The Princess Club/Family Secrets/Mountain Madness

Book Description

Contains the books seven, eight, and nine in the juvenile series written by C. Archer, based off Catherine Marshall's character, Christy.

The Princess Club/Family Secrets/Mountain Madness

Book Description

The Princess Club: When Ruby Mae, Bessie, and Clara discover gold in Dead Man's Creek, they form an exclusive group, "The Princess Club." Christy watches in dismay as Cutter Gap is torn apart by greed and envy. Can she find a way to heal the bitter divisions caused by a handful of gold? Family Secrets: Bob Allen and many of the residents of Cutter Gap are upset that a black family has moved into the Cove. When hostile shooting and a series of threatening incidents befall the newly arrived family, the Washingtons, Christy steps in to help. But it's a clue in the Washington's family Bible that may hold the key to real peace and acceptance. Mountain Madness: When Christy travels alone to a nearby mountain, she vows to discover the truth behind the terrifying legend of a strange mountain creature. But what she finds seems worse than anything she could ever have imagined!

Christy Series: Mountain Madness

Book Description

Christy stared in horror at the hideous creature towering over her. "Please don't hurt me," she begged in a terrified whisper. When Christy travels alone to a nearby mountain, she vows to discover the truth behind the terrifying legend of a strange mountain creature. But what she finds at first seems worse than she ever imagined!

The Bridge to Cutter Gap

Book Description

The injured man lay limp and unconscious. A horrible feeling of guilt swept over Christy as she realized, "This happened because of me!" Christy Huddleston's dream was to teach the poor mountain children. But she never imagined that the treacherous journey from Asheville into the heart of the Smoky Mountains would bring danger into the lives of one mountain family. Join Christy as she crosses the bridge from the familiar world of city life to the strange, new world of Cutter Gap. ------------------------------------------ Based on Catherine Marshall's novel Christy—a New York Times bestseller—the Christy® of Cutter Gap series contains expanded adventures filled with romance, intrigue, and excitement.

Silent Superstitions

Book Description

The old woman glared at Christy with fury in her eyes, “You brought the curse with you, girl! . . . Flatlanders don’t belong around here.” Everybody in the Cove seems to believe their new school teacher, nineteen-year-old Christy Huddleston, is cursed. After all, who could explain Bob Allen's accident on his way to meet Christy? Or the lightning strike that sent a tree through the school window ... or the sinister raven soaring around Christy? Will fear and superstition triumph? Or will Christy win over the hearts of the mountain people? ----------------------------------------------------------- Based on Catherine Marshall's novel Christy—a New York Times bestseller—the Christy® of Cutter Gap series contains expanded adventures filled with romance, intrigue, and excitement.

The Angry Intruder

Book Description

She could just make out the glimmer of a knife, poised high over the open piano. "No!" she cried, and as the knife came down, she grabbed for the intruder’s arm with all her might. Headstrong and independent, Christy is determined to change the lives of the children in Cutter Gap. Apparently, Christy has angered someone enough to cause a string of mysterious pranks. Miss Alice warns Christy to be careful as the pranks become more threatening. What will Christy do when one of her own students turns against her? ----------------------------------------- Based on Catherine Marshall's novel Christy—a New York Times bestseller—the Christy® of Cutter Gap series contains expanded adventures filled with romance, intrigue, and excitement.

Midnight Rescue

Book Description

“Hey, boy—” she began, and then her heart turned cold as stone. Prince was gone! Even in the twilight gloom, she could tell that he was nowhere in the pasture. Young Ruby Mae Morrison and the mission's black stallion vanish in a furious storm and Christy is determined to find them. As Christy desperately searches for Ruby Mae in the cold, blinding rain, she runs headlong into three angry moonshiners bent on revenge against anyone who might try to stop their illegal activities. Can Christy survive this most terrifying test of her faith and courage? ----------------------------------------- Based on Catherine Marshall's novel Christy—a New York Times bestseller—the Christy® of Cutter Gap series contains expanded adventures filled with romance, intrigue, and excitement.

The Proposal

Book Description

Christy looked at David in surprise. Something in his expression sent a shiver of excitement mixed with uncertainty through her. Could it be...? Christy should be thrilled when David, the handsome minister, proposes marriage. So why do thoughts of Dr. Neil MacNeill keep popping into her head? Before she gives David her answer, Christy is blinded in a terrible riding accident and all her dreams are threatened. Will Christy be able to teach again? And what does this mean for David's proposal? ------------------- Based on Catherine Marshall's novel Christy—a New York Times bestseller—the Christy® of Cutter Gap series contains expanded adventures filled with romance, intrigue, and excitement.

Christy Series: Good-bye, Sweet Prince

Book Description

The whip cracked, and the stallion reared up in pain. "I don't care what it takes, " Christy cried in horror. "I've got to find a way to get Prince away from here!" Prince, the mission's stallion, has a cruel new owner. Christy and her students are heartsick. They desperately want to help Prince. But how? Is there a way their magnificent horse can be reclaimed?

Stage Fright/Goodbye, Sweet Prince/Brotherly Love

Book Description

Stage Fright: As Christy's students are preparing for a school play, she reveals her dream to act on stage. Little does she know that Dr. MacNeill's aunt is the artistic director of the Knoxville Theater. Before long, just as Christy is about to debut on stage, several mysterious incidents threaten both her dreams and her pride. Goodbye, Sweet Prince: The whip cracked and the stallion reared up in pain. Christy cried in horror, "I've got to find a way to get Prince away from here!" Prince, the mission's stallion, has a cruel new owner. Christy and her students are heartsick. They desperately want to help Prince. But how? Is there a way their magnificent horse can be reclaimed? Brotherly Love: George, Christy's younger brother, is charming and kind. But is he also a thief? Everyone is delighted when George visits Christy at the Cutter Gap Mission. But the delight ends when George reveals what he has been expelled from school for stealing. Can Christy summon the love and faith to help her brother do the right thing?