The Promise of God as Above in Heavens so Below on Earth

Book Description

We are earthen vessels for the Creator God. His light shines on us with the seven candlesticks of the menorah from above with star lights keeping the cross of Christ in our hearts so that what is as above is also with us below. God wants us to live life in peace and to depart in fullest capacity, rejecting evil. He may appear slow in anger, but He is rich in blessings and forgiveness. We exist in creation with our souls and spirits wearing organic and inorganic matter. We are most virtuous and worthy. We live in matter but apart from matter with a yearning to know the Creator who does not dwell in matter. With our devoted practices in religions, we try to come close to adorn Him, and with our rigor in science, we try to discover Him. His presence cannot be found upon by us from the lower three dimensions where we live on earth. Our searching methodologies and equations have no meaning unless they express the thoughts of Almighty God who dwells in the higher, nonmaterial, seven dimensions above, residing below on earth. A designed, predetermined time on earth is approaching steadily. We will be transformed, and we shall proclaim, "As below on earth so above in the heavens, and as above in the heavens so below on earth. All are one, unified together, integrated under the divine will of God as ONE." His mysterious, three-dimensional universe is beyond extraordinary. It is full of natural lights coming from His stars, the seven bright stars of His constellations. The supernatural lights of the higher seven dimensions are behind them to maintain their existence. Together they make the "tree of divine dimensions." They all will manifest in the Millennium Age to deliver the new heavens with the new earth to initiate the New World for humanity. The heavens and earth will be one under the Creator of all, God in His holy triduum.

Life Promises for Eternity

Book Description

Inspired by the best-selling book Heaven, Life Promises for Eternity provides readers with more than 100 brief, inspirational readings on the topic of Heaven and the New Earth. Each reading is coupled with a trio of complementary Bible verses designed to further illuminate what the Bible has to say about the extraordinary place we will someday call home. A beautifully designed two-color, padded gift book, Life Promises for Eternity is an ideal gift for anyone who has ever wondered, What will Heaven really be like?

What Does God Really Promise?

Book Description

God makes hundreds of promises to his children. Promises of protection, forgiveness, hope, eternal life . . . Cheerful artwork with a modern whimsical style wraps around honest, easy-to-understand answers to your toughest questions about church, eternal life and the future, and what God really promises to his people. What Does God Really Promise? will inspire and offer comfort as you grow closer to God and gain a better understanding of who he is, why church is important, and what the future holds for those who believe. Also serves as a heartfelt gift of love and promise to those who are considering faith or are new believers.

Applying Heaven's Promises to Earth's Problems

Book Description

Applying Heaven's Promises to Earth's Problems is filled with over two hundred scriptural promises prescribed for the believer to use in battle against the enemy. These promises identify with common issues we face and are so designed to ensure accuracy of the promise-problem application. A patient with a physical concern who visits his doctor will never be told just to go to the pharmacy and pick up something from the shelf and take it. Instead, he is given a prescription with the specific medication (s) listed that he needs to buy that will correct the problem. The same principle applies to our spiritual problems. We must locate specific promises in God's word that matches our problems and claim them in Jesus Name. God's promise to us is His covenant.

Take the Land

Book Description

It's Time to Claim Those Promises of God and Prophecies Over Your Life! Jesus came so that we can live life in abundance, but many feel stuck, waiting for that abundant life to manifest. Instead of merely waiting for the promise, what if the Lord is calling you to step out in boldness and claim it? This is the season to claim your promised land! As the Lord spoke to Joshua and the Israelites about occupying the Promised Land in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is releasing supernatural strategies for you today for attaining your promise from God. Bestselling author and seer prophet Ana Werner shares her personal journey of contending for her promise from God. She releases a cutting-edge prophetic word that will launch you into your time of fulfillment and destiny! Discover how to: Dream again after suffering disappointment. Pick yourself off the floor of defeat and discouragement and stand in faith. Expose the enemy's schemes to confuse and delay your breakthrough. Overthrow the giants in your life that prevent you from claiming your inheritance. Gain practical wisdom to steward your prophetic word. Operate from the seat of authority and function in your governmental role in the Spirit realm. Stop dreaming about your promise! It's time to step into the promised land and take what the Lord has given you!

