The Principle of Mutual Recognition in the Area of Freedom Security and Justice

Book Description

Mutual recognition in the EU is both a goal and a principle in of itself, constructed and operationalised through individual provisions. The principle of mutual recognition is regarded as fundamental in enabling cooperation between Member States both in civil and criminal matters. The principle of mutual recognition has long ago outgrown the Internal Market and seeped through into judicial matters between Member States in the AFSJ. The accompanying realisation that the EU is not just an economic area is therefore evident. Since the inception of the idea of a Europe free of classical border checks facilitating freedom of movement was manifested, the fear of circumventing the application of judicial decisions became evermore real. Therefore, monumental changes in the fields of international criminal and international private law were expected and implemented in the European union (EU), through the principle of mutual trust and mutual recognition. Subsequently, classical concepts of private international and international criminal law gave way to Europeanised concepts of exequatur, the public policy exception, the principle of reciprocity, the principle of double criminality and the principle of specialty to name a few. It should be noted that these rules had been reserved to be enacted by the Member States. However, by loosening those principles the guarantees and freedoms which they either explicitly or implicitly guard are in danger of being sidestepped in order to enable mutual recognition. Therefore, at the forefront of the debate of mutual recognition of judicial decisions is the question of protecting fundamental rights and legal principles enshrined both in European and domestic legislation of the Member States. The balancing act that the EU preforms has to be careful enough to facilitate mutual recognition while not jeopardizing mutual trust between Member States. Today both EU private international law and EU criminal law work on the basis of the provisions which facilitate mutual recognition and limit it within the AFSJ. Since the basic idea behind mutual recognition is the same, i.e. free movement of judicial decisions, both their manifestations and their limits should strive to respect the basic framework of the field of law form which they stand. While the principle of mutual recognition has been slowly and methodically evolving, there is a sense of urgency with the development of the principle of mutual recognition in criminal matters.

Fundamental Rights and Mutual Trust in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

Book Description

This book explores the relationship of mutual trust and fundamental rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) of the European Union and asks whether there is any role for proportionality. Mutual trust among Member States has long been presumed by the Court in a manner that mutual recognition was prioritised in regard to, but to the detriment of, the protection of fundamental rights. After thoroughly reviewing this relationship, this book offers a comprehensive framework of proportionality and explores its impact on the protection of fundamental rights in a mutual trust environment. It applies a theoretical and a normative framework of proportionality to two case studies (EU criminal and asylum law) by reference to several fundamental rights, enabling a carefully constructed analysis with useful parallels. The book argues that such analysis, based on proportionality, is not always desirable and helpful for the protection of fundamental rights in this area and thoroughly explores its impact on the protection of fundamental rights vis-à-vis mutual trust.

EU Criminal Law

Book Description

EU Criminal Law is perhaps the fastest-growing area of EU law. It is also one of the most contested fields of EU action, covering measures which have a significant impact on the protection of fundamental rights and the relationship between the individual and the State, while at the same time presenting a challenge to State sovereignty in the field and potentially reconfiguring significantly the relationship between Member States and the EU. The book will examine in detail the main aspects of EU criminal law, in the light of these constitutional challenges. These include: the history and institutions of EU criminal law (including the evolution of the third pillar and its relationship with EC law); harmonisation in criminal law and procedure (with emphasis on competence questions); mutual recognition in criminal matters (including the operation of the European Arrest Warrant) and accompanying measures; action by EU bodies facilitating police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters (such as Europol, Eurojust and OLAF); the collection and exchange of personal data, in particular via EU databases and co-operation between law enforcement authorities; and the external dimension of EU action in criminal matters, including EU-US counter-terrorism co-operation. The analysis is forward-looking, taking into account the potential impact of the Lisbon Treaty on EU criminal law.

The Nature of Mutual Recognition in European Law

Book Description

There is substantial disagreement in academic literature over how to address the tensions between the application of mutual recognition and the safeguarding of individual rights, particularly in the EU's criminal justice arena. This book investigates those tensions by re-examining the nature of mutual recognition in European law from an individual rights perspective. A key question is the role played by mutual recognition in the process of reconciling free movement and other interests. The book contains a comparative analysis of mutual recognition in the internal market and the 'area of freedom, security, and justice.' It assesses mutual recognition in the context of the aims of both areas, as well as the principles of European law and norms laid down in primary/secondary EU law. The analysis follows mutual recognition in the fields of product requirements, professional qualifications, and judicial decisions in criminal matters. The book concludes that the core function of mutual recognition has been obscured by assertions made by EU policy makers regarding its consequences, which fail to distinguish between policy objectives, integration methods, and legal obligations. This has also led to a debate among academics and an interpretation of mutual recognition by the Court of Justice which presents an unnecessary conflict between the application of mutual recognition and the safeguarding of individual rights. It is argued that, for mutual recognition to have a stable future in the EU criminal justice area, clarity regarding its aims is urgently required and individual rights need to be enhanced, both in judicial cooperation measures and through harmonization of suspects' rights in criminal proceedings. (Series: Ius Commune Europaeum - Vol. 138) [Subject: European Law, Human Rights Law, Criminal Justice]

The Principle of Mutual Recognition in EU Law

Book Description

Examining the principle of mutual recognition in the EU legal order this volume asks whether the principle as developed in the internal market, can and should be applied in judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the area of freedom, security, and justice.

