The Preliminary Practice of the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingtik

Book Description

From the authentic teachings of the Hundred Thousand Doctrine of the Great Master Jigme Lingpa, Lama Jigme Rinpoche has brought this key practice to us. The Benefits of the Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro:- Before you do something in your Dharma Practice, it is of the most importance to practice the Ngondro. Before you can accomplish any form of the 4 activities [Pacifying, Increasing, Magnetization or Subjugation] you have to finish your daily Ngondro.- You will gain realization through the 4 Empowerments in Guru Yoga, though this you will have the strength to benefit others. However without it, it will be difficult.- The Ngondro is indispensable, without it you will have no foundation from which to hold your practice. A strong foundation is like having strong walls in a house, if you jump around from practice to practice and not focus on the Ngondro then your house will be weak and will eventually fall over.- Ngondro can help you realize emptiness or Dzogchenpo (The Great Perfection)- Gives you your daily empowerment to practice Ati Yoga (Dzogchen) practices.- Through the practice of the Ngondro, diligent and fortunate practitioners can achieve enlightenment after just six months of practice, the Ngondro covers all the fundamental yet essential preliminary practices that are necessary to enter the ultimate realization, etc.- Having a focused Ngondro practice will allow you to remember and see your past 3 lives.- You should treat this book as Dharma (the Buddha's teachings). And you should treat any form of Dharma with the most respect. Never touch it the ground, try to keep it in a high clean place, it is good to keep on your altar. After using it you can touch it to your 3rd eye to accumulate merit. To not treat Dharma with respect can create negative karma.- This marks the end of the daily practice of the Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro.- The following section in this book is the Dharmapala Hayagriva practice.- Lama Jigme Rinpoche comes from the Nyingma tradition in Tibetan Buddhism and under the Longchen Nyingtik teachings from Jigme Lingpa.[This specific book was compiled with the help of the Venerable Lama Jigme Rinpoche's students Tenzin Wangden from Switzerland and Jacob Ewers from Las Vegas for the highest benefits of all sentient beings]Explanation on Visualization [Consider that the whole area where you are sitting is a beautiful paradise. Upon the bejeweled ground stands a wish-fulfilling tree with five main branches, adorned with abundant leaves, flowers and fruit, garlands of jewels, and tiny bells. It pervades the whole of space. In its center, upon a jeweled throne supported by lions and seats of multi-colored lotus, sun and moon, is the embodiment of all the buddhas--your own root master--in the form of Padmasambhava, and holding vajra and bell. He is in union with his consort Yeshe Tsogyal, who is white and holding a hooked knife and skull-cup. They are adorned with silk and bone ornaments. Above his head are the masters of the Dzogchen lineage, seated one above the other. On the branch in front are Sakyamuni Buddha and all the other buddhas of the three times, in nirmanakaya form. On the branch to the right is the Mahayana sangha, including the Eight Close Sons. On the branch to the left are Sariputra and Maudgalyayana, and the assembly of the noble sangha of sravakas. On the branch at the back is the Jewel of the Dharma in the form of stacks of books, red in colour. In the space in between, there is a great ocean-like gathering of oath-bound and karmic guardians that fills the whole area. Consider how all these deities have immeasurable qualities of wisdom, love and power, and are actually present as great guides who care for you]