Above and Beyond

Book Description

We are all on a journey. The choice of destination is ours to make. God has not concealed the outcome of our decision. The price of the passage ticket back to God has been paid. The instructions have been given. The day of departure is unknown and the schedule could be amended at any time, but the reservations are secure. The destination for the elect is home-the Promise Land. God will soon call His people to the heavenly city-the dwelling place of God. Life here on earth is a spiritual pilgrimage preparing for what lies beyond - a whole world waiting to be explored with the Creator of the universe. Though the path is invisible to the eye, the way is strongly marked for those who trust the Lord. These Bible-based glimpses into the future can help one make an informed decision. The fulfillment of God's promise is in the near future. Will you be ready at the time of departure?

Adoramus Divinus Deus

Book Description

This is the fourth book in a series by the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. This scribe is privileged to continue carrying out the duties of His work as it appears. Thank you, Lord! The main goal of these books is to establish and increase the “connective awareness” of humanity between science and religion in the world and invite the two to work together to unfold the mysteries of God and His creation so that in the final analysis, both will be able to help all of God’s creation, especially the human race who lives in the middle of cosmic struggles between good and evil in these confusing times. Today we are dominated by science and its innovations. But has science released humanity from the fundamental inclinations of religion, or rather has religion and religious influences predetermined the motivations of science? Do mathematical laws of science religiously underlie the explanation of the phenomenon that is observable fact or event? What is the purpose of religion? Is it only to teach the knowledge of God, but not science? It may be that experimental, scientific, religious philosophy could make us better-informed scientists and Christians. The seventeenth-century Roman Catholic scientist and professor Fr. Galileo Galilei pointed out that the purpose of religion is to teach the knowledge of God. What did we accomplish with the separate teachings of religion and the study of science throughout the ages? Did they help each other during the last seven thousand years? Today, is there unity or an entanglement between them? Is God the source of all scientific and religious order in the world? Can science answer the questions of religion, or rather, can religion attempt to answer scientific questions? Do the Holy Scriptures and scientific inquiries provide all the answers to our questions? Is there a relationship between religion and science? Do religion and science complement each other, and if not, why is that? The questions listed above are only some of them. No answers are yet being provided. What about the involvement of mind work to explain the relationship between faith and reason? Humanity likes to see science and religion united and working together to provide credible answers. After all, in the beginning, they were for the works of God on this earth and in the universe. The astonishing days of the Creator are approaching steadily, slowly, day by day. We long for answers with our conscious hearts so that we can gain presence with the Divine Light. It is presentation time! The nineteenth-century Scottish Catholic scientist, the great physicist since Isaac Newton, a professor at the University of Cambridge, James Clark Maxwell, who wrote his first scientific paper at the age of fourteen and died at the early age of forty-eight, declared scientifically that the universe is continuously surged with electromagnetic waves. Their speed of travel is the same as the speed of light. His proven theoretical equations were revealed for the first time in the world and showed that electricity-magnetism-light is one and the same manifestation in the material universe. Upon his death, he was not buried in Westminster Abbey like Isaac Newton was, but he had not minded it at all, not even a bit! He said, “The works of the Lord are great! Sort out all of them that have pleasure therein.” Happy is the man who sees that science and religion are one and the same. According to the great scientist Max Planck, a man who does serious scientific work, knows that “over the doors of the Temple of Science you must have faith!” Creator God is the source of all order in the universe. He is exact; look around and see. There is a field in and around the universe surrounding His creation. It is the heartfelt wish of this scribe that humanity shall see it one day and then never lose the investigative desires of their hearts and minds. “Faith” and “reason” of religion and science are one and the same in the eyes of God. They come from the same creative force of His. One day in the near future, they will be united and presented on earth as one. That is the way it is above, and so it will be the fact on earth below. This is the Divine Plan of the Divine Lawgiver, the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient God Almighty!