Fundamental Rights in the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

Book Description

The development of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice has transformed the European Union and placed fundamental rights at the core of EU integration and its principles of mutual recognition and trust. The impact of the AFSJ in the development of an EU standard of fundamental rights, which has come to the fore since the Treaty of Lisbon, is a topic of great theoretical and practical importance. This is the first systematic academic study of the AFSJ and its implications from the point of view of fundamental rights. The contributions to this collection examine the normative and jurisprudential development of the AFSJ in order to assess its effects on the overall construction of the scope and standards of protection of EU fundamental rights in this particularly complex and sensitive field of integration. The expert contributors systematically map and critically assess this area of EU law, together with the relevant case-law.

The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice Ten Years on

Book Description

This book celebrates the tenth anniversary of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) by bringing together the views of key practitioners and policy-makers who have played an outstanding role in thinking about and shaping EU policies on freedom, security and justice. Ten years ago, the member states transferred competences to the EU for law and policy-making in the fields of immigration, asylum and border controls, and began the transfer process for criminal justice and policing. This decade of European cooperation on AFSJ policies has experienced very dynamic convergence, the enactment of a large body of European law and the setting-up of numerous EU agencies working in these domains. Such dynamism in policy-making has not been without challenges and vulnerabilities, however. As this collective volume shows, the main dilemmas that lie ahead relate to an effective (while more plural) institutional framework under the Treaty of Lisbon, stronger judicial scrutiny through a greater role for national courts and the Court of Justice in Luxembourg, better mechanisms for evaluating and monitoring the implementation of EU AFSJ law and a more solid fundamental rights strategy. The contributions in this volume address the progress achieved so far in these policy areas, identify the challenges for future European cooperation in the AFSJ and put forward possible paths for making more progress in the next generation of the EU's AFSJ. Book jacket.

The European Union as an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

Book Description

This book presents a collection of essays on key topics and new perspectives on the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) and has a Foreword by the President of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Prof. Dr. Koen Lenaerts. Europe’s area of freedom, security and justice is of increasing importance in contemporary EU law and legislation. It is worthy of special research attention because of its high-stakes content (particularly from an individual and a state perspective) and because its development to date has tangentially thrown up some of the most important and contentious constitutional questions in EU law. As the AFSJ becomes more and more intertwined with ‘mainstream’ EU law, this edited collection provides a timely analysis of the merger between the two. Showcasing a selection of work from key thinkers in this field, the book is organised around the major AFSJ themes of crime, security, border control, civil law cooperation and important ‘meta’ issues of governance and constitutional law. It also analyses the major constitutional and governance challenges such as variable geometry, institutional dynamics, and interface with rights around data protection/secrecy/spying. In the concluding section of the book the editors consider the extent to which the different facets of the AFSJ can be construed in a coherent and systematic manner within the EU legal system, as well as identifying potential future research agendas. The European Union as an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice will be of great interest to students and scholars of European law and politics.

The Principle of Mutual Trust in EU Criminal Law

Book Description

This book develops a conceptual framework of the principle of mutual trust in EU criminal law. Mutual trust is a household term in the EU criminal law vocabulary and is widely regarded to be a prerequisite for a successful application of mutual recognition. But despite its importance, the parameters of the concept are not clear. The book demonstrates that mutual trust is multi-faceted: combining the elements essential to a successful EU criminal law, as part of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. The book approaches trust from multiple angles. First, a study of social science literature. Second, a meticulous assessment of mutual trust in EU criminal law. Third, a study of trust in US interstate criminal justice cooperation. Finally, the book identifies a comprehensive approach to tackle trust related difficulties in EU criminal law. This timely book will be of great interest to anyone looking to gain a full picture of this core principle in EU criminal law.

Handbook of European Criminal Procedure

Book Description

This volume analyses criminal procedural issues from a European perspective, particularly in connection with EU law and ECHR law. As such, it differs from previous works, which, on the one hand, generally focus only on EU law, and, on the other, address both procedural and substantial aspects, as a result of which the former receive inadequate attention. Indeed, criminal procedural matters in the European context have now reached a level of complexity, but also of maturity, that shows the features of a great design, which, even if not yet defined in all its aspects, appears sufficiently articulated to deserve to be explained in a systematic way. The book offers a guidance for practitioners, academics and students alike. It covers a broad range of topics: from the complex system of the sources of law to the multilevel protection of fundamental rights; from vertical and horizontal judicial and police cooperation to the instruments of mutual recognition, primarily the European Arrest Warrant; but also the European Investigation Order, the execution of confiscation orders, the ne bis in idem principle, the conflicts of jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgements. The book also reflects the latest regulation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.