The Short Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro

Book Description

(5-5-19) The Short Preliminary Practice of the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro transmitted by Lama Jigme Namgyal Rinpoche. The Benefits of the Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro:- Before you do something in your Dharma Practice, it is of the most importance to practice the Ngondro. Before you can accomplish any form of the 4 activities [Pacifying, Increasing, Magnetization or Subjugation] you have to finish your daily Ngondro.- You will gain realization through the 4 Empowerments in Guru Yoga, though this you will have the strength to benefit others. However without it, it will be difficult.- The Ngondro is indispensable, without it you will have no foundation from which to hold your practice. A strong foundation is like having strong walls in a house, if you jump around from practice to practice and not focus on the Ngondro then your house will be weak and will eventually fall over.- Ngondro can help you realize emptiness or Dzogchenpo (The Great Perfection)- Gives you your daily empowerment to practice Ati Yoga (Dzogchen) practices.- Through the practice of the Ngondro, diligent and fortunate practitioners can achieve enlightenment after just six months of practice, the Ngondro covers all the fundamental yet essential preliminary practices that are necessary to enter the ultimate realization, etc.- Having a focused Ngondro practice will allow you to remember and see your past 3 lives.- You should treat this book as Dharma (the Buddha's teachings). And you should treat any form of Dharma with the most respect. Never touch it the ground, try to keep it in a high clean place, it is good to keep on your altar. After using it you can touch it to your 3rd eye to accumulate merit. To not treat Dharma with respect can create negative karma.- Lama Jigme Rinpoche comes from the Nyingma tradition in Tibetan Buddhism and under the Longchen Nyingtik teachings from Jigme Lingpa.[This specific book was compiled with the help of the Venerable Lama Jigme Rinpoche's students Tenzin Wangden from Switzerland and Jacob Ewers from Las Vegas for the highest benefits of all sentient beings]The Venerable Lama Jigme Namgyal Rinpoche was born In Amdo, Tibet. With the help of his family he was able to study with his teachers, Rigdzin Jigme and Lama Aku Sherab throughout his childhood. After teachings from the H.H. the Dalai Lama, H.H. Penor Rinpoche and Khamtrul Rinpoche, His Holiness the Dalai Lama verified Rinpoche's understanding of Buddhist values like compassion and emptiness. He was exceptionally touched by his answers. His Holiness decided to build Padma Rigdzin Ling Monastery in the forest of Dharmashala, India for Rinpoche to carry out his practices and ceremonies.© Copyright 2019 Padma Rigdzin Ling Buddhist Temple and Lohan Spiritual and Cultural Center

The Short Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro

Book Description

Padma Rigdzin Ling Buddhist Temple ཀློང་ཆེན་སྙིང་ཐིག་སྔོན་འགྲོ The Short Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro The Dzogchen Preliminary Practice of the Longchen Nyingtik (5.5 x 7.5 - black and white book)

The Dzogchen Preliminary Practice of the Longchen Nyingtik

Book Description

5.5x7.5 book Padma Rigdzin Ling Buddhist Temple RESTRICTED Please do not read or use this text unless you have received empowerment, transmission, or permission from a qualified teacher / lineage master. The Short Preliminary Practice of the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro transmitted by Lama Jigme Namgyal Rinpoche. The Excellent Path to Omniscience: The Dzogchen Preliminary Practice of Longchen Nyingtik - This is the central Dharma text you will use if you are studying with Lama Jigme. When we take our first steps on the Path, we are not yet capable of helping others. To accomplish the good of others, we must first perfect ourselves, by purifying and transforming our minds. This is the aim of what we call the preliminary practices, which establish the foundations of all spiritual progress. You may feel like dispensing with these foundations in order to practice teachings that you think are more profound, but if you do so, you are building a palace on the surface of a frozen lake. Traditionally Ngondro practice is done for the enlightenment of the spiritual aspirant and for the benefit of all sentient beings. That is, the merit of doing the practices is dedicated to all sentient beings. The Benefits of the Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro: - Before you do something in your Dharma Practice, it is of the most importance to practice the Ngondro. Before you can accomplish any form of the 4 activities [Pacifying, Increasing, Magnetization or Subjugation] you have to finish your daily Ngondro. - You will gain realization through the 4 Empowerments in Guru Yoga, though this you will have the strength to benefit others. However without it, it will be difficult. - The Ngondro can help you realize emptiness or Dzogchenpo (The Great Perfection)- Gives you your daily empowerment to practice Ati Yoga (Dzogchen) practices. - Through the practice of the Ngondro, diligent and fortunate practitioners can achieve enlightenment after just six months of practice, the Ngondro covers all the fundamental yet essential preliminary practices that are necessary to enter the ultimate realization, etc. - Having a focused Ngondro practice will allow you to remember and see your past three lives. - You should treat this book as Dharma (the Buddha's teachings). And you should treat any form of Dharma with the most respect. Never touch it the ground, try to keep it in a high clean place, it is good to keep on your altar. After using it you can touch it to your crown to accumulate merit. To not treat Dharma with respect can create negative karma. - Lama Jigme Rinpoche comes from the Nyingma tradition in Tibetan Buddhism and under the Longchen Nyingtik teachings from Jigme Lingpa. [This specific book was compiled with the help of the Venerable Lama Jigme Rinpoche's students Tenzin Wangden from Switzerland and Jacob Ewers from Las Vegas for the highest benefits of all sentient beings] - The Venerable Lama Jigme Namgyal Rinpoche was born in Amdo, Tibet. With the help of his family he was able to study with his teachers, Rigdzin Jigme and Lama Aku Sherab throughout his childhood. After teachings from the H.H. the Dalai Lama, H.H. Penor Rinpoche and Khamtrul Rinpoche, His Holiness the Dalai Lama verified Rinpoche's understanding of Buddhist values like compassion and emptiness. He was exceptionally touched by his answers. His Holiness decided to build Padma Rigdzin Ling Monastery in the forest of Dharmashala, India for Rinpoche to carry out his practices and ceremonies.

