The Practice of White Tara and Chenrezig Lion's Roar to Eliminate Sickness and Life Obstacles eBook

Book Description

This practice was composed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche for the long life of a student. White Tara is associated with the “realization of immortality” and Arya Chenrezig Lion’s Roar (Skt. Simhanada Avalokitesvara) is associated with healing sickness and purifying life obstacles. 2020 edition.

Arya Avalokiteshvara Simhanada: Exalted Lion's Roar Chenrezig Who Dispels All Diseases eBook

Book Description

Anyone can do this practice. However, if you have not received a great initiation of any class of tantra followed by the subsequent permission (jenang) of Lion’s Roar Chenrezig, you cannot visualize yourself as the deity. Instead, you should visualize Lion’s Roar Chenrezig above your head. Avalokiteshvara Simhanada is associated with removing sickness and disease, especially those caused by nagas. This meditation instruction is from Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche. The trans­lation of the visualization was done by Barry Clark for the Rinjung Gyatsa set of empowerments given by Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche during the First Enlightened Experience Celebration in Bodhgaya, India, 1982. 2020 edition.

White Tara Practice: The Gathered Essence of Immortality eBook

Book Description

Anyone can do this practice. However, you are permitted to generate yourself as White Tara only if you have received the appropriate initiation. Otherwise, you should visualize White Tara above your head or in front of you. Composed by Phabongkha Rinpoche, practice instructions by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, translated by Joona Repo. A short, daily White Tara sadhana that integrates the practice of Amitayus. The practices of both deities are considered to support a long, healthy life. 12 pages, 2020 edition.

White Tara Practice

Book Description

A Short Practice of Green Tara eBook

Book Description

Tara is a completely enlightened buddha who had previously promised to appear, after enlightenment, in the form of a female bodhisattva and goddess for the benefit of all beings. Her primary activity is to protect from the eight fears. Tara or simply Drol-ma in Tibetan, goddess of protection and compassion, is one of the widest worshiped deities in Tibet. Tara represents the miraculous activities of all buddhas. In myth she is born from Chenrezig's tears of compassion. There are innumerable manifestations of Tara arising according to sentient beings' needs, such as the dynamic Green Tara who quickly overcomes obstacles and saves beings in dangerous situations. While cultivating the wish that all of our endeavors ultimately benefit others, we can call upon the power of Tara to get things done in a most amazing way. Whether you are looking for the right partner in a relationship or wishing to find the conditions for entering into a life of solitary retreat, the practice of Tara can help. This practice includes the short sadhana, commentary from Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and three versions of Praises to the Twenty-One Taras. A Kriya Tantra empowerment of Green Tara is needed to practice this sadhana in full. However, one can do this practice without such an empowerment as long as one does not generate oneself as the deity. If one does not have the empowerment, one can do the self-generation practice at the crown of one’s head. 32 pages. 2014 Edition.

The Wish-fulfilling Wheel

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a complete guide to the practice of White Tara

Healing Nectar of Immortality

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Book Description

A practical guide for invoking the power and blessings of Tara, the beloved female buddha of Tibet Known as "the female Buddha" in Tibet and India, Tara connects us to the archetypal Divine Feminine—an energetic force that exists within us and all around us, and has been available to all humans since our earliest origin. While there are many books on Tara, this practical guide shows us how those of any tradition can directly access her, through clear instruction and authentic Tibetan Buddhist teachings. Jungian analyst, scholar, and spiritual practitioner Dr. Rachael Wooten combines the ancient Tara tradition with depth psychology to help us connect with each of Tara's manifestations and access her blessings within ourselves and in the external world. In her myriad forms, Tara has the power to protect us from inner and outer negativity, illuminate our self-sabotaging habits, cleanse mental and physical poisons, address emotional trauma, open us to abundance, give us strength and peace, help us fulfill our life purposes, and more. Here, you will explore all 22 manifestations of Tara. Each chapter begins with an epigraph that captures the spiritual and psychological essence of the emanation, explains her purpose, and teaches you specific visualizations, praises, mantra chants, and other ways of invoking her presence in yourself and the world. "If ever the voice of wisdom and compassion was needed in the form of an awakened female figure such as Tara," writes Dr. Wooten, "that time is now." This book illuminates the way to her healing, blessings, and aid.

The Mirror of Beryl

Book Description

Composed while its author was the ruler of Tibet, Mirror of Beryl is a detailed account of the origins and history of medicine in Tibet through the end of the seventeenth century. Its author, Desi Sangye Gyatso (1653 - 1705), was the heart disciple and political successor of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama and the author of several highly regarded works on Tibetan medicine, including his Blue Beryl, a commentary on the foundational text of Tibetan medicine, The Four Tantras. In the present historical introduction, Sangye Gyatso traces the sources of influence on Tibetan medicine to classical India, China, Central Asia, and beyond, providing life stories, extensive references to earlier Tibetan works on medicine, and fascinating details about the Tibetan approach to healing. He also provides a commentary on the pratimoksha, bodhisattva, and tantric Buddhist vows. Desi Sangye Gyatso's Mirror of Beryl remains today an essential resource for students of medical science in Tibet.

White Tara: Healing Light of Wisdom

Book Description

This volume gives Ringu Tulku's teachings on the practice of White Tara based on the short sadhana written by Tenga Rinpoche, with a new English translation of the text.