The Priests We Need To Save the Church

Book Description

While dissolute bishops and priests around the world grab headlines for their untoward words and deeds, too many other unfruitful priests minister as little more than glad-handing bachelors doing social service work. Top and bottom, is this the Church that Christ intended? Are these the priests we need? “No!” cries author Kevin Wells in these compelling pages that showcase how heroic priests can faithfully tread the narrow path of holy self-sacrifice first blazed by the apostles themselves. From scores of insightful interviews with modern priests, exorcists, seminary formators, and even disillusioned laity, Wells here draws forth a blueprint for priestly holiness that can once again fill our Church with priests abounding with sincere, supernatural faith, on fire with God's love, and moved by the irresistible impulse to save souls, no matter the cost to themselves. Reading this book will deepen your own faith and help you understand what all

Priest and Beggar

Book Description

In 1957, at twenty-seven years old, Washington D.C. native Fr. Aloysius Schwartz asked to be sent to the saddest place in the world: South Korea in the wake of the Korean War. Now just a few months into his priesthood, he stepped off the train into a dystopian novel. Squatters with blank stares picked through hills of garbage. Paper-fleshed orphans lay on the streets like leftover war landmines. The scenes crushed him. Within fifteen years, he had changed the course of Korean history, founding and reforming orphanages, hospitals, hospices, clinics, schools, and the Sisters of Mary, a Korean religious order dedicated to the sickest of the sick and the poorest of the poor. He himself--like the Sisters--lived all the while in the same hard poverty as the people he served and loved.Yet Father Al prayed to be unknown. The reason you don't know about him is that he didn't want you to know. He was a very humble priest and servant of the poor. Kevin Wells tells the story of a different kind of American hero, an ordinary priest who stared down corruption, slander, persecution, and death for the sake of God's poor.


Book Description

In the wake of the clergy abuse scandal of the last decade, many media commentators predicted the “end” of the Catholic priesthood. Demands for an end to celibacy, coupled with calls for women’s ordination, dominated discussions on the effectiveness of the Catholic Church in America. Renewal argues that rather than a decline of the priesthood and a diminishing influence of the Catholic Church, we are living in a time of transformation and revitalization. The aging generation of progressives that continues to lobby Church leaders to change Catholic teachings on reproductive rights, same-sex marriage and women's ordination is being replaced by younger men and women who are attracted to the Church because of the very timelessness of its teachings.

Keeping the Vow

Book Description

Based on one hundred fifteen interviews augmented by biographical, survey, and historical research, Keeping the Vow tells the story of married priests and their wives, their unusual and difficult journey from Anglicanism, and their life in the Catholic Church. The book combines personal narratives and sociological analysis to provide a clear view of the priesthood's collective features, and discusses the implications of the married priesthood for the future of the Church.

The Priest Is Not His Own

Book Description

Most books on the priesthood may be grouped into three categories: theological, pastoral and sociological. The theological treatises emphasize the priest as the minister and ambassador of Christ; the pastoral writings are concerned with the priest in the pulpit, the priest in the confessional, the priest at prayer, etc. The sociological writings, which are the latest type, refrain almost entirely from the spiritual and are concerned with the statistical study of the reaction of the faithful, the unbelievers and the general public to the priest. Is there room for another category? Such a possibility presented itself in writing our Life of Christ. In that book, we tried to show that, unlike anyone else, Our Lord came on earth not to live but to die. Death for our Redemption was the goal of His sojourn here, the gold that He was seeking. Every parable, every incident in His life—even the call of the Apostles, the temptation, the Transfiguration, the long conversation with the woman at the well—was focused upon that salutary death. He was, therefore, not primarily a teacher, but a Savior. The dark days in which that Life of Christ was written were hours when ink and gall did mix to reveal the mystery of the Crucifix. More and more that vision of Christ as Savior began to illumine the priesthood, and out of it came the thoughts in this book. To save anyone from reading it through, we here state briefly the thesis. We who have received the Sacrament of Orders call ourselves “priests”. The author does not recall any priest ever having said, “I was ordained a ‘victim’ ”, nor did he ever say, “I am studying to be a victim.” That seemed almost alien to being a priest. The seminary always told us to be “good” priests; never were we told to be willing victims. And yet was not Christ, the Priest, a Victim? Did He not come to die? He did not offer a lamb, a bullock or doves; He never offered anything except Himself. He gave Himself up on our behalf, a sacrifice breathing out fragrance as He offered it to God. (Ephesians 5:2) Pagan priests, Old Testament priests, medicine men, all offered a sacrifice apart from themselves. But not Our Lord. He was Sacerdos-Victima. This being so, just as we miss much in the life of Christ by not showing that the shadow of the Cross cast itself even over the crib and the carpenter shop as well as over His public life, so we have a mutilated concept of our priesthood if we envisage it apart from making ourselves victims in the prolongation of His Incarnation. There is nothing else in this book but that idea. And if the reader would like to hear that chord struck a hundred times, he may now proceed.