Entrance to the Great Perfection

Book Description

Blending contemporary and traditional perspectives, this groundbreaking work offers guidance on the profound foundational practices of the Great Perfection. It contains classic commentaries by the renowned Tibetan masters Jigme Lingpa and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, alongside a lively contemporary discussion by filmmaker, author, and spiritual teacher Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse that discusses how to incorporate these ancient practices into the fast-paced lifestyle of the Western world. Also included are a lengthy introduction to the world of Tibetan Buddhism and its meditative practices, as well as the long and short preliminary practice liturgies and numerous appendices on the nine yanas and other topics. The ngöndro or preliminary practice is treasured in the Ancient School of Tibetan Buddhism as vital for effecting a profound inner transformation and as a foundation for the very highest teachings of the Great Perfection, or Dzogchen. In particular, the Longchen Nyingtik ngöndro—revealed by the great saint Jigme Lingpa following a series of visions in which he was blessed by the omniscient Longchen Rabjam and received the transmission of his wisdom mind—has long been cherished by followers of all traditions on account of its power, depth, and poetic beauty.

The Short Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro

Book Description

Lama Jigme Namgyal Rinpoche's Short Ngondro (The Excellent Path to Omniscience) (12-15-19)

Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse

Book Description

A beautiful, evocative, and eminently useful array of texts sharing the foundational practices from Jigme Lingpa's Heart Essence transmission. These foundational practices have for over three centuries been one of the most widely practiced and beloved gateways to Dzogchen in Tibet. Like most Tibetan practices, these are chanted in solitary practice or in groups, their words supporting the vision, emotion, and understanding being cultivated. This compilation of texts includes the story, history, music, and commentaries to help practitioners more fully understand the elements of the practice. A link to downloadable audio of the chants in English is included, so that practitioners can absorb the meaning while also following along with the chants written in English and Tibetan.

Steps to the Great Perfection

Book Description

The mind-training practices contained in the Dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism have never before been presented in the English language. The main text translated here, The Steps to Liberation, will be of great interest to Western practitioners, since its instructions are pithy and direct, and experiential rather than scholarly. The contemplations on core Buddhist principles like impermanence and karma, intended for beginning meditators, unfold as dramatic stories in which the meditator is to vividly imagine himself or herself as the main character who undergoes a sequence of experiences that result in transformative realizations. They distill the most essential teachings of the Buddha into a practical system that can be easily implemented in a daily meditation practice. At the same time, they bring together the most foundational Buddhist teachings with the profound methods of the Vajrayana (the esoteric teachings of Buddhist tantra). This is the hallmark of Dzogchen mind training and what sets it apart from other mind-training lineages.

Guru Yoga

Book Description

Why is the practice guru yoga (union with the nature of the guru) so important? Because with the help of the outer teacher, the inner teacher (the true nature of our own mind) is discovered. This particular guru yoga is called "The Wish-fulfilling Jewel," and it is the outer practice of the guru from the Longchen Nyingtik revelation of Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa. It was during a summer retreat in France in 1984 that Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche gave teachings on this text. This is a new commentary and not a re-edit of teachings in the book The Wish-fulfilling Jewel.