by the blood of Jesus, by the merit of that blood which he offered up as an atoning sacrifice. Christ’s blood brings us into fellowship with God: “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13). The ability to enter God’s presence is founded upon the blood of Jesus and his high priestly ministry. Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus, the High Priest, is the living way through whom we can draw near to God to honor and devote ourselves to him with diligence with all our heart and without selfish motives. Believers must be aware they are dependent upon God’s divine grace and should have no other purpose but to please him. Learn how the sacrificial blood of God’s very own Son, Jesus Christ, becomes the spiritual DNA of all who receive him as Lord and Savior. You, too, can experience a victorious life in this challenging world and know you have eternal life!