Priests for the Third Millennium

Book Description

Archbishop Dolan clearly sets forth what it takes to be a Catholic priest in the Third Millennium. Whether he is stressing the necessity of regular Confession and the need to celebrate daily Mass and say the Liturgy of the Hours or discussing priestly celibacy in frank, realistic terms, he emphasizes true priest identity by presenting a life worth living, a life worth sharing, a life worth offering up to the Father through Christ and in the Holy Spirit. Pastoral, practical, and thoroughly Catholic, Priests for the Third Millennium will renew the joy of being Catholic in the heart of seminarians, priests, and the people they serve.

Holy Water

Book Description

Countless graces flow from the use of Holy Water when you understand its role in God’s plan of salvation, and how it brings new graces into your life. In clear, convincing language, Father Theiler lays out for Christians countless surprising, but long-forgotten truths about Holy Water, and explains the interior acts and dispositions that are necessary for this blessed gift of God to have the sanctifying effect our Lord intends for you. Read these pages attentively; consider them thoughtfully; incorporate their truths and suggestions into your daily spiritual life. In these pages, you’ll also learn: The time that God Himself commanded the use of Holy Water (Do you know where the Bible tells this story?)Why God chose water as the means to impart so many blessings – even before He created man and woman!What you should — and should not — expect from the graces conferred by Holy WaterDid you know that Holy Water helps not merely the souls, but even the bodies of the Faithful DepartedWhy, although it’s not necessary for salvation, Holy Water may be just what you need to be savedHoly Water actually does protect you against ills, physical and spiritual – but only if you use it properly. Do you know how?Making the Sign of the Cross with Holy Water: what it ought to bring to your mind.A simple way to use Holy Water to ease and deepen your prayers at MassYou know your children face many dangers. Here are ways Holy Water can protect themThe Rite of Sprinkling with Holy Water: what should you do if no drops of water reach you?Many prayers — short and long — to help you use Holy Water frequently and efficaciouslyEight practical ways you can use Holy Water for the well-being of yourself and your loved ones.

Can We Save the Catholic Church?

Book Description

The Catholic Church has been nearly destroyed by its resistance to change, censured for its abuses. Pope Francis has promised reform: radical theologian Hans Küng here presents what Catholics have long been yearning for: modern responses to the challenges of a modern world.

Church Fathers and Teachers

Book Description

After meditating on the Apostles and then on the Fathers of the early Church, as seen in his earlier works Jesus, the Apostles and the Early Church and Church Fathers, Pope Benedict XVI devoted his attention to the most influential Christian men from the fifth through the twelfth centuries. In his first book, Church Fathers, Benedict began with Clement of Rome and ended with Saint Augustine. In this volume, the Holy Father reflects on some of the greatest theologians of the Middle Ages: Benedict, Anselm, Bernard, and Gregory the Great, to name just a few. By exploring both the lives and the ideas of the great popes, abbots, scholars and missionaries who lived during the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of Christendom, Pope Benedict XVI highlights the key elements of Catholic dogma and practice that remain the foundation stones not only of the Roman Catholic Church but of Christian society itself. This book is a wonderful way to get to know these later Church Fathers and Teachers and the tremendous spiritually rich patrimony they have bequeathed to us. "Without this vital sap, man is exposed to the danger of succumbing to the ancient temptation of seeking to redeem himself by himself." -- Pope Benedict XVI


Book Description

Searching for answers in the midst of the sexual abuse crisis in the church, many blamed the clerical culture. But what exactly is this clerical culture? We may know it when we see it, but how can we 'whether clergy or laypeople 'go about dismantling it and putting in place a new, healthy culture? George Wilson has spent decades working with organizations to help them discover, and often recover, their foundational calling. He is also a Jesuit priest engaged in the lives of congregations. In Clericalism: The Death of Priesthood he brings together both capacities and gives his sense of the challenges facing the church. As members of the church, Wilson maintains, we are all responsible for creating a clerical culture. And we are also responsible for that culture's transformation. Clericalism aids this transformation by helping us examine some underlying attitudes that create and preserve destructive relationships between ordained and laity. After looking at the crisis and establishing where we are now, this book challenges us with concrete suggestions for changing behaviors. We are lay and ordained, but all baptized into the royal priesthood of 1 Peter 2:9, all called to spread the Gospel and do the work of God's love in the world. Ultimately, this is a hopeful book, looking for the restoration of a genuine priesthood, free of clericalism, in which we become truly united in Christ..