The Pretender (Animorphs #23)

Book Description

Someone's looking for Tobias. Someone who says she's his long-lost cousin. Tobias isn't sure the person is telling the truth, but she's really nice, and knows a lot about him. And what she tells Tobias definitely gets his attention.It seems a lawyer has discovered Tobias's father's last will and testament. So, Tobias needs to attend the reading. His cousin even offers to go along. But something just doesn't feel quite right. That's when Tobias and the other Animorphs decide to do a little checking on this "cousin." And what they discover will change the rest of Tobias's life...

Animorphs #23

Book Description

Tobias is stunned to find out who his father is but he can't show it because Viser Three is watching.

The Pretender

Book Description

Tobias is confused. Is he truly a hawk, or is there still a human lurking inside him? Something is affecting his hunting anyway - he's started feeling sorry for his dinner. Which means the last resort - he's living on roadkill.

The Pretender-Animorphs

Book Description

The Threat (Animorphs #21)

Book Description

There is a new Animorph. And he's arrived just in time, because the Yeerks are preparing their biggest takeover ever. Their ultimate target: the world's most powerful leaders, all gathered together in one place. What better way to get into the minds of humans? Literally.At first, David joins the fight with a vengeance. But there's definitely something wrong. Because he's starting to break the rules, taking risks that could get them all captured. Or killed. The Animorphs don't know what to do. There was a time when the Yeerks were their greatest enemy, but that's about to change...

The Extreme (Animorphs #25)

Book Description

Marco and the other Animorphs have managed to find out where the Yeerks are planning to build their next ground-based Kandrona. That's a good thing. But the location is supposed to be somewhere near the North Pole. That's a bad thing. The Animorphs know that the Yeerks are a "cold-blooded" species, but this is a little nuts! Who wants to be near the North Pole without Arctic morphs -- and wearing spandex?Even so, the kids know that if the Yeerks succeed with their plan, Earth is pretty much done for. And Marco and the other Animorphs aren't quite ready to give up the fight.

The Solution (Animorphs #22)

Book Description

David, the newest Animorph, is not what he appears. His need to control the other Animorphs is all he thinks about. And the things he does are starting to break up the group.Rachel and the others know that time is running out. The newest battle against the Yeerks is the most important one yet. And it's not one that will wait. Winning this fight could mean slowing down the invasion. But no one knows what to do with David. Because the newest Animorph is more than just a little problem. He's deadly...

The Suspicion

Book Description

Cassie and the other Animorphs have another alien invasion to deal with, the Helmacrons. They are fierce, war-like, intent on taking over the earth and only one and a half millimetres long. But they have a dangerous weapon - a shrinking ray.

The Encounter

Book Description

When Tobias and his friends were given the power to morph, they were also given an important warning: Never stay in a morph for more than two hours. But Tobias broke the time limit and now he’s trapped in the body of a hawk … forever. When he discovers an important Yeerk secret, Tobias knows he has to do everything in his power to destroy it. But to do so, he’ll have to contend with a part of himself that’s wrestling for control. A part that isn’t human.

The Andalite Chronicles (Animorphs)

Book Description

Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul is an Andalite war prince--the one who gave the Animorphs the power to morph. "The Andalite Chronicles" is the story of how this warrior-cadet ended up on planet Earth Ages 9-12. Pub: 12/97.