From the Lavender Gardens

Book Description

Much, much before the time of Adam and Eve, in the beginning of the beginnings, once upon a time, there was a First Earth Age. God created the heavens, the earth (the first earth), and the light of the sun. He continued with His creative work and saw that all was good. Then God decided to create mankind in His image, male and female. God blessed them and instructed them to be fertile and multiply to fill the earth. God looked at everything He had made and found them so good. That was the sixth day, and the creation work of God was completed. God declared the seventh day as a holy day for His creation to repose and celebrate His work. All that happened during the First Earth Age.Then a spiritual war broke out in the heavens between God, the Creator of the heavens and earth, and His creation satan. This was war! In the end, satan lost the war against God. Almighty God recreated the earth and the stars around it. This was the start of the Second Earth Age. Adam and Eve were created by God at the beginning of the Second Earth Age. First, they were with God in Eden (a part of the fourth Dimension). God informed them that they were not to associate with satan. Against God's orders, they were involved with satan. God does not accept disobedience lightly; they lost their privileges with God. Adam and Eve, together with satan, were directed by God to leave the heavens (Eden) and told to establish their own lives on earth and survive together with satan in the days to come.We are the offspring of that time, and since then, we've been struggling on earth with the evil attacks of satan as a result of our own disobedience, which started with Adam and Eve. Our struggles on this second earth shall continue until the second coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the end-time.Our lives on this second earth during this Second Earth Age have been difficult, as predicted by God. The challenges of life on earth start from the time of birth on earth. We are persevering with the attacks of evil forces. Despite everything that can go wrong, we are trying to make our lives pleasant. Sometimes we offer to one another a lavender flower to heal and as a symbol of loving togetherness. Offering a lavender flower can heal our souls and is a gesture of goodwill. The beautiful aroma of the lavender flower brings back the lost days on earth when fighting with evil.Ultimately and unfortunately, we will lose this beautiful second earth to the Apocalypse--the Armageddon of the end-time. Humanity shall experience the Rapture and the different stages of the Apocalypse (from its beginning until its end), followed by the Millennium Age of our Lord, Jesus Christ, on earth. The Millennium Age of one thousand years shall be followed by God's eternal age. God Almighty shall come down to earth from the heavens. The earth will be renewed to be a new earth. And when He comes down, He will see you, and you will see Him.It is God's message that all of His believers who live an obedient life shall be saved and rewarded by God at the end. That may include you and me! The Millennium Age of our Lord, Christ, will lead us to God's eternal age. A new heaven and a new earth will be delivered to humanity. The heavens and the new earth will be connected as one, and God will come down from the heavens regularly to see His creation. And His creation will see their Creator, God, many, many more times during the eternal age. All blessings and praises are for God Almighty and His Holy Trinity! Amen!

Blessings and Promises

Book Description

Yield to Christ Jesus every day. It is not us, but in ChrPraise God for his amazing Love and Grace as he took me a person born into a world of sin, and in his love and grace forgave me and provided a way in which if I accepted his gift then I as a Christian born again in Christ Jesus and sealed with his Holy Spirit can return home to him through Christ Jesus his Son my Lord and saviour.And here is the amazing thing, he did not stop with just me, no! He, God has also forgiven every one of you if you would only but receive in faith his gift of salvation.In this book, we are to explore the wondrous grace, mercy, and love of Father God and of some of the blessings and promises he has given us as heirs to the kingdom of heaven through Christ Jesus.As with all authors writing on such subjects, it is important to check their reference material, therefore I have supplied as many scriptural verses from our Bible the Living Word of God as guided by the Spirit of TRUTH.I know in my youth I never had access to such understanding of scriptures, and nor did I have a book like this to guide me, had I, then I am certain I could have avoided so many mistakes in my life.Christ Jesus is alive and within us, and as we walk in his grace we are no longer subject to the law which leads to sin and death, as humanity failed to keep those laws. Christ paid the atoning sacrifice with his blood on the cross of a tree and there our sins died with him.Only it never stopped there. No! Praise God, Christ is ALIVE, risen and now glorified by God and sitting at his right hand also God made him above all names.Look at Philippians 2: 9-11 (NIV)(Therefore, God exalted him to the highest placeand gave him the name that is above every name,that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,in heaven and on earth and under the earth,and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,to the glory of God, the Father).So, what does it mean to live in Grace? Let us take a journey of learning and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, as sadly there is a moving of Satan into convincing many, and who are starting to believe that in grace they no longer need to change. And they firmly believe it is acceptable to carry on living a life of sin, as God in his love constantly through the blood of Christ will in his mercy forgive them. Honestly is that what Christ Jesus taught us?So, let the journey begin.Romans 8:8-17 (NIV)(Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation--but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him, we cry, "Abba, Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.)We are free of the Law and sin & Death and by GRACE in Gods infinite mercy are covered by the blood of Christ in the atoning sacrifice leaving our old nature of sin and death at the cross.

The Emerald Tablet

Book Description

The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table, or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. The original source of the Emerald Tablet is unknown. Hermes Trismegistus is the author named in the text.The layers of meaning in the Emerald Tablet have been associated with the creation of the philosopher's stone, laboratory experimentation, phase transition, the alchemical magnum opus, the ancient, classical, element system, and the correspondence between macrocosm and microcosm.