The Problem with the Lieutenant Governor

Book Description

The separation of powers doctrine was designed to prevent one individual from both creating and executing the law. Currently, forty-three states utilize a lieutenant governor position within their executive branch of government. The primary purpose of the lieutenant governor is to ensure the continuity of the executive branch. However, some lieutenant governors simultaneously exercise legislative power as the president of the senate or members of senate committees. Little scholarly work and few state supreme courts have specifically addressed this issue. This Comment surveys the office of the lieutenant governor among the states within both the executive and the legislative branches. Instead of applying an unwieldy “one-size-fits-all” separation of powers test to each of the fifty states opposed to each state's needs, constitution, and case law, this Comment proposes three possible solutions for a state to remedy a separation of powers violation: 1) amend the state constitution, 2) strike down the statute as unconstitutional, or 3) remove the separation of powers clause from the state constitution.

GOP 2.0

Book Description

GOP 2.0 is both a book and a movement that unites people around a common view of civility and freedom. GOP 2.0 puts policy over politics. It aspires to make Americans great. It’s about Geoff Duncan’s “P.E.T. Project,” reviving the party with conservative Policies, genuine Empathy, and a respectful Tone. “I’m not the only conservative in America who wakes up wishing the past months were just a bad dream. I’m not the lone Republican who feels in my gut that our party is following the wrong path. And I’m not alone in believing there’s a better way forward.” As Lt. Governor of the State of Georgia, Geoff Duncan never expected to find himself in the national spotlight – or in the crosshairs of the President of the United States. Then the 2020 Election and its aftermath brought the nation’s attention to Georgia. Amidst a hurricane of conspiracy and misinformation, Duncan spoke up for truth, conservative values, and the Republican Party he knows. Duncan had a front row seat as Georgia endured a long nightmare of fraud allegations, Presidential coercion, a dual runoff that flipped the U.S. Senate, and election reform that sparked national protests. He called for reason and principle even as Donald Trump viciously attacked him. He fought for “the silenced majority,” current or former Republicans who yearn for a party that can reclaim lost ground and leave behind the politics of dishonesty, disorder, and division. GOP 2.0 is Geoff Duncan’s vision, forged by his unexpected struggle for the party’s future. In his words, “GOP 2.0 is not a new party – it’s a better direction for our Republican Party.” In this refreshing and reinvigorating new book, a leader who has been through the fire lays out a better way forward, one that lifts up reasoned ideas, expands the party, and positions the GOP to win back the White House in 2024.

The Lieutenant-governor

Book Description

The offices of the Governor and the Lieutenant-Governor adjoined. Each had its ante-room, in which a private secretary wrote eternally at a roll-top desk, an excessively plain-featured stenographer rattled the keys of his typewriter, and a smug-faced page yawned over a newspaper, or scanned the cards of visitors with the air of an official censor. At intervals, an electric bell whirred once, twice, or three times; and, according to the signal, one of the trio disappeared into the presence of the august personage within.

The Three Governors Controversy

Book Description

The death of Georgia governor-elect Eugene Talmadge in late 1946 launched a constitutional crisis that ranks as one of the most unusual political events in U.S. history: the state had three active governors at once, each claiming that he was the true elected official. This is the first full-length examination of that episode, which wasn't just a crazy quirk of Georgia politics (though it was that) but the decisive battle in a struggle between the state's progressive and rustic forces that had continued since the onset of the Great Depression. In 1946, rural forces aided by the county unit system, Jim Crow intimidation of black voters, and the Talmadge machine's "loyal 100,000" voters united to claim the governorship. In the aftermath, progressive political forces in Georgia would shrink into obscurity for the better part of a generation. In this volume is the story of how the political, governmental, and Jim Crow social institutions not only defeated Georgia's progressive forces but forestalled their effectiveness for a decade and a half.

Oregon Blue Book

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Failing America's Faithful

Book Description

Blending inspirational memoir with a religious and political rebuke of American Christianity, the oldest daughter of Senator Robert F. Kennedy delivers a rousing call to arms for spiritual renewal.

The Book of the States

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